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Messages - Rokem

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Regarding Ladders
« on: January 18, 2011, 11:51:50 pm »
Bullshit. The server was full, and the 5 of us doing it included people from the other team who swung around the map to join us by our spawn. When you got vote banned it was because you were at negative 10 kills, which doesn't count all the ladderpulting deaths you caused, and included the "enemies" you were killing, which obviously raised your score.

The other fun part was when you started TKing me, when I had a positive K/D, just because I had the word "literally" in my name, and next called a kick vote against someone else in our clan who also wasn't involved in the ladder activity.

This is true. Half the people complaining about you weren't even associated with us.

General Discussion / Re: Regarding Ladders
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:06:07 pm »
We kick ladder builders out of our clan without remorse.


General Discussion / Re: Regarding Ladders
« on: January 18, 2011, 08:37:31 pm »
Haters gonna hate. As long as you're not intentionally delaying the round, there's nothing wrong with it imo.

General Discussion / Re: On The Grind
« on: January 10, 2011, 02:30:42 am »
Maybe they could make it so you can retire at 30 but you only get the heirloomed item if you retire at 31. Just throwing stuff out there.

Well you fail at wordplay... literally.

Literally the best.

General Discussion / Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:40:21 pm »
And we all know warband was the better game.

Doesn't fit the period, but I def wouldn't mind seeing that sword on the field.

wah wah wah

General Discussion / Re: Twohanded is so unrealistic
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:47:32 pm »
You CAN strike back, but only if you are on a similar agi and wpf basis. Even then, you have to estimate when their blow is gonna land on your shield, and let go exactly then, or you will be too slow. Good 2hers know this and hold their strikes a third of a second longer, or do a feint first, which gets most shielders (including me).

What some shielders don't understand, is that they can easily push through the first ranks without getting hit, then turn around and do some swings on the way back. This not only gets you a kill or two, but it also disrupts enemy formations, so that following teammates can get some blows in. The best formation out of a siege tower would be 3-4 shielders followed by 2h. Shielders push through enemy ranks without striking, 2h kills those who turn around. Then shielders turn around and kill those who are still facing the 2h.

An extremely effective strategy if you got the right people to do it.

General Discussion / Re: anyone else hates archery?
« on: January 08, 2011, 11:39:44 pm »
As a 2Hander, I think archers should get back pierce damage.

Is this trolling?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make people starting at level 20
« on: January 07, 2011, 03:30:31 pm »
Why don't you just go play native if you don't want to grind?

Now this is a upkeep system I could get behind. Unfortunately, it might be too resource heavy to implement effectively. If it was viable though I would really like to see this in place of the current system.

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