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Messages - Sylar

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Autoblocker unban thread
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:29:09 pm »
EDIT: I've used it just to test it on:
July 20ish 2011-July 24ish 2011 (not quite accurate but best i can recall) the game version was .233

It lasted maybe 3-4 days
I made a 2h skip the fun character for it
I've spent maybe 2-3(+/-4) hours on it (and may have left it on for my archer/shielder)

Anyway I stopped playing for a while because I went on a long vacation, I just got back from it and decided to play again.
But I suppose this is the reason why I couldn't get into any servers right now.

Unbanned after two weeks.

General Discussion / Re: I hate thee
« on: September 24, 2011, 09:23:19 pm »
I hate it when women sit on me while I take glory in the field. Multiple glory is mind numbing.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Balance with Rock<Paper<Scissors in theory
« on: August 09, 2011, 04:23:20 pm »
There's no rock-paper-scissors in cRPG.

ranged kill unshielded inf
ranged run from shielders
ranged headshot horses

Yes you found it, the only counter to range is... range  :!:

yeah but try to scale it down a bit to 1vs1. What I'm trying to get to is when you're a ranger and you face a unshielded unit can you take him down easy enough to say that you do in fact have that advantage over him? And from what I've experienced is that it's pretty dam difficult to land a shot on anything at all unless your stats are all buffed up or if the enemy only walks in a straight line.

And as for ranged running from shielders during a 1v1, we can probably fix most part if ranged are forced to use a melee weapon and have their movement speed matched up to their opponents when an enemy is lets say 2 meters. But if the ranged just keeps running and shooting at the shield, then eventually they would have used up their shots and be forced to fight melee. This of course needs to be scripted and could be very nasty for the devs, so there might be other ways that work too.

Ranged doing headshots to horses isn't that easy in the current version. Cavs only get shot down if they were riding straight and a predictable pattern. But we know most of the time Cavs don't do that. In a 1vs1 situation Cavs are most likely to defeat the ranged.

and then of course Ranged = Ranged not > or < than itself.

Game Balance Discussion / Balance with Rock<Paper<Scissors in theory
« on: August 09, 2011, 03:09:48 am »
(Yes I have nothing better to think about but this, I'd love to hear some feedbacks though)

So if I have the idea right, the devs are not aiming for a realism balance but strictly profession based balance. If that is true then I'm going to assume that the basic classes are balanced like in a game of rock paper and scissors:


I know we have many weapons that makes everything seems complex and unorganized but lets expand on the more complicated professions after the basics are balanced first. One step at a time.

So the logic behind RPS is that one is bigger than the other or in this case one profession can take down another easily (but not always) since the world is a complex 3d sandbox sim and anything can happen.

First: Ranged Units should be able to take down the 2H units quite easily
So the question this part raises can be:
1)Can Ranged units do that right now in the current cRPG? If not what is the problem?

Second:2H unit should be able to take down Shielded units or have an advantage over them.
question for this part can be:
2)What sort of advantage a 2H should/would have over Shielders?

Third: Shielders should have an obvious advantage over Ranged units and should be able to kill them easily.
question for this part can be:
3)What happens when you approach a ranger and he runs?

1) I've seen lots of complains about missile speed and many other problems with the archers, just nothing or not much from the crossbow or throwers. And personally I've spent about an equal amount of time on every profession and I must say that the archer class is the most difficult to play especially when you're just starting out. People without any shield can easily dodge your shots because the reticule takes some time to tighten up and when it does, it isn't very accurate either. As for the missile speed, I'm fine with it. So generally when I face just about any opponent most of the time they can get to me and kill my starter(lvl 10-20) archer with no problem. But only at higher levels is when you truly feel like you're playing an archer. But I think that ranged units should be able to take down anyone without a shield easily, if not already.

2)As for people wielding 2H, an obvious advantage to give is to have them swing for much more damage and more speed so they are much more powerful when facing Shielders. And based on what I've seen in game there are only a couple holding a 2H that could completely over spam their way to kill a Shielder. The 2H (polearms included) should swing fast and do decent damage but factors like weight and length should play a role in determining the speed of the weapon.

3)With the issue of people running away, the servers could always setup rules. Or the devs could script it so that archers must carry a melee weapon with them at all time and when their team is out of melee fighters, they cannot use ranged weapons and must come face to face with the enemy. And as for the current shielder that I play, I feel that it may be a little OP over the ranged and 2H classes (even though I'm not that good at it).

But what I think the rule to having a balanced gameplay (especially with many different professions you can go with) is that one profession should have an obvious advantage over another that you can truly feel it during gameplay. The logic of balanced stats should not matter as much as the practical gameplay.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New repair values are much too high
« on: August 09, 2011, 01:05:15 am »
I'm wearing 22k worth of equips and my money is going down the drain FAST.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Archery [4 things]
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:55:20 am »
Take away all the dam weapons and armours, and have a fist fight, can't be anymore balanced than that.

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