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Messages - warpoobz

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Should I put the Dracul sig as my forum sig? Ah I will anyway :F.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery?
« on: April 06, 2011, 03:57:29 am »
I wanted to write a long essay about how archery and all ranged weapons were plain OP because of their... ranged nature, no matter how accurate or damage dealing they are, but'll skip to the most important part, as I lack the time :


No >:c

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged nerf
« on: April 05, 2011, 08:41:07 pm »
Because I don't believe a proper history source would feed you that kind of crap.

Because plate armor is completely invulnerable against arrow fire? No. Pick up a book, I personally recommend something about the Hundred Years' War or Why the English Had Such an Early Advantage Against Bumblefuck Tincan Cavalry

One can't argue for historical accuracies in this game because there is no set time-line, or historical model for that matter, to follow. While bows played a pivotal role in a great deal of medieval combat, eventually blacksmiths were able to discover formulas to make plate armor very resistant, as seen in the video Nemeth posted. Times change, equipment changes.

Ultimately it all comes down to reference. Could the bow pierce plate armor? Up to a certain era of time, yes; but as times and technology advanced, armor was made very powerful while the construction of the bow remained pretty much the same. It's what led to the discontinued use of the bow and the invention of guns and other pretty things that were capable of rending steel and flesh alike, while sometimes meshing the two materials into a very fun slurry.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Ranged nerf
« on: April 05, 2011, 05:26:45 pm »
Hirlok maybe you should spent less time reading your "history" books and do some testing or find people that did the testing.

That's just one of many videos that will show you how effective longbow was against plate.

Why would you put quotations around the word history?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery?
« on: April 05, 2011, 03:19:51 pm »
As a level 27 first-gen archer, I completely agree with those who believe that archery speed needs to be upped. I'm fairly well-off with a bow, and I'm pumping just about every one of my spare skill points into a conversion for strength so I can get my powerdraw to delicious numbers. I can admit to not making my every shot a headshot, but that doesn't matter when every shot feels like it struck that soft spot on a warhammer-carrying man's skull. My agility is at 15 and I find that's precisely where it should be. I run fast enough to make medium-heavily armoured melee soldiers pant and curse behind me and I have enough weapon proficiency to then later turn those very same melees into porcupines once they turn their backs to me, metaphorical tails between their legs, and go off to search for more carelessly caught archers.

There needs to be no buff to damage. At all. What's the point of upping a weapon's damage when a shot to the head will scramble all but the m... actually, I'm pretty sure it'll scramble all brains, regardless of armor. That and power draw. Wonderful, wonderful power draw. What the bow does need, however, is better arrow speed. For two reasons, one: though any skilled archers can measure distance and trajectory well enough to hit mobile targets, sometimes the targeting calculations take a bit too long to make; two: why are archers playing dodgeball with other archers? Seriously? I shouldn't be able to glance at another archer to see that he's targeting me and have enough time to move away as the fucking arrow is in flight. I should have to duck for cover as soon as I see the other bastard drawing his bow (which I do anyway) and pray to the gods that there isn't another one of his buddies targeting me from that odd angle outside the ramparts.

That's all I have to say. Thank you for listening.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Looking for a Tin Can Guide
« on: April 05, 2011, 02:10:08 am »
Thank you! Though if what you say about efficiency is true, I'll probably GTX the character eventually.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Looking for a Tin Can Guide
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:48:22 am »
Isn't that what athletics and weapon proficiency's for? I've seen people run around with the equipment I've mentioned and they look so joyful... Really I am interested in the recommended stat and skill builds for the aforementioned equipment. No matter how ineffective it may be, it looks damn fun.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Looking for a Tin Can Guide
« on: April 05, 2011, 01:27:41 am »
Hello gentlemen and women, I am looking for a tin can guide. More specifically, I am looking for a guide that will maximize my defenses to the maximum maximitude. I want to wear the heaviest steel armor, I want to hold that delicious steel shield. I want to run around for enemies to break their weapons upon me—while I express to them my innermost feelings concerning their mothers and/or family pets. I want to use my sword once in a while, but mostly I am looking for a guide that can help me tin can correctly.

Please aid me, friends.

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