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Messages - KING_UGBERT

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: August 31, 2011, 01:21:07 pm »
I haven't really played Mount and Blade since the patch.  I just check the forums once in awhile to see if archery arrow speed is fast again.  I can get plenty of kills with slow arrows, but it just isn't fun anymore.  I'll check once in awhile to see how things pan out. 

/salute to all you archers who still play, KING UGBERT

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:34:25 pm »
The biggest difficulty has been the decreased range and slow missile speed. Of anything, if these things could be closer to what they were prior to the nerf I think it'd be pretty good balance. Upkeep cost and weight for arrows would be nice to have reduced as well.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Great lances
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:01:57 pm »


Suggestions Corner / Re: Archery [4 things]
« on: August 10, 2011, 04:43:45 pm »
Yes, lets get arrow speed back up.  I don't enjoy archery anymore either.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Long bow
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:31:10 pm »
If you've shot any arrows from the shittier bows in Strat and you are used to being awesome with a longbow you can FEEL how slow the damn things move in the air.

All bows should have their speeds boosted back to where they were though.

This.  I'm still dinking around on my 2 hander till archery is fixed.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff throwing!!!
« on: July 31, 2011, 04:05:18 pm »
Throwing weapons fly too slowly still.  And throwing lance number should be increased per slot.  My first char was a lance thrower.  It just isn't worth it anymore.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New game type, Kill the King!
« on: July 24, 2011, 08:40:08 am »
Kill the King?  Another assassination plot... 

For a few hours when there were about 7 players on each team, the enemy team decided that their entire goal was just to kill me.  Our team claimed a tower as our own, and my teammates protected me.  It was one of my favorite days of playing.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Long Spiked Club from Horseback
« on: July 22, 2011, 09:45:23 pm »
I figured that it was designed as a thrust weapon because of it's damage and length too.  It would be awesome if they could reduce it's damage or damage type so it can be swung, if balance is really an issue.  It just feels wrong from horseback.

Suggestions Corner / Long Spiked Club from Horseback
« on: July 22, 2011, 09:02:28 pm »
The Long Spiked Club is currently a thrust weapon from horseback.  It should be swung.  Can you imagine only thrusting with a Morning Star from horseback?  That is how silly the club is from a horse. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horse Archers get 40 Degrees of turn as well
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:50:15 pm »
I vote melee characters get 40 Degree turning radius to match the recent nerf to lancers.  Also, melee gets reduced weapon speed and their weapon length is to be halved, like archers.  They can't attack from the sides anymore, so only up and thrust attacks to match the lancer nerf.  Oh, and melee must stop to have accuracy while swinging now, like HA.  And their weapons break often like archer arrows.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: July 15, 2011, 10:21:32 pm »
I actually miss the days when Kesh was an heirloomed demon.  When I first joined as a peasant, we would all band around her and prepare for Lady Gaga to romp in on her epic horse with that mace that blew faces off.  Goretooth and a few others were godly, and it was a blast trying to land my throwing my lances with Native to save my team.  Talk about a challenge.  I was surprised when most of the regulars stuck around when they were dethroned from the patches.  I switched to archery after they nerfed throwing (especially lances) so badly that it stopped being a class.  Kesh really persisted and took the blows of being nerfed admirably; probably because archers were still fun to play.  I think it says a lot as to how bad this patch is that she would ever consider respeccing as a melee character.  I've already seen a lot of dedicated archers dropping out or using alts (myself included).

Most players agree that things were fairly balanced pre-patch, and at the least, it was a blast to play.  I loved Xbows sniping from around corners and killing me when I wasn't careful enough.  Horse Archers were always a pain, but I felt like a good counter to them because I could stay behind tree cover and really send them running if I was skilled enough.  I'd punish 2 handers for not bringing a shield along, and run like mad after trying for a very occasional foot shot on shielders (the shields somehow invisibly cover 96% of their bodies).  Good horse lancers used their range to their advantage, while bad lancers died by rushing in when the enemy was prepared.  Everyone had a few complaints here and there, but in general the game flowed really smoothly.

I lament the horrible feeling and range of archery post patch.  When the patch came out, I thought that bows felt like slingshots -but I like the wet noodle description too.  I sometimes hear people talking about fixing this patch by balancing the lower bow speed with increased damage, but it would be inappropriate to turn bows into slow motion shotguns.  We need our arrow speed back.  30% or whatever isn't a nerf, its a deathblow.

I demand a crown!  They took away my wreath (Kergit Lady Leather Hat) and my most regal head is unadorned.  Give me a crown or return my wreath!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: July 13, 2011, 06:12:02 pm »
Less fun?
My freedom ends when the other people's freedom begins.
Same for fun.

Just because it was fun for a HA to circle a group of infantry, showering arrows on them, doesn't mean it was fun for the inf.
Same for lances.

There are different kind of games that give you a different type of fun. In cRPG, we're trying to give fun by challenge. This means that limitations are necessary to allow the better players to achieve a better performance. This was achieved, as far as I can see.

Well I didn't mean the classes that didn't get nerfed wouldn't have as much fun of course.  Lots of negatives, does that make sense?  I mean that this massive nerf to horse archers, lancers, and archers made their classes less fun to play.  By a LOT.

If the devs felt hand to handers were underpowered, there must have been better ways to handle rebalancing than ruining the options of other classes.
Perhaps I am a little out of line chiding the decisions of developers while I am just a player, but this seems obvious.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery Nerfed
« on: July 13, 2011, 02:32:51 pm »
Balancing issues aside, the biggest blow from this patch that it made crpg less fun to play.  Lancers having slower and less maneuverable horses while only thrusting forward?  Less fun.  HA's whose horses stop to shoot?  Less fun.  Archers losing accurate long range attacks, and using slingshots instead of bows?  Less fun.

Maybe some players can get used to the changes and cope with their limitations, but it will take some work because these classes aren't as fun to play.

Archers, especially 2 slot archers, are all shaking their heads wondering where their bows went.  I didn't want a close/mid range class, but since I'm forced into it -I made a thrower alt instead.

Horsemen took a blow this patch like never before.  They should rename Mount and Blade:Warband to just Blade:Warband.  I feel for you guys.  Horse archers stopping to shoot, lancers having to rush in to their deaths... 
High tier archers also suffer from a huge drop in range.  I feel like I'm shooting a slingshot instead of a longbow. It really detracts from the fun.
I have to wonder what the devs were thinking too.  Have they said why the changes were implemented?  I'm only glad they made throwing half feasible again.  Although throwing lances again get no love, and take 7 PT.
Your light maneuverable horses are also nerfed terribly and are slower and less easy to handle.  Very disappointing changes to a previously fun and balanced game.

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