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Messages - Ohngesicht

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General Discussion / Re: Were poles nerfed?
« on: December 26, 2012, 02:10:39 am »
I don't know what it is. I never really relied on polestagger, in fact I'm not even positive at all how to recognize when I had actually polestaggered someone. I was just very possible at dueling most people with a bec or poleaxe. But this time around it feels like every 1h/2h/hammer just spams and is always faster. No matter how many times I block, I can't get a hit in against the majority of people. I'm 18-21, tried all three of my major weapons (bec, poleaxe, hafted blade) and both of my armor sets (heraldric mail/great helmet and padded jack/leather cap) and in too many circumstances, I never have an opportunity to swing. I'm used to 1hs being faster than my pole axe and often times even my bec or hafted, but now even 2h and hammers are often faster. I'm not loomed at all and I don't know if that's an issue.
I was never amazing at the game, but I could pretty much always go 1.0 kdr  or higher pretty comfortably, now I'm struggling to just hit 1.0. Last time I played was six months ago.

General Discussion / Were poles nerfed?
« on: December 25, 2012, 02:58:31 pm »
I've played crpg on and off for two years now and on my latest return it seems that my pole axe, bec de corbin and hafted blade just ain't shit. They feel slower and like they do less damage. I'm being killed by hammers that swing faster than the poles. Is it just me being rusty, or has something seriously been changed? I see almost no pole users and loads more hammers  / sword + board

Seems a polearm would just plain be better for my idea then.  Thanks for the quick and clean response.

Im thinking about going 36/3 for my second gen, and focusing primarily on supporting team fights with quick lolstabs or slices. But does PS stop at 10? And where does the majority of damage come from? PS, or Proficiency? also, does the flamberge secondary mode give it's stab more range?

cRPG Technical problems / Connection to server lost.
« on: April 27, 2012, 12:19:06 am »
I keep randomly disconnecting from server at really the most inopportune times(usually when I have a high modifier :()

I know this was a well known issue previously.. was it ever fixed or discovered how to fix it?

General Discussion / Re: High agility bec de corbin/poleaxe build?
« on: April 26, 2012, 12:35:17 pm »
Huseby is correct.

That will work, but you will need to buy my +3 bec.


Also go jam a fork in your face you damned troll, why break my shit? WHY!

it was a pleasurable experience for me :D i also destroyed it later when I was on the opposing team >:)

General Discussion / High agility bec de corbin/poleaxe build?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:34:53 pm »
Thinking about building 15/24, 18/21 for a bec or poleaxe build and using very light armor for maximum speed. Is there any flaws or huge downsides to it?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Heirloom XP?
« on: July 30, 2011, 07:37:29 pm »
Retire at level 31
Your character is reset to level 1 and keeps all items and gold.
Your character gains a generation. For each generation you get 30 XP more per tick.
One item useable by your current character can be selected as heirloom to increase its stats.

Its all there when you click on "retirement".

Yes, I'm well aware of why that. Perhaps you should consider reading the thread next time.

Thanks Mala. No c-rpg for me :c

Beginner's Help and Guides / Heirloom XP?
« on: July 30, 2011, 10:50:59 am »
Was heirloom XP bonus uncapped again? I quit when they nerfed it from 10% to 3% and capped it to a 45% bonus. How about heirloom bonuses? (I'm gen 1, btw)

I'm the only one to vote no to this so far, because this isn't a game where everyone needs triple heirloomed load outs, I think chadz made this alot more fair to the new comers.

New players need to have a chance against the speed boost and damage boost + better armor of the heirlooms we hardcore guys get.

The xp reduction seems to make everyone more "even" and takes away doubt from new players that they will lose every fight against a higher gen player.

Its a game about skill, the equipment is just for show!

making it take longer for new guys to get heirlooms doesn't even the gap quicker, it makes the gap much larger. You still have all your heirlooms, now it takes me longer to get mine. And the heirloom bonuses were really tiny to begin with, and they got nerfed. The heirloom bonuses are marginal, not game breaking in the slightest. A more skilled player will always win assuming he's not under leveled. Like I said, I'm new. I'm in my 20s, and half the time i place in the top four on my team, almost all the time I have a very positive k:dr. I've gone toe to toe with more experienced and geared players, I know their names... sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. I didn't even play warband MP at all, I jumped straight into C-rpg two days ago. So I have virtually zero experience. And consequently, I don't feel like the heirlooms are a huge deal. And they just got lowered even more, so now they will make much less of a difference. On a side note, I feel the heirloom nerfs should be reverted... but that's another discussion, I suppose. Point is.. you can only heirloom so many times for an 'advantage'... At some point you're already heirloomed out to max and you only get penis size and faster rerolling for trying new builds as a reward.

And they're not the only thing either.... If you read the entire post I also mention variety that comes with easily rerolling, I think that's the biggest part.

Appreciate everyone's serious and constructive posts. If someone is seriously supportive of the xp nerfs, feel free to make a constructive post! Or maybe don't  :twisted:

If I could add more questions, I'd make a poll about capping it.. although I don't really agree with capping it. I'd be fine with it around 15 or 20 though, so you'd make 2.5k or 3k at x1 multiplier.

Announcements / Re: What needs to be changed with version 0.220
« on: April 30, 2011, 08:24:37 am »,4591.0.html   <--- Link to thread/poll.

Why the xp nerfs? Because people can retire twice a day? OK, and? They don't gain anything from retiring constantly, other than marginally more variety. The people that are gen 20 already have full or mostly full triple heirloomed gear so they can't get any better in the gear department. The real benefit of retiring over and over is simply getting to reroll and experimenting with stats. And that's not an ingame advantage, that's just having fun, enjoying variety. What you DO do is kill the gen 20 and highers enjoying of their variety, thus making them more likely to quit because they're bored of the same old same old, and make it even harder for newer players to catch up, forever doomed to be outgeared basically.

Seriously, revert it. I'm Gen1, lvl 20 something and hate the xp nerfs.

Why the xp nerfs? Because people can retire twice a day? OK, and? They don't gain anything from retiring constantly, other than marginally more variety. The people that are gen 20 already have full or mostly full triple heirloomed gear so they can't get any better in the gear department. The real benefit of retiring over and over is simply getting to reroll and experimenting with stats. And that's not an ingame advantage, that's just having fun, enjoying variety. What you DO do is kill the gen 20 and highers enjoying of their variety, thus making them more likely to quit because they're bored of the same old same old, and make it even harder for newer players to catch up, forever doomed to be outgeared basically.

Seriously, revert it. I'm Gen1, lvl 20 something and hate the xp nerfs.

Edit 1: I am aware that at Gen1, I am still making the same XP.


Edit3:  Also, there's a pair of really stupid fucking holes in the back of my "Black hood with mask" please get rid of them.

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