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Messages - Tenzek

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Also to further my point, the cost of repairs over time is completely independent of how long the rounds are, which some people seem to be saying here. The repairs apply per tick, not per round and so the amount at the end of the round is dependent on the round duration, but so is the amount of gold you gain.

The reason round length affects the results is because you can only pay upkeep once on a given item per round. The repairs apply per tick, but they don't accumulate during the same round.

If the rounds were long enough, you'd have enough gold to pay for everything with some to spare no matter if every single item needed to be repaired.

The system works partly because rounds are so short.

Edit: I am not disagreeing with the way you're modeling the system, though. I am disagreeing with the "infinite number of ticks" excuse that's supposed to explain the original poster's lack of understanding of what he's saying. :)

You're considering an infinite number of rounds with finite numbers used to determine the results within the round. The guy claiming you can look at an infinite number of ticks is who I am commenting to. This drops out some important information that can drastically change the results.

Although I can't see the numbers used in your calculation, the notation shows you're probably including the information that the OP is missing.


There's nothing wrong with his probability unless you know for certain that somebody is only playing for a set amount of time. But since players play the game indefinitely, the number of ticks is going to be indefinite and you could just as well use infinity. As you get closer and closer to infinity, the variance will slim. And when you hit infinity, it will disappear. So with an infinite number of ticks, each piece of equipment will break once every 25 minutes. But that is ignoring wpf. Somebody mentioned wpf, but that's too much variability to get into.

For the record, I finished college with an engineering degree, which means I took Probability & Statistics as well as a crapload of other math classes.

It works on a per-round basis, though. Then it resets.

A round probably lasts 3-5 ticks during which you can only be affected by a damaged item roll a maximum of once per item.

If a round lasts 5 ticks and a specific item fails each of the 5 rolls, you only pay once. After a new round starts, the fail chance counts again.

Also, if you want to consider an infinite number of ticks, you have an infinite amount of gold and the entire model breaks down completely. You need to look at it one round at a time to make the model practical, and 5 doesn't really come that close to infinity.

After the bragging about your degree, I can't tell if you're a very convincing troll or if you're serious.

yea but my Equip is 25000 and I am constantly losing money  :rolleyes:

and the dude I play with got equip with 83k and lose like nothing. some kind of bug? idk.  :|

It helps to build up a nest egg. The amount of gold you're making at a given time can vary depending on how lucky you are with team wins and with chance of needing to repair. Build up a little bit of buffer and you will have some room to dip down a few thousand without it being a problem. You'll make up for it later when your luck turns. You should be making money pretty quickly with only 25k in gear, but there will be fluctuations.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Archer build
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:28:28 pm »

And who said i wanted to be fast, im a siege archer, going for more time ill go for 21/21 build.

One would just naturally make that assumption when you complain that archers are too slow.

The point Murchad was making was that you chose a build purposely that was designed to give up speed for a benefit. You didn't have to be slow.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: What is a good 1h build?
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:17:35 pm »
Sure, but it doesn't take anywhere near a second to swing your weapon, and you're going to run into many situations where there isn't room to just constantly keep running at full speed while fighting. I think that this build is designed to have a lot of trouble with the currently popular high strength tanks, as they will take many hits to take down and will only need one swing to land to overkill you by a lot of HP.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: What is a good 1h build?
« on: March 24, 2011, 09:52:35 pm »
My mistake. I've never had a build with such low strength that I had to worry about the requirement on a steel pick, so I had just made the assumption it was light enough to be used in such a build.

How do you deal with the problem of having virtually no killing power against armor if you're not at full speed?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: What is a good 1h build?
« on: March 24, 2011, 09:36:41 pm »
Perfectly possible to make money with that loadout and it's about the best defense you can get with 9 strenght. Not sure if you should bother with armour at all, since you will get 1 hit killed anyway. It might take an extra arrow to kill you or something. Not sure.

Armor still prevents grazing/light hits from dealing damage to you. With 9 athletics you'll be able to avoid a lot of swings, or move into a range where they're out of their weapon's sweet spot and are likely to bump. A little bit of armor turns those 10-20 damage grazing swings to zero damage and prevents minor damage like this from adding up on you to be a problem. Don't underestimate it :)

Also, I might consider using a steel pick with this sort of build. You'll easily control range and don't need to worry about crushthrough, so the short range isn't a problem for you.  With the lack of PS you'll get a lot more effective damage with the pick.

I think with 3 PS you'd bump a lot, even with a MW side sword. With great footwork and timing your speed bonus could make up for it, perhaps, but the steel pick would be a lot more forgiving of 3PS bumping swings.

Personally, though, I agree with the 21/15 7PS 5Agi skills  build template, with either 7 IF or 7 PT, depending on which you prefer.

I thought foot/leg hits did 75% damage, not 50%.

General Discussion / Re: Best 2H sword
« on: March 18, 2011, 03:49:29 am »
I prefer the great sword, but there is a strong case to be made for the longsword as well in my opinion.

The longsword at base level is nothing much, but comparing it to the other options at masterwork, I think that it's on par with the other top choices. It's a facehug weapon for 2h, so it depends on style, I suppose.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on 1h weapons
« on: March 17, 2011, 03:06:14 am »
Well, no. None of them are the same really.

They each offer some tradeoff. A bonus for a penalty.

For example, between the 3 main swords:

Side Sword is the shortest and fastest. It has the hardest hitting slash and a medium thrust.

The Long Espalda is the longest and is of medium speed. It has the strongest thrust but the weakest slash.

The Knightly Arming sword is of slightly lesser length than the espalda, and is the slowest. It is tied for the strongest slash but has the weakest thrust.

In the case of the pick, you trade off a very large amount of range and the ability to perform a thrust attack for good speed (only one less than the side sword, faster than the other 2) and high piercing damage on every attack.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Shield Questions about Axe Damage
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:02:46 pm »
Thank you all for the responses.

cmpxchg8b, thanks to you for the detailed answer.

I am still unclear as to whether "works as normal" means it deals double damage after it exceeds the armor or before, though. The only other example of bonus damage doesn't apply until after the armor is exceeded; however, the way you word it makes me think you mean the opposite.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on 1h weapons
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:40:43 pm »
I like the Long Arming Sword.  This forgotten sword (don't see it mentioned anywhere...) is within a couple points of the best swords (in terms of damage and speed) but is slightly longer than the side sword and 3k or 4k cheaper!  This lets you have 3k worth of more armor, etc.  It works well for me, and is a good choice for horseback as well.

Long Arming Sword
cost: 5k
spd rtng 98
weapon length 102
swing damage 30, cut
thrust damage 24 pierce

There is also the Knightly Arming Sword, which I use and I think is more comparable to the high-end swords

It reads:

spd rtng 97
weapon length 102
swing damage 31 cut
thrust damage 24 pierce

And it costs about 6.8k.

In the end, however, it heirlooms slightly better than the other swords. It makes up a missing damage point so that it ends up even in slash damage with the 32 base swords by the 2nd heirloom, and it's only one behind the side sword in thrust at masterwork.

According to the thread on this forum that lists heirloom levels, the Masterwork Arming Sword reads:

Gen3= 99spd 36cut 28pierce 102 length

And the Masterwork Side Sword reads:

Gen3= 103spd 36cut 29pierce 95 length

To me, that's a tough call and I am favoring the Knightly Arming Sword slightly at the moment not even taking price into consideration. Conceeding 1 thrust damage and 4 speed for 7 extra reach seems like a good trade.

General Discussion / Re: The Leeching Rule on the NA servers
« on: March 15, 2011, 09:41:30 pm »
Spawning with 4 ladders in strategus is your call - but for the siege server, if you plan on spawning with 4 ladders, make sure you find a weapon on the ground quickly - once again, the admin who cycles through the players might not see the player put down 4 ladders, but rather just running around with no weapon.

In the case of the guy with 4 ladders mentioned earlier, the siege ramp was bugged. It was the main way into the castle, and there was nothing the attackers could really do about it. He wouldn't change the map despite the game breaking bug preventing the attackers from having any real chance. He also threatened to kick people who tried to use ladders to compensate.

In general your statement may be correct, but if there was ever a blatantly obvious exception to the rule, this is it. He should have changed to map, but if he wouldn't do that he should not have threatened to kick those of us doing the only possible thing we could have done to get into the castle.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Potential Shield Builds?
« on: March 15, 2011, 04:59:40 am »
The builds look good. Personally I have a planned 21/18 and a planned 18/18. I tend to start new alts long before I reach 30 though.

How does the 21/18 work? What skill are you leaving a bit lower?

7 PS
6 Athletics, Shield and WM would be two points over your total.

I am having a hard time making that seem like a good idea to me, since you'd basically only get to choose one of those three agi skills to take to level 6 at the cost of an additional 3 attribute points, while the others stay at 5. Don't really need WM, but both shield and athletics would be really nice. Is it worth the 8% damage and 3 more HP of going strength, though? Maybe it would be if you had the points for both shield and athletics.

I admit that I am not sure how powerful/needed it is to go to 8 PS though. Currently my build is only up to 5 PS and seems to be starting to do fairly well.

My basic line of thinking is:

1) Slower build, higher strength - use a longer ranged bladed weapon. You gain reach to offset your lack of speed, and your high strength helps to overcome the reistance to cut damage.

2) Faster build (like build 3) - use a blunt or piercing weapon like the steel pick or warhammer. You lack range but gain the footspeed needed to use the weapon, and the lack of strength is helped by the damage type's armor penatration.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Shield Questions about Axe Damage
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:44:55 am »
Thanks for the response, Blondin. I guess I misunderstood the basics of the system. I didn't consider the possibility of shield armor just being zero effectively for axes.

Please don't respond to the troll, though. Let him go away so we don't wash out the thread with nonsesne and maybe some more information will come out of it.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Potential Shield Builds?
« on: March 15, 2011, 01:34:31 am »
I have been playing on and off for a while as a two-hander and recently picked up a shield on a new character to try it out. So far I am ejoying the shield user, even though I am not very good at it just yet.

I have a few build ideas that I was looking for feedback on.

Firstly, I know that I am using a Knightly Arming Sword as my primary weapon that I plan to heirloom first. I am unsure of the armor, but likely heraldic mail just like almost everyone else. My shield is either going to be a basic heater shield (the one with the lion symbol, not the half moon), a knightly heater shield, or possibly a huscarl if my final build takes a lot of shield skill.

Build #1: High Strength, simple and focused
Currently using this build.

Strength: 24
Agility: 15
Hit points: 59

One Handed: 148

Converted: 8
Ironflesh: 0
Power Strike: 8
Shield: 5
Athletics: 5
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 5

Build #1a

I have also considered a similar 21/15 build with 7 PS and Iron flesh and 5 in shield/atheltics/WM

Build #2 Throwing hybrid, similar to above

Strength: 21
Agility: 15
Hit points: 56

One Handed: 134
Throwing: 80

Converted: 2
Ironflesh: 0
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 5
Athletics: 5
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 7
Weapon Master: 5

I know that these are common right now, but I am only guessing at how they tend to be designed.

Build 3

Strength: 15
Agility: 21
Hit points: 56

One Handed: 164

Converted: 2
Ironflesh: 3
Power Strike: 5
Shield: 7
Athletics: 7
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 7

Or similar to above, the balanced build with 18/18, 6 in all relevant skills but 5 Iron Flesh. If I go with a faster/weaker build I might consider heirlooming a pick instead of a sword.

I know that these builds are probably fairly generic looking to someone who has been playing a shielder for a while, but since I have not I am just looking for some simple feedback to make sure I am not misunderstanding something and making an obvious build mistake. Thanks.

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