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Topics - ArysOakheart

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LLJK crashed upon the mighty rocks of Fisdnar. Their moral is damaged. The true fear they have for we peasants is shown by the amount of troops they are attacking with this time around.

1000 vs 305

We need all the support we can gather. The battle is at 8:06 PM PST

Closed Requests / Warning/Ban request for GoD_Scrubby_Tier
« on: December 21, 2011, 03:13:00 pm »
One night I accidentally TK'd this guy Scrubby. He then got really upset and started following me around and teamwounding me regularly (days now). I've asked admins to tell him to stop teamwounding me(GranPappy). He seems to have some strange fixation on me and continually harasses me in chat (thank god for mute) and follows me around. Unfortunately I do not always have Fraps open, and I do not have a quick to reach screenshot button. The few following videos should prove my point well enough, but this is constant. He usually does it right as we spawn, or just runs circles around me while i'm trying to do something.

Video one, the first offense I actually caught:

These next two videos are of him just harassing me, perhaps over time i'll gather more, but this is all I have for now, and i'm tired of just warning him about all of this.

If admins could inform him on the rules of revenge teamwounding/teamkilling (i've tried explaining it to him but he doesn't care) and warn him that if he continues this behavior he will be dealt with I would be greatly appreciative. Though sadly from the way he acts this post may only provoke him further.

cRPG Technical problems / Receiving less xp then gen 0 per tick.
« on: December 19, 2011, 05:00:15 am »
i just turned lvl 28 and now I am receiving less xp per tick then if I were gen 0, and i'm gen 4.

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Strategus General Discussion / Fisdnar
« on: December 19, 2011, 04:23:23 am »
The love for true freedom and peasantry won this day against the tyrannical USA/LLJK empire. We the Free Peasants of Fisdnar wish to thank all supporters of freedom, love, and sovereignty. Without your support we surely would not have won.

So now I ask, who next wishes for their army to crash upon the rocks of Fisdnar and be swept away?

LLJK wishes to take Fisdnar, as do other clans, but we shant let them! Help us defend our homelands until we can take it for our selves! The battle is at 6:49 PST.

They can take our lives, but they'll never take... our FISDNAR!

Strategus Issues / Missing ONE Betsy from a battle
« on: December 16, 2011, 06:19:24 am »
Good sirs, I recently participated in a battle...

ArysOakheart vs Fallen_Wayyyyyne

In this battle, no Fallen showed up, but expecting them too, I rode a Sumpter horse to lead our troops to victory. Now, I care not for the other gear, but Betsies do cost me over 100g to craft each.

I started this battle with 10 cloned sumpter horses, and the battle ended (with no casualties on my side) with 9 sumpter horses.
Now...I was led to believe that if you were riding, or equipped an item at the end of the battle, you would keep that item. I find this most discouraging, and thank goodness no one else was riding Betsy, for I may have lost more then one. For we Free Peasants of Fisdnar, 100 strat gold is quite a bit, perhaps to large-carebear-crafting-allying-with-everybody-clans, it may not be.

All I ask is that this matter be looked into. Thank you, and I hope none of your clans sacred horses are lost through the void.

Mercenary Recruitment / Help needed for the Free Peasants of Fisdnar!
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:56:31 pm »
The dastardly ATS bandits have decided to attack the Free Peasants. I will be unable to attend this battle, but if you wish to protect the Fisdnarian peasants, please sign up and I shall accept ye. Thank you.

cRPG Technical problems / Game Crashes during map changes after .252
« on: December 01, 2011, 02:21:51 am »
Game worked fine during .251, installed .252, now the game crashes during map changes. The screen just goes all black, I then minimize the game, and get a windows error. I have run the repair tool twice so far, to no avail.

Buy / WTB herloom points
« on: November 30, 2011, 10:52:05 pm »
WTB +1 Sumpter horse, or +1 Pitch Fork for 450k each, price negotiable.

Diplomacy / HATES Aggression upon the Free Peasnts of Fisdnar
« on: November 20, 2011, 11:10:03 am »
Since HATE were our neighbors, we supported them in their endeavors. But no more. They wish to claim our sacred horse a whore, call her names, and post pictures of her upsidedown. Normally, since we are a conglomerate of peasants, and peaceful,  I would leave this up to vote, but I use my Executive powers to render the hate I cast upon thee HATE. You all are a bunch of back stabbing sons of bitches. After all the trade, and goods passed between us, you wish to betray us in this disgusting, untimely fashion? So be it. I declare war upon thee. If ye wish to attack Fisdnar go right ahead. Until then, be wary of Peasant intrusions upon your land. If outside factions wish to add our strength to their own, or wish to attest to our claims, I wish you to do so. Forthwith and without right they have treated us peasants like shit, as if we were nothing, even though we supported their troops closely, and afar. I wish it didn't come to such measures, but your actions and your words prove otherwise. So be it. I wish you farewell and hope you an untimely demise.

I am now being held hostage by HATE. My goods and items hang in the balance. I have no choice but to merc for them, unless I wish to lose all our peasants hard work toiling under the sun. I hope you all understand, since none of you are willing to help us.

Faction Halls / The Free Peasants of Fisdnar (NA Faction - No Tag)
« on: November 20, 2011, 03:29:01 am »
Free Peasants of Fisdnar

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Our banner is a glorious Northern Perch, held high by the glorious hand of The Peasant, with a peasant tattooed on The Peasants arm.

The Peasants

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In order of appearance -
Elder Peasant: El_Yanqui
Elder Peasant: Knute
Elder Peasant: ArysOakheart
Elder Peasant: Bruvantas
Elder Peasant: Dorlando
Elder Resurrected Peasant: Frank The Tank

Free Peasants Information
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(click to show/hide)

All well made images are done by Knute, Elder Peasant Painter.

Closed Requests / Multiple Ban Requests
« on: November 16, 2011, 04:19:49 am »
Sheriff Oakheart here. After witnessing many a teamwound, and thinking that screenshots don't always do justice I obtained Fraps. For the last week and a half I have tried to catch some of these teamwounders in action. I came to an unsettling observation though, and that is that kicking/punching was all too common. So I have left out those videos. If the rules were applied, they are still teamwounding and should punished. But there would be countless people banned, and we all know with Skyrim and BF3 out, we are already losing too many players. So the following videos are for more serious teamwounding, so I wish for admins to review them and  decide the proper course of action.

The first three videos are of some Koolestkorean. He is been in siege often lately, and usually when there are no admins around. The first video should be enough evidence, but you will see just how often he was doing this.

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 3:

This next video is of ShieldBaller. Plain and simple.


Lastly. This video I had forgotten I had. It is evidence of Mel Gibson and his buddy Walrus intentionally running into people on their mounts.


Forgive me for the low quality. If you admins do wish, I shall continue to take videos of these offenders. I also do wonder, what is the policy exactly on repeat kickers/punchers? Usually they do no damage, but sometimes they do, and it is rather annoying at times. Thank you for your time.

Strategus General Discussion / The Peasant Uprising in Fisdnar
« on: November 13, 2011, 02:01:11 pm »
I wish to declare this evening, the peasant uprising in Fisdnar.

Many a peasant I have talked to, also wish that Fisdnar be the place of peace and peasantry and good folk meeting point. We are a peaceful group, us peasants, who only wish the betterment of our own. Tonight is our night. We declare Peasant independence from the tyranny and diabolical treachery that takes place every night and every day of Strategus. Your battles, your hate, all should be removed from this land. We do not condone such spiteful hatred. For this is the land of our forefathers, and we wish to claim it as our own. We shall craft, we shall love, and we shall love.

For those who wish to oppose us. Well, I hath but one saying for thee. Nay.

Nay Nay Nay Nay. Us Peasants shall craft for those who wish to support us. Though for those who wish to oppose us, so be it. This is the time of knowing, and knowing ye shall know. It has been declared, many a peasant shall declare it as well, but they fear the retribution. I say, no longer shall we fear these overseers, no longer shall we hide in the shadows. Tonight is our night. Let us bask in the QQ tears of others. Let us bask in the fear of the elite. Tonight, my fellow peasants, is our night.

Everyone who wishes to support our free choice in crafting goods, head to Fisdnar. There we shall make our stand. There we shall make many Northern Perches.

General Discussion / CRPG - Something Role Playing Game
« on: November 04, 2011, 11:08:32 am »
Winter is coming. My family needs all of the resources available, given to us by our own fair, just, overlords. Recently while farming and gathering crops from the enemies villages, it seems that others are angry at me. Could it be they have not had the forethought to store for the upcoming winter? Perhaps. I think it is deeper then that. They are angry the Lords have not sent out a decree to ban all Archers, Horses, and Ladders alike. So when the time comes and they see a lowly farmer tending to his families needs, they see an easy target. "BAN HE!" they proclaim. I though, have found it in my heart to forgive you all. For I know it is only the fear of the economy, and if you are brought to my lowly farmer status, I am a much better farmer then you will ever be. My newborn son Bartholomew has taught me to read, and I spoke with the local magistrate and found a copy of the laws in these lands.

No leeching
OK: Being a bad player and getting no kills
NOT OK: Standing around away from keyboard. If you're away, switch to spectator mode
NOT OK: Running around naked without weapon. Not contributing is leeching, naked runners don't contribute.
NOT OK: Autorunning your char to enemy to die

I had to think outside of the box for this one. Perhaps you would consider me to not be contributing. Well, if you only knew the moral loss enemy troops take when finding out their food stuffs have all been smashed and plundered, their wives ravaged and their children dashed apon the walls of their own homes.

Glitching is allowed, being an asshat isn't
OK: hiding (e.g. in the hay)

I may have been guilty of this once or thrice, but the hay I was attempting to hide in was no taller then my man breasts. Not only that, I have never, and will never, hide in the haystacks already in storage. For why would I do this? The job is already done. It is only the hay outside that needs be tended to.

No drawing/delaying the round on purpose (i.e. running away or camping unreachable places when you're one of the last people alive)

I stand here, steadfast, and proclaim that I do not run from my fields. I defend them with honour and vigilance. I also make sure my presence be known throughout the town, so that others may come to bolster the defense of the fields. I believe this is sole evidence that I am innocent of the rumors spreading of my "delaying". For I, a lowly peasant, have seen many an overlord run from battle and not a peep utters from the rabble.

These are a few things I wished to clear up, after my untimely removal I was unable to tend to the grapefields. Without the torches needed to keep them from the frost, they will surely die. And when your wine cup is empty, and cannot be refilled any longer, remember what you have done.

General Discussion / What is the cap limit for non admins on NA_CRPG_1?
« on: October 23, 2011, 02:45:31 am »
Right now there are 97/120 players and I keep getting the incorrect password. Are there really 25 slots dedicated for admins?

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