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Messages - Taceo

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Ban ING_Taceo
« on: March 10, 2012, 01:01:18 am »
Hi there...

I don't like the way you talk about polkafranzis family, just because he tried to help you by good advice...
And the secound thing: What is wrong with you actually? I already said "sry, I didn't see the banner above your head" and, much rather important: Youve said that "you'll forgive" me!? (that were your words, werent they?!)


Faction Halls / Re: The Duchy of Wessex
« on: April 28, 2011, 03:13:14 am »
We already met in field. Im looking forward for a good and fair time with each of you...  welcome to crpg!

I chose Taceo, because I need coffee... to join me in lord status!

Taceo ... ?

Coffee ... ?


LOL, now i got it! ;D
Sir Phil btw, couse by grace of God in fact

Suggestions Corner / the RPG element
« on: March 13, 2011, 04:18:28 pm »
Hey there, how about implementing an entity for RPG? A former city of the sp-game for example, where c-rpger can meat each and maybe sell and buy (heirloomed) weapons ... etc? A tavern should be implemented too of course ;)

Just an idea... maybe too much idealistic ;)


Ok, after hard negotiations with the team members, I join the army of the holy Kingdom. I hope for a rich contribution of either sides etc. And for once and all times shall count: sry for my fuckin bad english :) i keep workin on it, also by joining you. Thank u for your patience.

Taceo (its NOT a brand of coffee ;) !!!)


Sehr schön. Wann gibt es einen solchen Schnupperevent?

Taceo, der Interessierte

Pages: [1]