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Messages - Ludvig_cz

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Repair poll
« on: February 09, 2011, 11:22:21 pm »

Stop wearing heavy armor/expensive shields, and stop being an useless cavalry/HA :D

Maybe you are an American so you cant read cose I wrote there that I have a Turban, leather gloves, nomad armor and nomad shoes. So I dont have a heavy armor, I dont have shield, and I have only desert horse so its not one of the best horses. And still I dont have money for repairs... And useless cavalary??? you are new here or you play only siege mod? Cose I play mainly battles on open fields and in most cases victory depends on number of horsemans in team. Hey and I posted here becose I wanted  hear  from others some sort of ideas or I wanted know if is possible lower that prices for repairs. But everytime and on every forum I find only idiots like you/HA :D

General Discussion / Re: Repair poll
« on: February 08, 2011, 03:33:01 pm »
Hi first what I want to say that repair system is a really good idea but its for everyone too expensive.  For example I cant use my horse becose I must repair him even if he wasnt hurt or killed in one round and for my desert horse its 806 gold for round. So I sold an armor and I bought only Turban, nomad armor, nomad shoes, and leather gloves. I have Khergit bow, 2x bodakins arows and scimitar (not elite).  But still I am in red numbers. So what can I use? only stumper horse, throwing stones and wooden sword and after that I can earn some money? Hey please lower that repair prices. I had 35000 and now I have only 1600 cose I pay 806 for horse 240 for bow 2x 280 for arows 90 for armor 15 for gloves. 30 for turban and its a really to much its unplayable.
Before two weeks (with different char cose I send him to retairment) I had a heavy armor, shield and one handed axe.  And I pay for repairs to much money every round (again even when I wasnt hurt or shield wasnt broken) That I was on 0 gold... so I must fight naked, but I was kicked twice. I tryed explein my situation to admin but he still answering me that he dont want a naked warriors on his server again and again........ (maybe he is from catholic school)

Ps: is here somewhere a list of equipment and prices for repairs?? pls send me a link if it exist.  ยจ
sry for my bad english.

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