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Messages - Urban Hawk

Pages: [1]
Sell/Trade / Re: MW Flam for heirloomed side sword
« on: July 31, 2011, 03:17:07 pm »

Sell/Trade / MW Flam for heirloomed side sword
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:02:11 pm »
I have a masterwork flamberge and i wanna trade it for a masterwork side sword or balanced side sword.

Suggestions Corner / Re: BARMACE!@$@#%#!@^
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:57:25 pm »
Just take out crushthrough from the game, otherwise soon we will have a new plauge on our hands :  The Crushthrough revolution.

It has happened on AU. Every man and their horse is starting to pull them out.

I wonder if all these people saying their easy to counter and dodge have ever fought against them. Every weapon has its strengths and weaknesses. If a weapon is good at ranged melee, you step in n kill them close, and vice versa. vs barmace you stay at range n its easy for them to block your attacks. you go close and the overhead spam starts n its GG. For those that say dodge, sure, ill take off all my armor so im fast enough to duck in and out, and then where does that leave me? riddled with arrows n throwing weps, cold n dead on the floor. Its not even like the barmace is short either, its close enough to everything else that your only a quick step in away from hitting a polearm at ranged. Its a joke.

General Discussion / Re: Screenshots and videos thread.
« on: January 16, 2011, 04:58:57 pm »
Urban_Hawk's birds eye veiw of the world. 
(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Random Screenshots
« on: January 16, 2011, 04:56:13 pm »
Locked as found similar thread.

Indeed, I played a  reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy  long time ago.

Are you guys going to be getting back into strategus once it starts up again?

Im interested in getting back into it. Used to fight for shogunate for a little while.

Any idea when its going to be coming back up?

And while im at it anyone know if there is any recent territory maps? i have from when i used to play but havent seen a updated one in ages.

General Discussion / Re: Ninja_cRPG server
« on: January 15, 2011, 11:32:26 am »
Yeah lol, its an australian server. the only one too so when it goes down we're stuck on NA / Eu servers with 300+ ping.

Or actually venturing out into the real world.... which is lame n people just get angry when i challenge them to a duel and beat them with my sword.

General Discussion / Ninja_cRPG server
« on: January 15, 2011, 11:27:09 am »
Anyone know if there is an official website / thread / whatever for this server?

Server seems to have lots of problems n randomly go down all the time. would be nice if there was somewhere to see whats going on.

Oh and we need an Aussie Strategus server for when it comes back up. That is all.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 15, 2011, 11:18:52 am »
the red strike through made me initialy think it was a 'no fucking' sign.

Was like why would you stand proudly infront of that? unless theres some hot chick bent over infront of you.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:59:21 am »
Went to edit out the work website but you bet me to it lol...

Yeah haha, also looks like he has one massive arm n one skinny one.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:45:22 am »
Oh and I also hate photos so I'm not taking a new one for this.

So theres a link to my work profile i did a few weeks back. It's for public use anyway :D

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:32:57 am »


The worst thing is, he's proud of that!  Bro, go grab a big jug of protein/weight gainer and start stacking them weights.  If you had anything more then a thin layer of muscle from being underweight you'd throw those arms in the air like a puuure playaaa and give a real flex.

Agreed. Very low body fat percent but no real size or shape. Would look good if you put some size on but unfortunately its harder to do that when your so skinny.

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