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Messages - Vlad007

Pages: [1] 2 3
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Dismemberment
« on: October 10, 2011, 10:06:01 pm »
It should only work with ppl in light armour. You can not cut through plate armour even with a  big 2handed axe. Wont happen.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Great lances
« on: October 06, 2011, 12:54:24 am »
Definitely don't want stab added to it.

All that needs to happen is that the range is increased so that it out ranges all other stabbed lances and pole arms except the Pike.


Suggestions Corner / Re: Skillable Horse!
« on: August 29, 2011, 12:18:34 am »
A better way would be to upgrade the horse using horse tack. ie different saddles, bit's, Martingale. which would increase different horse characteristics.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horse Armour/Barding Progression
« on: August 29, 2011, 12:10:46 am »
Yeah you could do padded or leather armour as well. My proposial is just 1 of many progression lines available

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Great lances
« on: August 27, 2011, 08:25:50 am »
Really? I thought the shield was actually blocking like it should.  Man this sux

Bring back the LoC

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horse Armour/Barding Progression
« on: August 27, 2011, 02:15:59 am »
Yes i know there is other cultures but as i said this was just one line.

I could be as simple as just making new models and have different stats for each of the options. There could be  a trade in option in which you get a better price for selling you current horse if you are wishing to purchase the next horse in the progression.

would be great if the horse had a customization screen like we have for our standard layout. Then you could add options for saddles and other horse tack that would effect horse control.

I feel that there is so much scope to make cav a deeper experience

Suggestions Corner / Horse Armour/Barding Progression
« on: August 26, 2011, 07:39:49 am »
I have put some pics together of how I see Armour progression on horses. I think it gives a bit more scope and varity. Please note I have left out eastern styled horses and Complete Mail barding because I have completed them yet

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Great lances
« on: August 12, 2011, 01:19:48 am »
Yes but i think LoC should out range every thing else accept a pike. This includes the long spare that is stabbed.

At the moment If you want to play couch lance cav you are only viable by being nija,

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Great lances
« on: August 07, 2011, 11:46:32 pm »
Yes I aggree

Make the great lance longer than all other weapons accept the pike. This inludes stabed weapons. I use the GL only because of the RPG factor I dont like the look or feel of stab lancing even though it is more effective.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Great lances
« on: August 05, 2011, 05:27:25 am »
We did a similar thing on NA yesterday with a organised cavalry charge  across a bridge with plated charges and other heavy horse only about 6-7 of us. The pikes stopped us in our tracks and so did LOL stabers we managed to push through them but it was costly. The great lance is ok 1 on 1 because you can swing left on impack so as to disengage the horse head from the targets strike giving you a better reach advantage. In an organised cavalry charge you can only put the great lance out in front (because you have an organised formation)  so you have the horses forequarters in front which decreases the overall reach. Organised cavalry charges are so much fun with the great lance but are very ineffective. The great lance length needs increasing.

I also think that there shuold be a small chance of pole arms  not stopping cav dead in their tracks.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« on: August 05, 2011, 05:02:24 am »
excuse my ignorance Mouse. I forgot about the 2H factor

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« on: August 05, 2011, 03:28:34 am »
Ylca, is seems to me you have a very biased opinion of cav. Have you tried it yourself ?

Totaly agree, seems to have a chip on his shoulder about cav.

Cav can be powerfull but there are many vairables that need to be taken into account (flat ground, army make up etc) . Talking about account mine is empty because i play cav

Suggestions Corner / Re: horse armors
« on: August 05, 2011, 03:05:02 am »
It is doable

Just have textures for all hearldry. and allow the horse that use heraldric caparisons to be able to swap there horse through the online store at no cost

problem solved

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« on: August 05, 2011, 02:55:59 am »
I can understand what you are saying. But as a cav player I don’t want to ride my full plate set all the time but to use it like 15-20% of the time would be nice, now it is like 3%.

To play as cav gets the attention of every one. What is happening is that Cav are being taken out of the game because of the cost. I would like to be able to use my rouncey for gods sake and not require arms for the poor. As for your argument about mobility and near immunity that is complete BS, mobility yes, but when someone LOLstabs you in 1 shot when you are in full plate I don’t call that immunity.

Cav were extremely important to the success of Medieval armies, this is a Medieval themed game right? Let us at least be able to play with a  horse and some medium armour and make a little cash. I love being fully armoured but totally agree there should be limits, just not the lmiits that are in place currently

Suggestions Corner / Re: Lower upkeep on horses
« on: August 05, 2011, 12:10:31 am »
Yesterday on NA 1 My self Cavalieres_Huey and the lads bought out the Plated chargers for some formation couched lance action across a bridge blocked a group of archers and pikeman. God damn it was fun, a couple of times we managed to break throw their formation with about 6-7 of us doing a frontal charge (could only go 2 side by side because it was a narrow bridge). IT was so much fun to be apart of some organised cavalry doing frontal charges. BUT the Fing cost… it cost me over 11k for my 4 rounds of full plate action.

Is that fun no. how long does it take to make 11K as cav on the Aussie server “AGES”. Is this fair? NO.
Reduce up keep of horses or let some open maps be free of up keep. Or let some random rounds be free of up keep so people who are not power gamers can enjoy them selves.

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