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Messages - Sha_Wujing

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: XP on duel servers
« on: February 16, 2011, 01:13:43 am »
no ticks, just xp/gold per kill

to spice it up, the gold the winner one gets, is taken from the guy he killed. and no 2x etc.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Archery buff
« on: February 16, 2011, 01:08:45 am »
Only thing I would suggest for archery is to increase ammunition  :(  I always run out
if 16 arrows isnt enough for you, what about the cheaper ones where you get 28/23/21.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Can we please fix throwing?
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:37:06 pm »
That would make throwing more of a support skill then a dedicated class.

but a master thrower is a dedicated class, not everyone like slamming around with a onehitkill barmaze, and if all the throwers where slow and strong that would make it silly for other then heavy armored people and destroy the pole as a 2nd/1st weapon.
what stops people from wearing a all the way heavy armor with a bad ass super heavy armored horse and a 100foot lancer with a diamond arrow at the front? money. make throwing expensive, and people will stop abusing it.

i dont support the only one stack, because i am trying to be a thrower/polearmer, and the throwing lance would be great for that.
but if it is expensive to refill it will get tuned down. people dont usualy want to waste money, right?
there isnt much materials in a arrow, compaired to an axe.
so it would ofcourse be allot cheaper to be a archer.

Suggestions Corner / Run/Attack speed disadvantege
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:28:40 pm »
i dont know if this would beplayable at all, but just an idea.
what if... you get sliced in your arm, and that did so you got a reduced attack speed.. depending on the arm.
right arm.. reduced attack (if not 2h) left arm reduced sheild. if you got hit in the leg, reduced run speed.

this way the super defensive super armored people, would get a disadvantege in the longrun.

lets say a arrow in the leg would slow you down -4/8% depending on the weapon.
(just creating a picture) that would be really irritating, so should have the option to pull out, this way it would only be.... 1/2% and depending on the shape of the arrow you would lose a tiny amount of health points. like the Barbed Arrows would hurt you more then the Bodkin Arrows, and it would get off the extra weight. the animation for reloading a crossbow could be used when pulling out arrows and spares, etc.

i dont know if it is the irritation of seeing a heavy armor with a 6foot lancer stuck in his shoulder that got me thinking on this, or the realism..

i know, this could lead to a total destruction of gameplay, and all the arches would aim at a tinmans feet and make him as slow as a steady rock.
so it would need allot of testing.

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Can we please fix throwing?
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:10:24 pm »
i can see why throwing is annoing. people are spamming everywhere.
but other then the axe, the low skilled throwing dosnt do that much damage.
and the axe is close ranged. but i agree that spamming should be punished.
its a throwaway (sub)class, it should be expensive ass hell... you cant throw away all your weapons
and expect to get them all back for free the next round... arrows,bolts and throwing gear should have a refill payment each round, it should be adviced to throw less and people should pick it up instead of spamming it all over. people need to think twise before they throw a handfull of steel away. this way a thrower would need to go and pick it up and a tinman would know that staying close to a thrown weapon could lead to a kill. my main attack is throwing, so this is comming from someone you hate ingame.

and a question, the weight of the throwing weapons? do they get reduced?
lets say that 7 war darts is a weight of 3... is 2 war dars then 0.8 in weight?

its a bit contradictive to ask, because if it is... then i am going to spam away all my throwing to get weight redced.
since i run faster with less weight.

and contradictive is good i guess? if its expensive to throw them, but you need light weight and want to throw them.
then you will think twise before you stock up 24 war darts?

random fact:
I imagine it was the same in real life: Turn your back on a viking, he will chuck an axe at you.
its a myth that vikings where axe throwers, they didnt have the money to use that much steel,
(you could call them Peasants..)
they used really light weight armor, only wood sheilds to stop arrows, and the ones who had stolen enough loot and survived got enough money to buy a badass helmet. archery is actully something they where really known for since they where hunters back home.
their tactics where to be fast and destructive. and get out of the town befor other towns around noticed the attack and could come with support, if planned we are talking minutes. and a real viking loved defenless churches and defencless monks. another random fact is that the word "bag" is from the vikings, they had a leather thing on their back that they called a bag and that was where the loot whent.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove ability of defenders to open gates
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:32:04 am »
opening and closing gates is usefull! it can be a part of the defenders tactics.
if someone is a traiotor, their could be a vote for the defending team, to
remove the traitors ability to open gates.

Faction Halls / Roleplaying on the EU servers
« on: February 14, 2011, 05:24:05 am »
so this is a kind of weird idea. it all started with me roleplaying something random.
for some reason, i chose to roleplay someone from a chinese novel.

now a have'nt read the novel, just stumbled upon it and liked the idea.
to keep it short, its a story about 3 people guarding a defenceless guy on a horse.

now my idea is to gather 2 other people, and when we play, we find a peseant and help him.
i am not a super high level, or even that skilled.
i am just trying to have fun.

anyone up for it?
i need two others, who want to change their name/start a new character.
the name change isnt realy a clan tag.
you will have the name of the person you are roleplaying.
either Sun_wukong, who is a monkey (king) or a half pig/half man monster
from the milkyway who loves woman and whine, his name is Zhu Bajie.

i am playing as Sha_Wujing who is a sand monsterish human thing.

we will wear this banner:
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(i chose it for a few reasons.first of all, i like banners that look good on all the diffrent shield shapes,
and i like to think that the three dots are the protectors, and the 4 dots are the group together.)
we will be using use certain weapons (polearms +other), light armors, help peseants, have a chinese face,
wear armor because how it looks, and not how much steel it is covered with.
then you are welcome!

now i am not too serious about the roleplaying, you dont need to have a chinese accent,
and talk about thing from the novel. its more about being a group that helps a peasant.
and that have a theme!

(i know, i know.. the guy on the horse in the story isnt a peseant, but no one want to play a guy
that cant fight? and we will keep the people who need support, supported!)

some information about the story:

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