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Messages - Baron Samedi

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Cut Damage Tweak?
« on: August 19, 2011, 09:35:50 am »
I agree with Mrshine too : a change would be nice. Nothing to fancy, just a slight change in armor penetration should do the trick.

Don't change it.

Now you actually have a reason to take the shorter pierce/blunt damage weapons over the cut damage ones.

Wanna kill peasants, archers and ninja? Take a sword.

Wanna kill a tincan? Bring a can-opener.

This has always been true. Even before the glance chances changed, you always had a good reason to keep a pierce weapon with yourself. The problem isnt a balance within weapons, but within armor, especially since alot of people use heirloomed armors.

Digglez you say the difference isn't noticeable before 50 armor point. I feel like its noticeable before that but i might be wrong. Yet 50 armor is 15-16 weight (heraldic mail + polished gauntlet : 50 armor, 15.6 weight). Most of the melee char are either close or above that number.

Atm, STR builds are the most viable, and they kinda keep their advantages as most of the weapons (cut is most of the weapons) will deal less damage to them.

I don't think this thread is about a buff to cut based weapons, but about keepin' the Blunt>pierce>cut balance as it was before.
(and once again, don't touch the weapons stats, they are pretty much balanced atm)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: throwing vs crossbow
« on: August 18, 2011, 08:56:05 am »
Go throwing !

usually a thrower, I recently made a skip the fun char with an xbow and i just can't see the drawback : from long to close range, i hit way more often. I can HS "easily" because it flight straighter and i went from 20% accuracy to 80%, high tier medium armor don't scare me, neither do plate, i can run all day and just take 2sec to aim and shoot right where i wanted (i hate you random pattern of my throwing weapon !), i got more skill points left so i can raise an attribute to the next cap, i can wear a way better armor without much problems, blablablabla...

yea, go throwing mate, xbow is just the easymode  :mrgreen:

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff throwing!!!
« on: August 17, 2011, 11:53:44 am »
I too feel like the "buff throwing" patch was an honest fail. More ammo, ok, but less speed, less damage.
I've used heavy throwing axe for a long time now so i pretty much know its pattern, yet i can't hit anyone aware of my presence cauz' of that damn speed. Even if the guy is easily predictable, if he's not 5 meters away he has the time to drink a coffee and smoke a cig before even considering dodging.
I masterworked those axe to become a huge "raw" damage dealer, shootting tanks and horses as supporting melee and archers, yet with the new armour value, i really don't feel the damage on the medium armor anymore (i won't talk about heavy one's... Cheap_shot cartoons covered it all). And since after the first hit the guy knows you're here, you just have to pray that he burns himself drinking his coffee while covering the distance to get you.

In the end, the patch introduced quite a few changes supporting hybrids as the only viable choice, but then added just as many changes that removed that viability and seemed to support the opposite. It's not even a middle ground situation, it seems more like the devs couldn't make up their minds or something. Two potential throwing archetypes are possible. While it would be difficult to have balance and have both styles viable, it would at least be easy to support one. Instead neither really work. Its frustrating.

+1. As an hybrid (lets say 120-130 wpf, 7 pt), you have to choose : get a medium armor and hope that people will try to stop your stuff with their head cauz you're damage will be really, really lowered. Or get a light armor and... get lucky : our position is around the melee, at medium and close range, we need to be able to take at least one hit without rolling and crying in foetal position...

Overall, its not really a complaint because i know pretty much nothing will be done, yet i miss pre patch : four slots used, 8 axes, every lauch had it cost, but i knew every hit was a world of pain.

Anyway, luv to all throwers, even the shielder's one. Peace.

General Discussion / Re: Why do people play Battle so much?
« on: June 21, 2011, 03:24:20 pm »
it was really fun on the pecores server yesterday, we polled open plains 3 times when a new game started, every team had a leader that was really commanding(don't remember any names, though there was a guard...) it was the best day i ever played c-rpg. constant shield walls, cav flanking and taking down other cav. archers behind the shield walls. and so on.

Yea i was there too, Guard_Alric was in command on our side, i don't know who the other leader was (the points is that we won, so his name won't be remembered  :twisted: ). But it happens actually quite often when people get tired of being rolled over. Random is biutiful.

About the main topic : +1 to chadz post.

I think that the MOMENTUM of attacking or defending makes the difference. No matter how many you've killed, but if you succeeded or failed in your task (took the wall, opened the gate, backdoored, etc). Sometimes the players that wins the game don't even kill a single man (but they feel quite frustrated for the very same reason).
It's true in battle too though : an archer striking down the horse of a top lancer saves dozen of life but won't see it on the board...
nah, its an excuse for my shitty scores.


Most ppl havent played siege with their factions it seems.
Whenever HRE gets a decent amount of players on one siege server, we can be a decisive factor. Always.

Teamplay, communication and killing the right ppl gets rewarded soooo much better in siege. You can do ~ 1.2mill / 40/50 k gold easily in 4-6 hours.

All in all siege is much more rewarding for a team playing together.

Battle is a school of awareness  against cav. / archers.

One thing is for sure, both gametypes are highly demanding when planning to get high multiplier, siege is more rewarding though.

I've been messing with and against you guys on siege. To see 7-8 HRE taking foots on the walls which lead directly into the flag is terrifying.

In the meantime, when does EPIC mode comes out ? and where's the topic ?  :mrgreen:

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