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Messages - HistorianDude

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: What happened to the apology?
« on: October 07, 2011, 06:54:09 pm »
I figure what other people do or do not do is none of my business. The only thing I have control over is whether or not I am polite or a douche, and I try not to let other people affect that too much.

General Discussion / Re: What happened to the apology?
« on: October 02, 2011, 03:26:58 am »
Sometimes I intentionally let myself die if I TKed really aggregiously, because it's like, I really need a reset of some kind to get my head in the game. Seriously, if I'm that far off line, you guys don't want me alive that round.

General Discussion / Re: Why is there so much whining in cRPG?
« on: October 01, 2011, 07:05:16 pm »
I do not whine as an archer because I expect to get mowed down as an archer. If I don't get horribly destroyed, I consider that a win. I consider it a mega win if I have in some small way ASSISTED in the team's killing (i.e. taking out a horse, wounding armored guys, etc.)

Hence, no whining. It's not because of UBER, it's because of a different (team-oriented) mindset.

OK, I should say, very little whining. I will whine a bit if the nerf is so bad I can't help the team at all, because then it starts to feel like salt in the wound.

Edit to add:

I'm a bit confused about the OP in this thread. I was very impressed with the opening discussion, it seemed fair and asked some fair questions. Then as the thread progressed, the OP took the opportunity to whine about archers, with arguments that really showed me that the OP doesn't understand at all what it is like to be a dedicated archer. At least it did prove to me some of the early thoughts about what generates whine are true - that mostly it is about ignorance and/or misunderstanding.

Sounds great Lars, I'll definitely look into it.

It all depends on whether you are saying 'it was a fun thing to watch' or 'it was a good historical movie.'

Good historical movies are hard to come by. I am often just happy to find one that has a semi-decent 'feel' because the details are rarely any good, especially concerning warfare.

I enjoyed the feel of the warfare in Gladiator. Even the way it was filmed, most accurately represented to me the sensations you go through in an extended combat scenario - the supernaturally crisp and clear, degrading into the blur and the muffled silence, then the detatched slow-motion.

Braveheart would have been OK but it was just SO FAR OFF about everything I couldn't get over it. I could go on forever about details like the woad being about 1000 years off base, and the princess really being about 12 and in France at the time, and Piers Gaveston (the prince's lover) was not a limp wristed poof but the most unbeatable combat god of his age and not about to be pushed out of any window...

But the main thing, for the purpose of this thread, was that they couldn't even put the Battle of Stirling Bridge on a bridge. They put it in a field. I mean, really? Can't even give us that?

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 14, 2011, 04:08:49 am »
I have to agree. Precise shots are currently a thing of the past.

I should add a +: Fewer tin cans. I think this is good for game balance.

General Discussion / Moving Characters
« on: July 14, 2011, 03:59:21 am »
I'm sure this has been asked a lot already, though I haven't had much luck searching the forum.

For a few months, I've loaned my computer for large chunks of the day to a friend, who I got addicted to Warband. While this is awesome, she is enjoying her 4th gen cRPG character and doesn't want to lose it when she gives my computer back to me full time, and needs to get her own account.

Is she just SOL or is there a way to transfer?

Thanks either way!

General Discussion / Re: [Feedback] What's right/wrong with 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 06:05:08 pm »
-The feeling as an archer is that one needs to switch to melee to get kills. I get many, many archery hits - I adjusted to the drop all right though it is more difficult - but frustratingly low damage.

- Switch on gear to RL culture names. While I am a historian of RL cultures, M&B was always a sort of alternate world based on the cultures. Seeing 'tatar' and 'rus' is very weird to me and really isn't descriptively helpful.

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