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Messages - Killerz

Pages: [1]
Announcements / Re: 0.250 released
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:21:10 pm »
Lol, Pike is 3 slots now! Win.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Crafting...
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:45:45 pm »
Time to craft me some hemp rope!

Diplomacy / Re: Defiance (DFC) attacks Among the Shadows (ATS)
« on: July 29, 2011, 11:11:23 pm »
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Diplomacy / Shadow Templars Official Proclomation of Peace
« on: July 29, 2011, 11:08:33 pm »
It has come to our attention that Darkfall failed.

That is all.

General Discussion / Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« on: July 14, 2011, 10:13:09 pm »
Official North American Servers
Read below for more information..

So chadz asked me to post here to announce something to you guys, since you brought this thread up yourself.

For the last couple weeks I've been in talks with chadz to organize a set of servers for both, Battle, Siege, and Strategus that are officially endorsed by chadz, and his entire staff of official admins. This was only being discussed due to the fact there were no "official" servers for North America, unlike the European servers, which are official.

So long story short: I'm going to be throwing up a well-specced box (I'm a little too lazy to use multiple ones, deal with it) and paying for it, off this box the official North American servers will be hosted on it. The new official North American servers will be a..

Battle Server, Siege Server, and the official Strategus Server, slots for each of these servers is still being decided.

The servers and their entirety will be run and moderated by chadz and his team of moderators, these servers are completely neutral, and I have no control over them whatsoever. Remember: they are run by chadz, not me.

Consider this my gift to the community.

The servers are estimated to go up sometime next week, we'll see if the payment goes through without complications, but I'm estimating it for sometime next week. Just stick to the fact, this is a reality, and it is coming when it comes, I'll try to be as speedy as possible.

Remember, these are official servers run by chadz and his moderation teams, not run by me.

Did everyone completely miss this line? If his name is on the order form for the server HE will have control of it. Going on only the information we have, this is what it looks like.

Really this whole shit storm could of been avoided. There is VERY poor communication going on...  Not only was this deal placed without knowledge from the NA community. chadz had someone who a lot of the NA community is wary of announce it.

What should of happened is chadz making a official post about wanting official NA Servers. I guarantee if you would of trusted the community instead of going behind our backs this shit storm would of never happened.

Diplomacy / Re: Why things should not be discussed on IRC
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:32:21 pm »
Sorry bronamoth that is a complete Northern Empire deal. Since we are not a part of it, I don't think so.

Ecko, shouldn't you be crying to mods about how Goons made for of your terrible website or how Goons voted you off the island in Darkfall? Also, really, editing out parts of the irc convo? Come on now.

e: Gorath - BLOO BLOO BLOO

The Forest Republic shall never die! Oh and Turtles... that is all.

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