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Topics - Lt_Anders

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WSE2 Beta / Low FPS, and other problems.
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:44:50 pm »
I played about 3 days ago and had FINE FPS. Now I have shit fps(100-120 down to 40). Graphics are the same between normal and WSE.
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cRPG Technical problems / MOTF Banners all fucked up
« on: December 03, 2012, 04:41:23 am »
I'll get a SS if I can, but the banners have no color and instead of flag, it's the stick that goes up(.... are you telling us something?)

Diplomacy / The Holiday Armistice (Please Read and Sign!)
« on: December 02, 2012, 10:39:53 pm »
What the point of this post is is that all strat factions that sign this pledge to not conduct attacks, or otherwise hostile maneuvers between December 23 through December 26 (0:00-0:00 GMT) for EU and 12/23 -12/26 (1 AM EST- 1AM EST) For NA.

Sign this if you wish to support the cause of a Free Holiday for all players.

So, as I'm starting It. I and my faction agree to this.

General Discussion / Connecting to forums from stats site broken?
« on: November 29, 2012, 08:33:32 pm »
Anytime I try and connect via the Stats site( button, it conks out and white screens. I can connect if I directly connect to forum, though and bypass the other way.

Perhaps a link is broken?

Diplomacy / The DL/CHaos flag cap.
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:45:41 am »!?page=battledetail&id=1596

Me and a Xol just won that.

Thanks for the battle. Better pay me and Xol awesomly!

Beginner's Help and Guides / What's a good (Multiple Items)?
« on: November 22, 2012, 02:28:24 am »
So, I'm going 1h/pole/riding and I'd like to know what a good Shield, 1h and(hoplite) polearm are.

In addition, what's better: 21/15 or 18/18 at level 31?

Diplomacy / A declaration of war?
« on: November 20, 2012, 04:19:58 pm »!?page=battleroster&id=1509

Considering that we had trade agreements with remnant over the city of mechin, and as mechin was just transferred to FCC this constitutes a hostile action on dharan policy. WE BOUGHT GOODS BEFORE TRANSFER AND WERE ATTACKED!

If some member from FCC (with authority) could contact me I would be appreciative, otherwise I'll have to march against FCC for this transgression on an already guaranteed trade route, by all factions at the time it was done.(The remnants as owners of Mechin, and the owner of Ismarala.)

The trade deals:
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« on: November 17, 2012, 02:50:32 am »

Prepare. The Twinkies will be no more!(along with 18.5k jobs and lots of other things)

Diplomacy / Dharan Reinforcement Contract.
« on: November 14, 2012, 10:16:01 pm »
As I'm only providing the troops/gear, this is an open/closed deal. I control nothing on hiring and nothing on battle command.

Deal Is public only cause it's a REINFORCEMENT army. (and it gives the attacker 30 minutes from this post to get SOMETHING done.)

KUTT hired me for the following: I get all("a Chunk") loot from win and if loot doesn't exceed 60k strat gold, goods to make up for it. KUTT doesn't want to get TPed to a 5 day EU vacation, so I'm being hired to reinforce 1 specific army.

If kutt fails, well...I didn't account for this. If it happens, sucks to be me, but I hope KUTT pays me for the failure.

Strategus General Discussion / How to make gold lootable?
« on: November 14, 2012, 04:05:15 pm »
So many people wish to make gold lootable. If you have an idea post it here.

Why not do something like this. Implement a second currency: grain.
Grain would have exactly 1:1 with gold(so 1 grain is 1 gold) and it's only purpose would be to pay for army upkeep while gold would be for gear only. It would NOT cause someone to have crates. This way, if someone has a lot of grain when you attack him, you can loot ALL of it and turn it into gold(or leave it as is for your own armies).

Allow the conversion from gold to grain in fiefs only. A way to loot gold without screwing everyone over. You only loot what the person has made lootable.(and for large armies this could be 2-5k depending) while small armies would be less. Of course it's not as good as just a 5% loot of gold but this way it adds a dynamic into the gold system.

That's my idea, what idea's do you have?

General Discussion / Campaign to Revoke Hellowrold Admin rights
« on: November 09, 2012, 02:13:54 am »
I happened to see this link and thought, oh that last name sounds familiar.
added scilla, jeade, mrshine, hellowrold
And then I found THIS!
I quote:
One of the hackers was LLJK_hellowrold, he also released a video of his victims.

If this is the same person, why the HELL is he an admin. Period. Even if he is NOT the same person, he should choose a more reasonable name than a previously banned hacker who ruined several peoples accounts(even though restored at a later date).

Mercenary Recruitment / Battle of New Dirigh Aban
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:38:40 am »
As you walk by the town center, a striking message catches your attention.

Dear Mercenary,

Lord Anders, Host of the Dharan Mercenary armies requests your presence at his battle. All mercenaries will be paid an attendance fee that is to be determined, in strat gold.

In addition, Lord Anders has issued a duel challenge to the lord of the Steppe Host for perceived injustices in mercenary payment.

For the Glory of the Great XP.

Diplomacy / A Challenge is Issued.
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:27:43 am »
The lord of the Dharan Mercenary armies, out of respect of mutual workings, challenges High King Peppovitch to a single Duel at the Battle of Dirigh Aban over injustices of Hospitaller not paying their mercenaries.

This duel will take place before the real battle. I have graciously provided 1 suit of Red Brigadine, Mail Chauses, Iron Hat, and Heavy Bastard sword. I also provided the 1 troop necessary for this duel. If Peppovitch cannot make this battle, he is to appoint a champion to fight in his name!

If I win, Hosp will pay me the 300g that I am owed, If I lose, I pay 300g to Hosp for repatriations of this challenge.

Lord Anders, Dharan Mercenary.

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Diplomacy / Dharan Mercenary Contract
« on: November 02, 2012, 01:43:14 am »
The Contract: From the Dharan Diplomacy Thread.
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In accordance with the above stated contract, the Dharan Armies, under the command of DL Anders, have been contracted by the Norse Horde. This contract, in no way conflicts with the interests of the Dharan faction or any of its traders. This army is, until contract completed, is under orders not in accordance with normal Dharan Policy.

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