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Messages - Deltah

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General Discussion / Re: Cuck Hall of Fame
« on: May 21, 2016, 01:49:51 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Game Admin Feedback / Re: Admin, rules, minor announcemets
« on: May 04, 2016, 07:08:22 am »

I wasn't there, lol.
When was the last time in your life you did a fact check on anything, boyo?

Game Admin Feedback / Re: Admin, rules, minor announcemets
« on: May 04, 2016, 03:55:05 am »
New changes seem to be quite sound.
Dracul(for the most part) has quit the game, but I'm happy to leave the community to Uther. I think he has a good head on his shoulders and will do good by this mod until it dies.
Look to Uther for guidance, as he will lead you peacefully into that cold dark night.
I've spent many years of my life with you people, and they were damned good ones. I suppose now I'll finally move on to greener pastures and brighter futures.

Thanks for the memories.

The Ass Prince

Diplomacy / Re: Brotherhood vs Despotate War
« on: April 22, 2016, 11:34:13 am »
Forgot to mention defending a castle where all you have to do is break ladders.  Also all but 2 showed up on your side -very motivated to show and stayed entire battle, more dedicated even then players that don't "quit" lol.   But hey who needs truth.

All you have to do is go up ladders. You know, if we're gonna be playing the oversimplification game.

I don't really understand your train of thought here though Kesh....
Apparently us showing up to the battle and fighting you is an elaborate ruse you engineered, but then you take some sort of offense to people staying in the battle that they showed up to?
Truly if you are the puppetmaster and strategist you claim to be then you can take a few idle fiefs from a faction that quit the game. Everyone just showed up to clean your clock one last time as a joke.
You seem to be mad when we leave and mad when we stay.

When we leave because of an administration issue on a dying mod it's all "YOU GUYS RQ'D YOU RACIST BABIES! HAHAHA WE'RE GLAD TO HAVE YOUR FIEFS! GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH!" and then when we stay and fight you its "LOOK AT MY MASTER PLAN" then immediately after we fight you and win "GOSH WHY ARE YOU GUYS FIGHTING US I THOUGHT YOU QUIT???"  I could poke holes in your logic all day, but why should I poke holes in what is already swiss cheese?

At this point I think you just don't get enough attention at home and you make up for it by sperging out on the forums because at least us yelling at you is more than whatever you get in your real life. I can't even get angry at you anymore really, I just get sad when I look at your posts. I feel like I shouldn't even be making fun of you because its morally wrong to make fun of the handicapped. I'll be truly grateful when my friends decide to quit for good and I can follow them to greener pastures free of individuals like yourself.

Diplomacy / Re: Brotherhood vs Despotate War
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:22:03 am »
It kind of has, half the people that said they "quit" have been showing for our battles.  My plan worked like every strat.  Piss off the kiddies on the forums and they become motivated to fight you.  Only true way to save strat.
Damage Control: The Post
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Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 22, 2016, 05:14:40 am »
It was a long day, and Kesh's army of personal ball squires had finally made it to New Malayurg. They had planned to take the idle castle in a daring display of bravery and courage. Who could challenge such a tactically superior strategy? Surely no one could stand up to such a bold play.

Or so it seemed. Kesh's forces began laddering up to the seemingly empty fortress, arrogant and proud.
But it was quiet. Too quiet.
Kesh smelled something as foul as he was and began to gag.

The castle walls started to erupt with a virulent typhoon of defecation.
The first wave of men and their ladders were swallowed up and burned away by streams of boiling hot shit.
The raw sewage cascaded down from the walls and soiled the ground that Kesh stood upon.
A formation of archers was struck by what seemed to be a perfectly molded boulder of human waste, probably made by Larry, which exploded on impact.
Mason jars of brown phosphorus rained down upon the remainder of Kesh's forces. They soon succumbed to the deadly combination of broken glass in their eyes and human waste caked into their wounds.
Little did Kesh know, the remaining force of Sodomy had installed a taco bell in their castle, and had been storing raw shit in preparation for Kesh's arrival.

You could say that they wanted to roll out the brown carpet.

R2Salt2 sat atop the castle wall, cackling mechanically and recording this to be later uploaded on a scat thread on 4chan.

Allers couldn't even use his healing tent as it was filled to the brim with Diarrhea. Thus he went home and went back to playing counter-strike.

Finally, it was down to just Kesh and his two valiant pikemen that he paid real life money to protect him every battle.
Then something strange happened. Two grisly phantoms appeared on the battlefield. One of Relit, and one of Diggles. They quickly overcame the cowardly pikemen and tore them inside out for not paying homage to Relit, the patron saint of pikes.
They held kesh down on his knees, and his little t-rex like sperg arms could do nothing against the might of these spectral vengeance seekers.
Then, Kesh's Wife's Son's Father gracefully rode down one of the shit streams in his kayak made from human foreskin and stood over the sperg.
He looked down upon Kesh with a devious smile and dropped trow.
One of the ghost's held his mouth open, as the man squatted down over his face and took the nastiest taco bell beefy burrito fueled shit that was ever taken deep into Kesh's throat. He seemed to keep erupting forever, pushing the brown lava deep into the man's insides. So much so that it forced Kesh's own shit out in order to make room for the fecal matter that now possessed his body.

The king of cucks had died the way he lived. On his knees and completely full of shit.

The End.

(This is how you shitpost)

Faction Halls / Re: Sons of Social Darwinism - Second Life Biker Gang
« on: April 21, 2016, 09:32:27 pm »
Artyem...........are you Britbong?

Are you and Hanson still dating? Sometimes he still talks about the way you make his tailbone quiver.

Diplomacy / Re: You have been invited to a Feast at Kelredan Castle
« on: April 21, 2016, 06:12:47 am »
There will be no perverse donkey shows at this gathering and no attempts on your pride or lives.

As the ASS PRINCE I take offense to this statement.
(Can I bring my own donkeys?)

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 21, 2016, 03:41:09 am »

Who are you? Like seriously, i do not thnk we ever had any words here or anywhere else ever. I responded to Larry, everyone else jumped it. It was nice and civil. I guess you got those rose tinted glasses that only see what you want to see or just choose to ignore anyone on your "side"  of the fence. I was ready to let it go. You should do the same.

Sorry I can't hear you from the top of my bitchin' Harley in secondlife.
I mean, what do you have against COPS anyway? It's a good show.
You should really just come over and do bicep curls with me.
(Tl:DR I let this whole situation go before I made this thread and did it for humor reasons, not my fault if anyone takes offense or wants to bring up old drama from other threads because me calling them a cuck made them lose sleep. Hell, it kinda scares me that you can even agree with someone who's idea of disagreeing with me is to passive aggressively bump every other thread until this one disappears and blatantly ignore every word said against him.)
I kinda wish I could just delete all of the posts unrelated to the roleplay or to the humor. The mods should really get on that. I'll probably have to lock the thread soon at this rate. I'll be leaving cRPG soon anyway and anyone who thinks I'm salty or offended or even toxic is honestly just projecting at this point.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 21, 2016, 02:09:14 am »
Cops is filmed on location with the men and women of law enforcement. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
(Btw it's hilarious that you guys are complaining about whining and creating drama and derailing threads and then you two come and do just that to an honest roleplay thread just because it was made by me.)
(I'm just going to go ahead and ignore you guys at this point because you're obviously not self aware. I'll let Necrorave do my speaking for me.)

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^ I liked that a lot. This is what the thread is about.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:51:00 am »
The Final Battle

It was the dead of night, in the heart of Mossbackistan.
The forces of SODOMY marched all through the night, stalking their prey through the woods.
Their tigers were crouched, and their dragons were hidden.
The remnants of the FCC were hiding there, plotting and planning their takeover of the idle continent.
Would anyone oppose such a brilliant strategem?
SODOMY would.

A small warparty composed of Mossback forest rangers, Kesh's wife's sons, a Frisian freedom fighter, and Deltah slowly advanced through the brush.
Keshian's sentries were as idle as the lands they had planned to take, and had their throats slit by the plucky band of Sodomite irregulars.

By the time FCC's forces knew what was happening, the Sodomites were already upon them.
One of them made out Deltah's face hiding under a chinese helmet, supplied to him by a stolen weapons cache that Dracul had taken in strat 4.
"I THOUGHT YOU QUIT OF THE RAGE?," the man cried.
Deltah's rusty walmart machete replied for him, as he plunged it deep into the sperg's bulging gut.
"Good fight," spoke Deltah.

The battle was over as quickly as it began.
Sperg blood thoroughly coated the encampment, and some say its salty contents still taint the earth to this very day.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 03:03:54 am »
Dam I voted for Bannerlord but I wanted to vote for the last 1 fuck me

I feel honored that the town this battle was fought in signed itself up for a forum account and posted in this thread.
All hail the sentient village.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:40:55 am »
where is the poll option for...

"gonna sit in my mom's basement until NA 1 has more than 20 people in it"

Added as per your request. :)

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 02:11:13 am »
Man deltah you are desperate for attention that you need to keep starting a new thread and double posting about this old news then bump it.  We don't care, go off and leave already, attentionwhore!

You have already cried in 3 other threads for 11 pages because you had to sit in the corner for 2 days over racism, then you ragesquit, except you spend days more crying on the forums.  It has already been resolved with admins, everyone else has moved on, nobody cares that you quit.  Just leave.

I was never banned in the first place, nor did I say the word in chat. Nice fact checking though. (I've said this to you twice already.)

This is also the only thread I've personally started since 2014.

If you still think anyone is actually trying to defend racism and that the issue was ever about racism, you need to review those threads or talk to any of the admins involved.

I just wanted to make a funny roleplay thread so I could get some laughs before I stopped coming here. You don't need to throw a hissy fit and go into full damage control mode. Get over yourself.

Please stop making up dumb shit. I mean I know you're just trolling but you could at least put some effort into it. It's hilarious that you go on and on about me and my friends being toxic but then you run around and do shit like this all day and night. I've known several people that have quit that game as a direct result of your actions. Please go ahead and find someone who quit the game because of Deltah.

Diplomacy / Re: End of Mod RP thread (autism is encouraged)
« on: April 20, 2016, 01:37:35 am »
Put up a poll.

Also apparently Kesh shitposted in every other thread to move this to the second page because I hurt his feelings again :'(

Come on guys, throw up some of those RP's that this mod is known for. I miss those more than I will ever I miss actually playing the game.

Also I'm bumping in hopes that Arty puts up a roleplay from the point of view of Relit's pike.

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