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Messages - Perceval

Pages: [1] 2 3
Buy / looking for a lance
« on: November 24, 2012, 04:03:44 am »
+1 +2 or +3
or maybe a morningstar

...found it!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Weekly Top Valour Winners
« on: November 22, 2012, 05:52:54 am »
The one thing that bothers me about valour is that it rewards people going after the easier targets. Say you want to get valour this round because you're on x5 and just got teamswitched (or you're now after valour because you'll be rewarded something at the end of the week); will you go after targets that could kill half your team or noobs that will give you just as many points, spend way less time fighting and are less likely to kill you?

Some rounds are about a few good players avoiding the opposing team's good players until the end of the round, competing on how fast they can kill everyone else, ending with the losing side getting ganked. It's a valid tactic, but it shouldn't be rewarded.

Now about ranged score. I don't care if you got those difficult shots halfway across the map if your targets were baddies. However if you shotgunned this elite player, which surely made the odds for your team better, you should get more points, regardless of how easy or difficult the shot was.

Points should be rewarded for damage dealt (melee, ranged, doesn't matter) x target's value, shared with teammates nearby, and that's it. A player's value could be its global K/D ratio, or whatever. If we ever get a good scoring system it should really be based on average score, because K/D is rather meaningless.

New players are getting a tough time and valour is to blame to some extent. Anyway valour is broken and shouldn't give any reward, not even a free multi.

Not sure if I'd like to see this actually done, i'm just throwing it in the brainstorm. Remaking strat entirely from scratch:

Doing it kind of like DayZ, every player is 1 ticket and actual players form a party. No battle respawn. The map would be scaled down to a handfull of castles and villages.

Perma-death. Getting killed in a strat battle turns you back to a peasant and teleports you to EU. Let's say if you couldn't make it to a battle and your side lost, you end up as a prisoner (and maybe you can somehow surrender in battle) - ransom drama. inb4 yes, i'm a frenchie.

You get some xp over time from people in your party that are higher level than you are, like the single-player "trainer" skill, and strat battles. Marginal xp from crpg.

No "ticks". You're either part of a clan that can take over a village and get tax income from it, or a merc for one of these clans (as in putting the char you grinded on the line for gold, as opposed to current strat mercs)

Disclaimer: I've never played DayZ.

General Off Topic / Re: The PEPE's LIFE
« on: November 16, 2012, 03:39:59 am »
I just came across the kids videos, they're fucking adorable. It's a shame some of them were deleted. It feels good knowing that one can somehow manage to be a crpg fan and live a normal life. Gaby shouting PERCORES made me twitch. I may consider having kids now. Maybe.

With that rig you should be able to increase the texture quality slider and not affect performances at all. Pretty much anything else will tho.

General Discussion / Re: Thanks for reversing the archery ath nerf!
« on: November 03, 2012, 07:40:49 pm »
Just drop the bow and quivers before engaging in melee. Quite a bit more trouble than you were used too but it adds to the gameplay as you may want to retreive it at some point. Hell, it's realistic. This fix is awesome.

General Discussion / Re: Thanks for reversing the archery ath nerf!
« on: November 03, 2012, 07:16:32 pm »
So what, you receive nerf for nothing and now thank devs?

Call me paranoid but I think it's a bit odd they first introduced the weirdest and wrong way to deal with the problem, got everyone raging about the patch and then came up with a decent solution. Now kiting's nerfed and even the ranged are happy about it.
I'd even bet the 13PD thing was just some sick game they played on us.

Even if I wasnt a bit drunk i'd be unable to understand any of this, but something tells me there's something wrong with using the BASE values of armors.
But it's probably because my esthetic choice of armor isn't optimal.

General Discussion / Re: Top 25 ranks
« on: June 30, 2011, 04:04:58 am »
if only trees were wifi enabled...

General Discussion / Re: Top 25 ranks
« on: June 30, 2011, 03:53:28 am »
Experience 52,135,293

but im moving in a couple days where there is no internetz
farewell crpg!  :cry:

Suggestions Corner / Re: New horses
« on: June 29, 2011, 04:47:04 am »
I died a little bit inside seeing these readily available and not used in crpg

oooh they are so nice  :cry:

General Discussion / Re: New poll for best 2H sword (more choices)
« on: June 27, 2011, 02:04:09 am »
i dont get why the heavy bastard isnt more popular than the longsword..
its alot cheaper for -1 (one) lenght.

General Discussion / Re: What is THAT?
« on: June 26, 2011, 12:06:33 pm »

Sell/Trade / Re: [SELL/TRADE] Reinforced Sallet with Visor
« on: June 25, 2011, 06:02:55 am »
le bump

Buy / closed
« on: June 25, 2011, 05:27:03 am »
nothing to see here, move along...

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