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Messages - Archimedes

Pages: [1]
Other / Re: Chicago_NA Banned for being 1 of 3 people on the server
« on: December 17, 2011, 08:48:22 am »
For what it's worth, same thing happened to me.

Suggestions Corner / Re: 1h sword in each hand (dual-wield)
« on: July 21, 2011, 11:23:41 pm »
First, let me preface my statement by saying that I am glad that dual-wielding will never be implemented into CRPG.  It’s become so popular in video game culture that it only comes off as campy now. 

That said, there are historical precedents for using two swords both in Italian fencing manuals ( as well as on the battlefield.  However, the use of two swords in battle was far more popular in the Far and Near East than in the European tradition.  The mamluks of Egypt were trained in the use of two swords, one in each hand (Hassanein Rabie, “The Training of the Mamluk Faris”, p. 162.  I believe that the Ming Chinese also had a tradition of using two extremely short blades, what might be considered long daggers in Europe, but I don’t have a citation handy.

In Europe proper, it’s harder to pin an example down.  I’m not as familiar with the customs of the Frankish tribes, but most of the information we have regarding their ways of war is from Roman writings which can be unreliable on occasion when describing their enemies.  In the medieval period, sword and shield or sword and lance were by far more popular, by virtue of being generally more useful.  In fact, two-handed weapons are rare enough in medieval Europe for the same reason, although they gained popularity during the Renaissance and the rise of the pike square.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: June 09, 2011, 01:59:19 am »
Yes, I'd figure as much.  I was primarily responding to this:

As another point in reality most 1h'd swords would have been worn on the right hip and drawn with the right arm so as not to make yourself vunerable by exposing yourself when moving your shield out of the way in order to draw the sword as you would have had to do with it worn on the left hip.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: June 06, 2011, 11:00:58 pm »
Interestingly, I’ve never heard of swords being sheathed on the right.  All the evidence I’ve ever uncovered, anywhere from the 13th century to the 16th shows swords sheathed on the left hip.
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  Additionally, most weapons used in two hands were not sheathed on the back or otherwise.  The Zweihander (known in this game, ambiguously enough, as the Flamberge) was never sheathed as we currently have it, but rather carried over the shoulder.
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  Additionally, halberds, two-handed axes, and cleavers were not sheathed. 
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In fact, the longsword of the 14th century onwards is the only weapon used in two hands that was sheathed, as far as I can remember.  And the longsword was used alternatively in one hand, two hands, or half-sworded.

Additionally, the limiting factor of a hip sheath is not the point at which it touches the ground, but rather the point at which you can free it from the scabbard or similar contraption.  In my experience, a fourty inch blade is at the bare edge of what can be drawn from a scabbard, and this only with full arm extension, and not very quickly. 

Of course, none of this has any relevance to the balance of the game mechanics.  Just wanted to add my two cents.

PS:  Sorry for length of post.   :oops:

Faction Halls / Re: Interest in Islamic Themed Clan?
« on: June 04, 2011, 09:22:47 am »
Well, it seems as though interest in a clan is lukewarm (although interest in historical/political discussions is not :D).  I’ll give this post one shameless bump and see what happens.  As I’ve said, put down a reply or a PM if you’re intrigued and perhaps we can put something together.  Thanks for your time, everyone.

Faction Halls / Re: Interest in Islamic Themed Clan?
« on: June 02, 2011, 04:44:49 pm »
Pellegrino is right that this thread is not the place to discuss the comparative virtues of Christianity and Islam.  All I’ll say is that the shape and nature of religions change drastically depending upon where and when they are practiced.  Islam under the Umayyad Arabs was understood quite differently than it would be in al-Andalus a hundred years later by Arabs, Berbers, and Iberians.  Similarly, the Christianity of the Papacy in 1215 differs quite a bit from the Christianity of Syrian Christians in the eighth century.

As to the place of Islam in this (potential) clan, personal belief in Islam would not be a requirement for entrance.  However, you cannot accurately portray an Arab or a host of other racial groups in the Middle East, Africa, and Europe without integrating Islam as part of their identity.  As such, Islam would play a large part in the naming structure and RP of the group and would define what armor is acceptable for members.  It would not, however, be the Islamic parallel to the crusading clans.  Primarily because, although Islam understood the idea of jihād to be a religious duty, there was never the proliferation of dedicated “orders” that characterized crusading.  Additionally, while a crusade was seen as an individual, penitential duty to one’s soul, jihād (the lesser jihād, anyway) was usually seen as an obligation of the Muslim polity.

So, for those tl;dr folks:  Yes, Islam would be an important part of the RP of this clan.  Yes, it would be awesome to do some RP organization with the crusader clans.  :D  No, this clan would not be about jihād and nothing else.

So, for those interested, please let me know in the replies or PM me personally.

Faction Halls / Interest in Islamic Themed Clan?
« on: June 02, 2011, 03:59:50 am »
Hello, everyone.  I haven’t been playing CRPG for very long and am still on my first generation character, although I’ve been playing Mount&Blade since the beta.  However, with Strategus (hopefully) approaching, I began looking for a clan to play with, since it seems that playing without one is much more difficult.  When I made my character, however, I decided to do an Arabic theme (obviously) since M&B is already full of Vikings, Medieval Europeans, and Japanese players.  However, I was saddened to find that there aren’t any clans with an Arabic or Persian theme.  I wanted to ask the community if there was any interest from clanless or otherwise available players in forming an Arabic/Persian/Syrian clan?

As far as the focus of the clan, I’m a bit of a history nerd and would like to focus on an early Islamic theme (Abbasid dynasty, most likely) but I’d be happy with any period of Islamic history (Arabic, Berber, Persian, Semitic, etc.) about 600-1500.  Level of roleplay would be up to members, and I’m fine with either keeping the theme purely cosmetic or focusing on more RP, depending on what people are interested in.

In any case, if anyone’s intrigued (and available), put down a reply and we’ll see if there’s enough interest to get this moving.  If there’s enough support, I’ll start organizing and contacting people directly.  And if not, this thread can just die quietly and I’ll have to go back to clan-searching.  :D

PS:  I didn't really want to include this, but it seemed prudent.  I'm not religious and this clan would not be for those looking for an Islamic clan, but rather an Islamic-themed clan.  I have no problems with people of any faith or none expressing interest and joining, just wanted to be clear what was being offered.  :)

EDIT:  Spelling/Grammar

Announcements / Re: 0.222
« on: May 12, 2011, 02:50:55 am »
For the idiots among us (me!), what are the specifics of the archer nerf, polearm buff, etc?

Thanks a bunch.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: May 11, 2011, 08:47:37 pm »
I don't know if this has changed in the last patch or two, but if you pick up someone else's gear, you might have to repair it as well! Last time I saw this was in January, so I can't say for sure its still in the game.

I've had this happen with someone else's horse that I took after they'd died, but I also had that kind of horse in my inventory, not sure if that has anything to do with it.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:27:31 pm »
Ah, thank you very much.  This is very helpful.  That would explain why repair costs seem so high/frequent, I didn't realize it was by minute.  Do you happen to know if this is minutes in the round or minutes alive in the round?  And (one more question) do you know the timer for xp/gold ticks in Battle and Siege servers?

EDIT:  For those interested lurkers, I timed a battle server and it seemed to be ticking once every minute.  However, I got a few odd times (30 seconds or 1 minute 30 second) around the end of rounds.  This was only after about 10 minutes of testing.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Repair Costs?
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:22:47 pm »
Eh, it insures that players with the money to get ridiculously good weapons and armor can't completely bowl over newer players 100% of the time without a significant investment.  So it serves a purpose.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Repair Costs?
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:17:39 pm »
Hey, everyone.  I’m new to cRPG and I’m curious about the repair system.  I heard that repair costs have gone up from 5% and my sense is repair costs about 10% of an item’s value?  I’ve heard repair is only supposed to happen 4% of the time, but that seems somewhat low, judging from personal experience.  Does anyone have the numbers on hand?  Am I completely off track?  I’m trying to figure out how much equipment I can afford to bring out and still break even.  I realize that it’ll depend upon the length of the round (in Battle) and the multiplier, but I’d still like some numbers to crunch.

Thanks guys.

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