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Messages - Madcat

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General Discussion / Re: Complimenting on the new loading screen art.
« on: November 30, 2011, 10:51:17 am »
The way it is drawn makes it look like the artist played alot of the game

I was thinking exactly that when I first saw it. Like oh my, this looks a lot like a typical Crpg battle. Archers spread out, shield walls and cavalry going after cavalry. Thought it looked great!

your alts is made alts when u made your main main, you cant make alts main

But if I delete my main, my alt becomes the new main and keeps everything? Like Deadlysiins said

So if I delete my main, my alt automatically becomes my main? And I don't lose my character Ferroh?

The game thinks my main is Madcat who's gen 2 - and that my alt is Fallen_Ferroh who's gen 4
How can I change this?

I would like to be able to use the market system with my character Fallen_Ferroh

So auto block is real?
I always thought it was just an excuse for certain people

If there is a shield bash, then 2handers could use something they can counter it with.
Kick could be changed back to it's old form where you can turn while kicking (Assuming kick can be changed)

Also I don't like the idea of a timer. 5 seconds is a long time. Better if it's balanced so that there is no advantage to spamming it over and over again

Suggestions Corner / Re: Highland Claymore
« on: April 13, 2011, 10:31:32 pm »
+1 for epic kilts!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: remap your keys!
« on: April 11, 2011, 03:38:01 pm »
I wish I thought about the "esdf" configuration when I first started playing multiplayer games. I would have used that instead of "wasd".
It's too late for me to learn a new setup all over again as "wasd" is programmed into my dna by now :p

The only remap I've done is,
Q = Looking around
Tilde = Holster
Mousebutton 4 = Weaponmode toggle

General Discussion / Re: Lets talk about armor...
« on: April 09, 2011, 10:27:12 pm »
Well I switch between 2 medium armors a lot. Red turnic over mail and Sarranid Guard Armor

So some of the differences that I notice.
Red tunic over mail only weighs 9.5 and lets me stay mobile, while offering some protection. Crossbows can one hit me and I survive at least 2 clean arrow shots to the torso

With Sarranid Guard Armor, I never get one shot by crossbows. I survive about 3 arrows to the torso. Attacks glance me more, and I take noticeably less damage from the hits that don't glance. I'm also way slower.

Sarranid guard armor costs 8500 and red tunic over mail costs 3500. So yeah there's a big difference. Although I haven't experienced with heavier armor

Guides / Re: 2handers guide
« on: April 08, 2011, 03:25:53 am »
Nothing gives me greater pleasure than having someone chamber my thrust only for me to overhead chamber their chamber and slicing their face of. I agree with you though, chambering is useful. I find it very effective against pikes and 1h spears. Still it's mostly a duel technique, I wouldn't bother to learn to chamber decently if you don't enjoy dueling.

That's the thing. In duels a lot of people expect to be chambered and often manage to block it. But in battle servers it's a death sentence if you pull it off. They are never ready for it :)

Yeah it's easier to do in controlled environments so that's why I think it's situational. I rarely do it. And when I do it I am either desperate or reckless enough to risk it, or have enough armor to afford being hit in case I miss

Guides / Re: 2handers guide
« on: April 08, 2011, 02:50:19 am »
Imho, don't bother with chambering, it's not worth the effort.

I think chambering is a useful thing to know, especially on battle servers where ending fights quickly is important. The longer a fight goes on the higher the chances of you dying get. But it's very situational.

So it's not necessary to know but it does give you an extra edge over people who you otherwise might lose to. Especially against those who like the 2h thrust move

General Off Topic / Re: My Setup =X
« on: April 07, 2011, 05:29:53 pm »
my setup looks like the aftermath of a war zone

General Off Topic / Re: GTO HBO
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:02:17 pm »

also, HBO doesnt only make awesome minis. You ever watched The Wire? Best thing there was so far on TV.

Oh yeah I loved that show. They also made generation kill x which was pretty good.

Now all they need to do, is to make a series about logan ninefingers :B

Just throwing out ideas here
Maybe it could be integrated with the "awesomebar" stat. You know the one on this forum

For rewards I like the idea of items or increased income. So you can wear more expensive equipment and still make a surplus in your budget.

General Off Topic / Re: GTO HBO
« on: April 05, 2011, 03:41:20 pm »
Wow that looks high quality.
HBO makes awesome mini series :D
Is it a mini series or lots of seasons?

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