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Messages - ORiainRex

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Cruel, cruel Fate...
« on: July 11, 2011, 12:51:49 pm »
So, I was playing last night around the time when the patch was being implemented, and like a lot of people, found myself sporting someone else's gear.  I take a look at what I have available, and decide that while it's not what I would choose to use, I can make due with it, and I really wanted to play a bit before bed.  So I hop into the Pecores DTV server and start smashing some peasant skulls, when wouldn't you know it, I get the GD chadztext.  WITH SOMEONE ELSE'S GEAR! I've been using my same armor for 5 gens now and haven't once seen the blessing of the creator, but I play for 10 minutes with some random crap on my body, and that's the moment the divines decide to tell me I feel more at ease in my armor.  Is the world trying to tell me something? 

This is more of a rant than anything, but I just thought some bitching that wasn't related to "how much the patch sucks"  would be refreshing on this gloomy morning.  Up for discussion, did anyone have any interesting experiences playing with someone else's gear?  I heard one person laughing that the gear they had included a Lordly women's headdress.  Any funny heirlooms get thrown your way?


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Ranged points
« on: June 05, 2011, 09:18:23 pm »
Thanks a lot Kesh.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Ranged points
« on: June 05, 2011, 06:09:15 pm »
Hey all,

I was just wondering if anyone knew whether weapon proficiency points affected crossbow and bow damage as well as accuracy and reload time, like it does for melee weapons.  Thanks.

Scene Editing / Re: New Battle Map
« on: May 14, 2011, 09:56:23 am »
I was going for sort of a Richside/poorside kinda feel, with the nicer buildings being a merchant class, and the rougher buildings being more of a destitute overpopulated shanty-town.  I tried to leave some room behind the buildings for cav to sneak up on and be able to maneuver a bit, but I think you're right, I need to widen things up/make more clear paths. 

Do yo uthink there's any way to make the two building styles work together?  Maybe some more plantlife to blend them together a bit more? 

Scene Editing / New Battle Map
« on: May 14, 2011, 05:47:45 am »
Hey guys,

This is my first attempt at a multiplayer battle map...well, really a map of any kind.  I'm really just looking for some feedback here.  I've intended it to be a sort of inner-city map with a lot of variety to how it can be played out. I think I've allowed enough room for cav to be able to operate on most of the map, though it clearly isn't an ideal map for cav.  Archers have some great vantage points, but some area's of the map make it impossible to get a clear shot at, and the best vantage points have multiple approaches, making a sneak attack very likely.  Infantry have some great open area's to fight in, ass well as alleys that make hit and run tactics a lot of fun. Overall, I think it should appeal to most players without giving a bonus to anyone.  The castle has entry's in the front and on either side, and the rooftops have plenty of cover and at least 4 approaches, so camping it isn't necessarily the safest place on the map.  It is also equidistant from both spawns, which are the keeps on the left and right side of the map.  Anyways, let me know what you guys think!

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Scene Editing / Re: Help with Plants
« on: May 13, 2011, 10:26:36 am »
Thank you!

The info's there.  I was sure I'd tried that, but I think I just got frustrated by that point and got careless.  Seems like I'm back on track. 

Can I also just say that this community is amazing?! So very, very helpful.  Thanks a lot.  Here's hoping I don't have to post yet another problem!

Scene Editing / Re: Help with Plants
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:41:03 am »
OK, now I'm having a different issue.  Without having done extensive research on how to make a map (my mistake, I know), I just selected one of the blank maps in the CRPG Scene editor and worked from there.  Having done so, and designed a beautiful castle map from there, I now find myself unable to proceed.  I can't figure out how to take that map and move it to native to use the SP editor, which I believe I have to do in order to change the vegetation slider.  It seems I may be screwed here, as I've done things kind of ass backwards, apparently.  Presumable, I was supposed to go into SP, click on the terrain editor, generate my terrain, then copy the terrain code to add it to the and the other 2 .py files in the module system.  Since I already have a terrain associated with a map which already has objects on it, is there any way to find that terrain code from the .scn file or elsewhere? 

I'm clearly lost here, and while I could simply start over and follow the directions in the forum from scratch and probably figure it all out, I would really hate for all the hours I spent making this map to have been for nothing.  If anyone can get me back on the right track, I would be super appreciative. 

Has anyone else made a map starting with the new templates that were delivered with on of the latest Crpg patches? 

Scene Editing / Re: Help with Plants
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:00:47 am »
Thanks a lot.  +1 Awesome bar for your extremely timely response!

Scene Editing / Re: Help with Plants
« on: May 13, 2011, 05:54:21 am »
I didn't generate a terrain code.  I used on of the "blanks" in the CRPG Scene Editor as a template and just wiped the terrain to use as a base.  It seemed like a work-around from having to use the SP Editor to create a landscape, then copy/paste the terrain code to another file to create a new map, then build off of that (this is what I think I've read from other threads, I'm a total newb though).  The tree's weren't there when I started building on the map, but the first time I closed it and re-opened it, the plants were all there.  In the edit mode options I can't find any kind of vegetation slider anywhere.  Was I wrong in assuming that the patch gave us these templates in order to skip the whole terrain code generation step?

Scene Editing / Help with Plants
« on: May 13, 2011, 04:33:38 am »
Hey all,

I'm working on my first MP map, and I've run into an issue.  I'm using the C-RPG Scene editor to create my map.  My issue is that random plants and tree's have spawned all over my map, and some of them are in places that they just shouldn't be.  I can't select them to remove them.  I've heard tell of a "vegetation" slider, but I see no such thing.  I've searched the forums but can't find anything that helps. Can anyone tell me how to strip my map of all the auto-placed plant-life?  +1 Awesome bar to the first person to solve my dilemma!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 2h with Thrown Weps?
« on: April 13, 2011, 06:49:05 am »
Hey Wrafe,

I would definitely keep it 100 throwing, 146 2-hand. Having played an almost identical build myself, you'll probably just use the axes to close the distance or put a few good dents into the enemies shield, so at that range you wont need much more accuracy than 100.  With the sword, you're going for an agility build, so you'll want the most speed out of your sword to make up for the lower PS.  It's totally your call, cause neither option is "bad", but from my experience, I'd favor your sword.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Retire 31?
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:22:30 am »

Long live the mad God!

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk about armor...
« on: April 10, 2011, 08:00:38 am »
Switching from my lemellar vest to my black armor doubles the damage I can take on the field.  I really notice the difference.

Events & Tournaments / Re: NA Tournament
« on: April 08, 2011, 06:54:42 am »
My vote goes for team matches for sure.  Random/balanced, so that we can see clan-mates square off against each other, both knowing each others strengths and weaknesses.  Plus, it gives players like me who aren't part of a clan a chance to participate :)

General Discussion / Re: Pew! Pew! Pew!
« on: April 08, 2011, 01:42:55 am »
First of all, stating something is a fact doesn't make it a fact.  It has to actually be a fact to be a fact.  Fact.

Fact: An arena shield can take 3-4 arrows before breaking; plenty of time to make it past the initial arrow free-for-all.

Fact: I hate crossbows.

Fact: Balance is an issue that should be worked on, so equal cav/archers/etc. are on each team, but if a large number of people are playing ranged, than maybe a large number of people like ranged, and if the game becomes a shoot fest with melee as backup, well, then the community has spoken hasn't it? 

I'm not saying I enjoy the large amount of ranged out there, but them's the breaks.

Fact: 2hers whine too much.
Fact: I'm a 2her

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