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Messages - Justice

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Arbalest!
« on: August 22, 2011, 04:25:54 am »
To be honest I think the recent changes to xbow and especially the arbalest balanced nothing. When you change something that's too powerful.. the ultimate goal should be to balance it, not nerf it into a piece of shit.

The main problem with this weapon is that there's almost no skill/stat commitment to be effective with it. They could keep the current shitty reload time, but why not add a skill that'll reduce it to something better than 2 shots per min(what I'm currently getting with my MW arbalest). On top of this, increase the amount of WPF needed to be accurate with it, at about 150 wpf you're fairly accurate.. slide this level of accuracy up to 180. Making it more of a point-sink as well as a slight increase in reload time would of been the more balanced method imo... but 2 shots per min for a MW weapon and 140 wpf is a joke.

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