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Messages - Ronish

Pages: [1]
Mercenary Recruitment / Re: Help BC defend at 4 AM (Paying Mercs)
« on: August 07, 2014, 11:19:16 pm »
Cannot complain that much about the awful time. You can easily check another person's night time setting and know what you're getting into.

Your fuck is shit, dickass!

General Discussion / Re: The Final Solution to the Archer Issue
« on: April 25, 2011, 02:44:08 am »
Archers are fine. You just have to get a shield. The only non-archery points I have: 5 PS, 70 wpf in 2h, and I get most of my kills in melee.

Any shielder should be able close to melee against an archer. If you're getting pegged in the back, that's just bad positioning for you.

Heck, If I can run to an enemy archer, I'll just dodge his arrows and melee him instead of doing an archery war.

General Off Topic / Re: Nuclear Power Plants ... do we need them ?
« on: March 15, 2011, 08:16:35 pm »
Nuclear power is needed. It'd be great if we could all rely on solar/wind/etc. for our power, but our power needs are too high.

What happened in Japan is about the worst possible situation for the reactors. They were hit with the worst earthquake known to have hit Japan, they lost most of their equipment, and are without power in the facilities. Yet, no nuclear catastrophe. This with 40+ year-old reactors made from designs even older than that. Modern designs are even better (as far as building new plants).

The only nuclear reactor that had a meltdown was at Chernobyl and that was because the staff disengaged safety systems for a 'test' or because the reactor was designed poorly. There are reports to back up both views (probably caused by all the above though). 

General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:57:40 am »
Steam compatibility is a must. Also, you can turn off steam auto-updates, so future versions don't screw things up. I support this.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« on: January 30, 2011, 12:05:44 am »
The swing speed is a bit crazy. Been in fights where I cannot swing at all without my opponent hitting first (no what I block or kick).

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:38:47 pm »
NA_siege is the only server I've seen it on. Tends to lead to organized clan vs. mob of randoms fighting. No fun as a member of the random mob. Easy to get around by changing your banner to match the clan doing the winning too.

Not for or against it, but just pointing out a problem.

Suggestions Corner / Re: -50% Upkeep for One Slot?
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:32:18 pm »
I also think crpg is fine without this. Just that if it were implemented it should be for 1 weapon slot to deter everyone from using it for blackarmor or armored horse. Are they still more expensive then mid-lvl stuff with 50% off? Sure, but the general point behind upkeep was to stop people from tincanning around (or plated charger, etc.). People who use the expensive stuff now either have a ton of gold stockpiled or have to play most of the time in cheaper gear to save up gold for tincan funtime.

General Discussion / Re: catapults? healing tents?
« on: January 24, 2011, 10:16:35 am »
How are they built?

Suggestions Corner / Re: -50% Upkeep for One Slot?
« on: January 24, 2011, 12:25:11 am »
I'd say this might be a good idea for the first weapon slot. That way everybody gets 1 weapon of their choice.

Even the weakest horses give a nice advantage over people on foot if used correctly. Also with the way archery works now, it takes several arrows to drop light cav (barring headshots). If you're light cav and want to wear armor with a total purchase cost of 10k and up with all the weapons you want to have, well then, sorry. That is a bit much to ask for. If you want better horses, you'll have to sacrifice something. I can usually take a few hits in 4k worth of armor.

I'm about to retire and run melee with a cheap lance, cheap shield, Palfrey, my choice of polearm for melee and about 18k in armor. That'll be around 35k in gear to maintain. Based on the cost or my current setup (for upkeep) and how fast I'm earning gold, I can maintain this except when I lose way too much consecutively. When that happens, I'll have to drop something to lower upkeep. That is life in crpg.

I can appreciate your frustration. I'd just be worried about creating a situation where 1/4 or more of players are permanently on horseback. It's no fun having to try and dodge a horse every 5 seconds.

General Discussion / Re: Too many projectiles
« on: January 18, 2011, 11:07:59 pm »
To many projectiles?

Buy a damn shield that has coverage.

Getting flanked by archers?

Why in the hell did your team let that happen, you deserve to die! muahahahaha....

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archery Explained
« on: January 08, 2011, 08:51:06 am »
What is soft cap?

General Discussion / Re: Question about horse friendly bumping
« on: January 06, 2011, 08:12:35 pm »
I dunno, if a horse ran you down IRL, I dont think you would get up too quick.....remember, we just have "DEAD", not "Really badly broken leg, so he can fight from sitting position" etc, so "unable to fight properly" has to be "dead". I think getting run over by a horse and rider both in armour would stop most people from fighting on.....

If not nerf the dmg from getting run down by a horse, at least also make riders take dmg when they are thrown from their dead horse. Maybe even have the dmg taken scale with horse's armor/bump dmg. If taking a nose dive with your dead horse doesn't kill you right off, you're certainly not getting up soon. Dmg need not be that much, but it would certainly be realistic.

General Discussion / Re: Arrow Damage Type
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:51:25 pm »
Just my opinion:

Needs to be pierce dmg. I'm an average archer in skill and archery has been disappointing so far. Had a guy in leather armor close to me (taking 4 hits to the torso from me) and kill me. If I'm going to have to melee everybody to be helpful to me team, I might as well invest the points into it, instead of archery. I'll keep pushing archery until I can get pd 6 going and see what happens. Maybe things will get better even with cut dmg and animation nerfs, once I'm at pd 6, wpf 200. If you can now heirloom bows without increased pd requirement (I haven't seen it myself yet), then that could also make archery work with cut dmg (albeit it'll take a while)

Sure I may not be using the pd 6 bows (pd 3), but kinda silly, especially since most recent patch will help people maintain higher end armor (5% upkeep instead of 20%).

Bottom line: like the animation, Hopefully piercing dmg will return. Archery whiners should just buy a damn shield. I'll wait and see how my progression with archery pans out before I go melee only.

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