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Messages - TehSoviet

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Events & Tournaments / Re: 1 v 1 Tournament
« on: July 31, 2015, 03:34:56 am »
Blondekhan_BRD (Or Jedi Master Blondekhan) here, I'd like a spot in the tournament.

Put me on da FCC team!

*shakes angry fist*

Diplomacy / A warning to Fimbulvetr
« on: May 10, 2013, 10:29:19 am »

" That's admirable. I spent six months out there, beyond the Wall, during the last winter. Supposed to be a two-week mission. We heard a rumor Mance Rayder was planning to attack Eastwatch, so we went out to look for some of his men, capture them, gather some knowledge. The Wildlings who fight for Mance Rayder are hard men... harder than you'll ever be. They know their country better than we do. They knew there was a storm coming in. So they hid in their caves and waited for it to pass... and we got caught in the open. Wind so strong, it yanked hundred-foot trees straight from the ground, roots and all. If you took your gloves off to find your cock to have a piss, you lost a finger to the frost. And all in darkness. "
- Mister Thorne of FCC's recounting of Strat 2

Alliser Thorne - FCC
Bob Snow and Bigmac - Fimbulvetr

Teh Soviet (BlondeKhan): these fimbl green boys dont know cold
Teh Soviet (BlondeKhan): and when they come
Teh Soviet (BlondeKhan): they will die
Teh Soviet (BlondeKhan): like flies

Spam / Re: So serious I don't understand how such currupt admin can stand?
« on: February 22, 2013, 03:09:19 am »
The FCC has stuck to the rules without any whining or complaining for centuries. cRPG is dying, it's as blunt and simple as that : This is likely the last Strategus that will have a decent player-base. Yet we have people who go out of their way to troll, ruin, and shitlord the game (smoothrich, Shik, Canary, straight-up) so their faction can benefit. You are killing the game, and splintering the tiny community of veterans that we still have left by stirring a niggaton of problems and spewing fresh sloshing shit all over the fucking rug.

We've reached a period of censorship and admin abuse, and although the FCC is one of the larger factions, not quite enough of us are interested enough in waving our e-dicks around and becoming admins, so when anything remotely official comes up that is decided by admins, there's an army of monkeys who are seeking to benefit their own faction or save face, rather than do some actual moderating and we (lacking admins) are on the receiving end.

There's been rumours of Kesh doing this, and that, and dominating and BDSMing us for our accounts and making us do things in strat. None of the latter happens. He hops channel to channel, asking people what they want done in strat, gives us a reason for one thing and a reason for another, and through a simple vote/opinion system he plots his master plan like Alexander the Great and we carry it out with him. Probably the greatest Strategus strategist out there. He's a nice guy that gets talked a lot of shit about, but so few of us visit the forums that we can't really post anything on the contrary.

So, cut the bullshit, unban Kesh, and stop whining about every little thing that displeases you because you've been outplayed.

Diplomacy / Re: hero_party pledges allegiance to the Godfather
« on: January 23, 2013, 12:38:33 am »
Shamelessly bad attempt to find a worthy deity to worship.

They lack the intelligence, humour, and integrity of Bird Clan, and that's not stating the obviously extraordinary power that Bird Clan wields.


General Discussion / Re: NA 2v2 Tournament 7pm EST THIS SATURDAY
« on: January 12, 2013, 11:48:01 pm »
Team : Snickers_BRD & Blondekhan_BRD
Time : 3-8 PST
Steam names : Snickers & Blondekhan/tehsoviet


Diplomacy / Re: Good fight FCC
« on: November 04, 2012, 03:12:31 am »
Too much circle-jerking. This is Strategus, we're not supposed to hold each others hand, we're supposed to attack at the most advantageous times, fight the dirtiest battles, and talk a lot of shit to one another. I am disapoint.

Diplomacy / New Knudarr Castle - Free Trade Fief
« on: November 03, 2012, 08:34:54 pm »
Cav - lover galore! Anyone is free to come trade, buy, or sell goods/weapons/condiments at my lovely patio fief.

Fully loomed Rounceys with a ripe 35% discount, one - time loomed Destriers with a 20% discount, and countless accessories, such as Heavy Lances, Huey Newton - Replica armours, and a decent S&D! Cometh, and get your own set today! Looms and discounts are included with every purchase.
Note : The standard tax rate is 25%

Owned by the prosperous Lord Blondekhan, a man of truly genial nature. Armies and parties of all shapes and sizes are welcome.

Spam / Re: "I used to own him as cav"
« on: September 30, 2012, 04:29:13 am »
I used to be cavalry and I OWNED HUEY NEWTON but he would AVOID me then kill all my TEAM!

I rode destrier he rode Courser with probobly 5 more riding than me.

He might be better at Ninja'ing with Cav but he would avoid me every round because I would end his killing spree almost every time.

I was even a tri/brid then archer cav and infantry and I would beat him. Now Im just foot archer but gimme some time to save up and Ill

be ready to prove all you dick riding Huey lover that Im better than him., Give me a month and we can have a tournament and prove it.

never happened.

well just from bits and pieces I hear you say either way its good to know a little more about my enemy.

I look forward to reduce your fief numbers!

AAAAAAAAYYYYEE! Come at us, Lordark!

/russian accent


/end accent

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Fallen_Dach
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:04:13 pm »
Doesn't change the fact that you kicked the office objects mid - combat.
It also really doesn't matter how YOU viewed their style of play " Saw a lots of non-intention to fight, disregard of their team mate and overall leeching. " If they actually HAD score, and good kills, it doesn't matter if you didn't like the way they stood up against a wall. They would spring on the enemy as soon as they were close enough, and murder the shit out of them. They warded cavalry away from the archers, and worked as mobile shields for ranged to hide behind because they were incredibly armoured, with high HP.

You didn't address any of the points we made, and brushed the argument away, so you'd better explain your motives or nicely retire from the ranks of admins because you lack the responsibility to be one.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: Fallen Dach
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:26:08 am »
The office objects clan ( potted_plant, water_cooler, rotating_fan, etc ) Were all kicked from the battle server MID - COMBAT for 'leeching', and threatened to be BANNED for an entire week if they persisted. . .
Yet, they were topping the scoreboards, effectively defending the archers, and all things aside not leeching, considering they are skip to fun characters. Fallen_Dach kicked them without reason while they were in the midst of combat, effectively dropping them half-way through an undecided round itself without warning and with false reasoning.

Personally, I think Dach needs to have a time - out from administrating.

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: September 21, 2012, 07:18:24 am »
I am Blondekhan, the extraordinaire.

Courageous, courteous, handsome, hilarious, and in possession of every other desirable quality a real man of aristocracy could ever yearn for.

I also kick ass. All the time. Played consistently since Christmas 2010, and was present for the crude, malformed monstrosity that was old old old cRPG back when it was in its first months, only to leave because my stats looked like a bingo sheet, and I didn't know what I was doing.

Blondekhan 2012! Blondekhan for president!

I live in Vancouver, B.C ( Slaving away beneath Pacific Standard Time )
I am of average endowment
My favourite dinner dish is cinnamon toast crunch cereal
I speak Russian and a teeny weeny French, allowing myself to effectively find immigrant conspirators on the NA servers. ( Miley! )

Repostin' shamelessly.

Spam / Re: Spook Island banned indefinitely on NA
« on: September 01, 2012, 02:52:13 am »
I think it's ridiculous. He did nothing truly offensive. It's just chat, not even racist at that. Every serious point he made was true, and he is wiser than you think. Why not let him trash talk?

Spam / Re: Spook Island banned indefinitely on NA
« on: September 01, 2012, 02:48:41 am »
It's not even offensive. You shouldn't feel hurt, unless Jon really WAS born with 12 dicks in his mouth. He doesn't target people trying to actually cut deep, it's mindless, laughable flaming.

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