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Messages - Tankkk

Pages: [1]
Forum Français / Re: Equipe de France de C-rpg
« on: July 11, 2012, 08:54:56 pm »
Haha tu te régales pépé avec tes petiots! ^^

Et quand c'est qu'on mange du saumon alors ??

Forum Français / Re: Equipe de France de C-rpg
« on: July 03, 2012, 08:18:44 pm »
Salut à tous! Je suis bien déçu d'avoir loupé la bataille, ça a l'air d'avoir été un bon entrainement.

Mais voilà mes exams enfin finis et même pas besoin de rattrapage, donc sauf absentisme exceptionel vous aurez un Boubou bien discipliné et qui sait utilisé la touche rétroviseur "²" pour les prochaine rencontres.

A tout bientôt,
Chateaudillac, Commandeur des écorcheurs.

Forum Français / Re: Equipe de France de C-rpg
« on: June 06, 2012, 03:22:31 pm »
-Nom du main : Ecorcheur_Chateaudillac

-classe joué : shielder/1h (18/21) option arbaletrier si besoin, ou bamboo spear en cas de cavalerie trop opréssante.

-Appartenez vous a un clan? si oui lequel? Ecorcheur

-Avez vous un/des alt(s)? si oui, quelle(s) classe(s)?  un paquet, ceux qui pourraient être utiles: Bigball (2h 21/18), Murat Shielder/thrower je me démerde plutôt bien en throw pour ce qui est de harceler ennemis, ou de brochette des 2h.   

-Depuis combien de temps jouez vous, etes vous un joueur actif? Je joue à warband native depuis 5 mois après sa sortie , et j'ai commencé cRPG quelques mois après, enfin c'était les débuts. Plus ou moins actif selon les périodes, en ce moment  3 connections par semaines en moyenne.

-avez vous un micro? etes vous pret a ecouter des ordres?  Capable de suivre un ordre à la lettre, autonome si il le faut, peut conduire une petite équipe de contournement si besoin est. (Grand adepte de l'embuscade et du combat en formation groupée!).

Si vous avez steam, veuillez m'indiquer votre pseudo :  Pseudo: Tankpartie

-Remaques, questions?
Très bon esprit de combat en équipe.

Questions? Quand se dérouleront les matchs? Combien d'entrainements semaines?
Disponibilités principales les soirs de préférence de 20h à 6h du matin.

Closed Requests / Re: Weird ban?! Ecorcheur_Chateaudillac
« on: June 03, 2012, 07:22:38 pm »
Ok, anyway it's not a big deal, the ban reaches its end soon I think.
Personally I long ago stopped responding to such provocations.
With regard to Balzamir, I would not allow me to speak for him because, despite being his superior, I know he is not patient for such problems or provocations.
But I would pass him the message clearly.

Anyway thank you both for your time, I guess taking care of this part of the forum should not be the  funniest task of cRPG.

Good'day guys,

Closed Requests / Re: Weird ban?! Ecorcheur_Chateaudillac
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:09:58 pm »
Ok thanks for the topic, this was the day before yesterday, that's why I didn't understand...
Anyway, this guy is really a funny guy... First he just started annoying us like giving punches during a while. I haven't taked part in his fight with balzamir and even I  pretended to ignore him.
The hit thread I got was like a kick when this templar started kiking us  at he biginning. And the next round he was staying front of Ecorcheur_Balzamir, following him just to get him angry...
That's sure that Balzamir get angry to quiqkly shouldn't have kill him.
So just amazed that guys like him can still post a topic to ban us... and moreover the two of us claming it was a gangbang...

I think I'll start recording videos of the game to show sometimes how guys can be remorseless saying bullshits just to get others banned. Really just amazed!

But life keep going :) (hopefully !!  :mrgreen:


Closed Requests / Weird ban?! Ecorcheur_Chateaudillac
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:56:33 pm »
I've been playing yesterday on EU1 serveur, without complaints. I left the serveur to change character, and then when I came back (like 20 seconds later), it tells me that I'm Ban from EU servers... without any apparent reason. My friends ingame told me there wasn't any pool, even somebody telling me something. May it be a Bug?
Thank you for the help, and have a good day :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 1h shield is too difficult at the moment
« on: September 14, 2011, 12:25:28 am »
I'm playing a polearm guy and I do like to use spears quite often as I use other weapons. And I don't do too  bad with spears. They are quite fast weapons without shield. Sure that you would'nt fight with a spear and a shield if you don't have some mates close to you to protect you.
If you're alone you just put your shield on your back to fight your oponent. It's exactly as using a bastard or a longsword, you can use a shield to protect from ranged but you keep it on your back when you fight because you don't wanna be to slow...

It's not the most destructive weapon of cRPG, ok.  :D For the moment it's a fast, long and cheap one. I think to make it more realist and effective, it should do 2 more damages points in piercing.

But please don't speak again about this one handed overhead stab animation of a 2.5meters weapon long that would just be horrible and out of any realistic considerations:shock: If I give you a shield and a spear that long in the other hand, you just could hit one way (piercing as it is in the game). I think it's a big enought reason to keep this one attack direction.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Game crash when I press A (to speak)
« on: May 26, 2011, 04:51:40 pm »
I got the same problem since i downloaded the last patch.  :?

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