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Messages - Stylin_ATS

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: HA build/ hornbow
« on: November 22, 2013, 12:26:26 am »
You can do a 18/18 Yumi build and grab some PS, or 21/18. 15/24 with a horn/tatar/nomad is always solid. Horses are totally up to you, I personally hate desert and arabian because they're so damn weak. Rouncey actually works just fine, it's more about being smart with how you ride rather than the raw stats on the horse. Keep in mind most HAs can't really do much so they just aim for your horse, Mokuchin being a prime example of that. With 15/24 you'll really be wanting to aim for the head to make it work, getting that build to 31+ affords you some more riding.

I rufuse to use the yumi based on it looking like total shit and having a slow ass missle speed. Granted it works well I can't do it. I'd suggest making a STF and trying out 15/24 and then a higher PD build and seeing what you like more. The difference between 3 and 4 HA is pretty noticeable in terms of accuracy, and while 4 reduces the penalty, 6PD still gives you a damage edge (plus the yumi being 2 more dmg than horn).

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: man i forgot how much fun HA was
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:15:24 am »
Yup 15/24 always works, you could even do 12/24 to get higher riding, 4ps and a decent side-arm prof at level 30. Messed around a bit with 6pd HA builds with some decent melee capabilities was well. The 6pd and up builds work okay in strat as well due to most bows being rus/long.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Battles postponed by 24h
« on: October 30, 2013, 09:57:06 pm »
I'm sorry your team sucks.

Calgary has no MLB team nor do we want one!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: HA build, help please
« on: October 20, 2013, 12:33:33 am »
12/24 no, but 15/24 yes, it's pretty standard dedicated HA. You can make any horse work with enough smarts, Rouncy works just fine. And there is an extensive thread on HA builds if you search.

General Discussion / Re: Your cRPG hero
« on: January 25, 2013, 12:21:46 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Kinda sad without weeaboos
« on: August 29, 2012, 08:39:33 am »
Could be, I am definitely not speaking for others. I try to not be racist, but on the other hand you can't expect someone to like everything.

And to be honest, I do like the Asian people very much. Although this is probably a racist generalization as well, but I think they are very capable, humble, self-sacrificing and pleasant company in general. And I do like their food very much. It's just their "pop-culture" and "media" I can't get along with a single bit.

I like the dark, dirty, realistic western style. That's all. I don't like turned in, colourful, fancy, or exaggerations which cross the line to

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Whack A$@ Zashi?
« on: August 28, 2012, 06:04:29 pm »
Well this thread illustrates the prevailing mentality of this retarded community -- you're only allowed to like European things, and you're a weaboo bundle of sticks if you like anything from Japan. Why don't you all try getting over it, we know you're insecure and need to put others down at any opportunity to do so but please, give it a rest.

General Discussion / Re: help eeded
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:34:48 pm »
How fucked bored are you Stylin? You stalk Egan through every topic these days.

How fucking bored are you Zilsch you reply to to every reply I make to Egan about posting in every topic accusing me of stalking him.

Re reading that sentence a few times to make sure it made sense made my head hurt.

General Discussion / Re: help eeded
« on: August 24, 2012, 10:28:50 pm »
How fucking bored are you egan, you post on literally every topic these days, also OP learn to type for chrsits sake.

General Discussion / Re: Warband FXAA GRAPHICS
« on: August 23, 2012, 06:40:27 am »
Not gonna lie, that looks terrible, like a modern shooter got a hold of it. MORE BROWN FILTER!

General Discussion / Re: WOJTEK THE RAGER.
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:25:56 pm »
Just wanted to say, you guys are fucking embarrassing to be associated with.

Closed Requests / Re: RogerTheShrubber_AstralisR
« on: August 11, 2012, 10:56:57 pm »
lol w/e dude... your word against mine.. I admit it ended in me TK'ing you and I'm sorry.. you are the only person I have purposely TK'd... Besides punching someone and some how actually doing damage so that they can report it. I also admitted that I have kicked people while reloading their x-bows, and I know that's immature and I will&have stopped..

But your panties are all bunched up over a TK that happened days ago. I am sorry, but please get over it. If I get a 24 hours ban or what ever, then thats OK, I understand. And I wont and haven't TK'd anyone else.

My word, screenshots, and others words against yours. You do deserve a ban, thankfully you seem to have gotten the message though.

Closed Requests / Re: RogerTheShrubber_AstralisR
« on: August 11, 2012, 10:07:43 pm »
I've been playing the game for like a week and accidentally hit you while you were 'shield walling' or what ever.. I'm sorry. I did end up killing him, but he also swung at me.. I blocked it. It was a two way street.

99% of the 3/5 or w/e were people having fist fights, I get punched I punch back, just fun and messing around, and then someone hits M... the ONE time I was kicked (5/5) for hurting a teammate, it was sexthriller... again, he just reported it messing around. Hes my cousin and got me the game.

I could hit M all the time.. with the number of horse bumps and arrow shots and people punching and kicking me and accidental weapon hits. But I don't get all whiny about it. Its a game.

I will admit I have kicked people when reloading x-bows, and I am sorry. I was just messing around. I didn't think people were so upset about it that they felt it necessary to post in a thread about it. I will stop.

I like playing and am working to get lvl30. I will start being a more serious player and stop TK'ing and messing around as much as possible. I'm sorry to all the people I have annoyed or upset. And I am sorry Stylin for the way I handled the whole situation.

You're just plain lying dude, you hit me 3 more times because I hit M after the first, then proceeded to call me a pussy and that I shouldn't use M. I know the fist fighting this is a convenient excuse, but it's flat out bullshit and you know it.

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