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Messages - dark_bud

Pages: [1]
Heavy armor will slow you down a bit, but it's still playable.  It would have a significant effect on throwing though do to how armor lowers wpf.

If I was going to go for a 1h shielder/thrower I'd do this:

    Strength: 21
    Agility: 18
    Hit points: 56

    Skills to attributes: 6

    Power Strike: 7
    Shield: 6
    Athletics: 6
    Power Throw: 4
    Weapon Master: 3

    One Handed: 100
    Throwing: 103

HP might be a little low, but you're a shielder, you don't rely on your hps, you use your shield.

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(click to show/hide)

I'm fairly opposed to having to protect a spawn point, have yet to see a game where that doesn't just turn into spawn camping.  I mean, just look how the one team spawns before the other worked out on strat.  If team A gets steamrolled and then starts spawning as a bunch of peasants, well it's no fun getting slaughtered multiple times in 4+ vs 1 fights.

The idea could be a lot of fun, but having to protect a spawn never works well.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1handed wpf and armor
« on: October 11, 2011, 07:59:05 am »
Stupid question guys, when factoring armor weight modified proficiency, for a 1h shielder, do you include the weight of your shield?

Using the formulas given by rustyspoon that doesn't include shield weight, however I figured it would be a question worth asking since I don't know much.

My current build is 21/18 with 7ps, 6 ath, 6 shield, 4 wm, 138 1h wpf and I am trying to figure out just how much armor I can use without it really affecting me.

General Discussion / Re: NA_cRPG_2 (na siege)
« on: August 07, 2011, 03:07:19 am »
I know what you mean about folks not wanting to go to an empty siege server to get it started.  That's why when I see there's 2 people on it I think to myself "alright, a couple people on I'll join too!"

I think it's fun to be on a full siege server, but at the same time some of the most fun I've had in siege has been when there's only 15-20 people on.  With the lower numbers people tend to work together better in siege and it gets some real fun gameplay going.  It can also be nice not trying to climb the crowded ramp getting hit in the head by the two hander in front of me on my team :P

General Discussion / Re: NA_cRPG_2 (na siege)
« on: August 07, 2011, 01:08:23 am »
yeah, I mean it's annoying that people leech like this, but for me the real issue is why is the server so dead??

I mean, do people not like the map rotation? or is everyone just more used to the community server and prefer it?

edited to fix typo

General Discussion / Re: NA_cRPG_2 (na siege)
« on: August 07, 2011, 12:55:42 am »
half hour ago at this point?

EDIT:  according to Steam it was : Sat Aug 06 18:13:56 2011

General Discussion / NA_cRPG_2 (na siege)
« on: August 07, 2011, 12:32:13 am »
why does the NA Siege server always look like this?  I know most folks prefer to play on the community siege server which is cool, but when I see there's a couple people on and join wanting to encourage a few more people it pretty well sucks that this is what I always seem to see.  Not always the same names of course, but always the same situation.

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Diplomacy / Re: LLJK Official Proclomation of Peace
« on: July 22, 2011, 06:49:15 pm »
enlisted are preferable to officers when it comes to actual operations

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