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Messages - hammypants

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I'm not playing with the recent patch.

Man, this board is full of idiots spewing logical fallacies. :\

It's perfectly simple. Let's recap:

When retirement was first introduced, the retiring requirements were higher after each generation, but the bonuses also increased with each retirement, making it all worth it. It didn't take long for it to become apparent that the WPF bonuses from retiring were unreasonable. To make up for their loss, the ramping requirements for retiring were removed.

Unfortunately, there was another oversight here -- the XP bonuses still grew faster with each generation. You (and a lot of other people) took advantage of this to retire many times over at an increasingly faster rate, to get more heirlooms and level faster.

Now XP bonuses for generations are stable, just like the requirements. Problem solved. You really shouldn't be complaining -- you've got an unfair advantage over newer players by virtue of having done many retirements back when it was easier.

Instead, be happy that your generation count or heirlooms haven't been reduced to compensate. Hey, with some luck, they still might be. :)

I agree with Spook.
As a fairly new player, I see no reason for new players to play this game with the XP nerf. You successfully castrated the most fun and enjoyable part of c-RPG, which was the customization.

No one wants to ride 20 hours to the level 25 area where you can first start to use a decent build every time they retire.

By the way, I'm still gen 1.


funny how people continue to say how "topping charts = skill"

Warning, red herring.

Hi, I'm Tydeus's friend, KAYNE_WEST. I'm just going to share my thoughts on the topic.

As a fairly new player (gen-1, 8.3 mil into 31) at about 70 hours into this character, I can tell you with certainty that I will not play the c-RPG mod any longer with the reductions on the XP bonus.

For what purpose was the XP bonus nerf put in place? To cut down on heirlooms? To cut down on rewarding those who play more often than others? For either of these two reasons, if you support either, you're fucking stupid.

1.)Cutting down on heirlooms:
First of all, heirlooms didn't mean too much before. Let's be serious here, I'm fucking horrible, yet I would rape some kids with heirlooms. Case in point: Watching Rhade in the battle server. Pretty sure he isn't rolling in gen-16 looms.

Second of all, were they not nerfed heavily with this patch? Damage, whatever else got fucking buffed with looming, pretty sure it all got lowered. They were also indirectly nerfed with double-slots and upkeep increases. Maybe not by a lot, but this stuff adds up.

2.)Rewarding those who play more.
Was trying to cut rewards to those who play more a serious reason? You do know that's at the heart of every MMO, even more so for every MMORPG, yes? Better yet, it's at the heart of every game. As someone who was still riding that grind pony to his first retirement, I had no problems with the next guy being gen 10. Gen 12. Gen 16. And seeing them retire every 2-3 days. In fact, that drove me to play more. I wanted that. Fuck the heirlooms. I wanted to be able to experiment with builds, try hybrids, try cavalry, try archery. That has been robbed from every low gen player right now. For myself, it is no longer a possibility.

The change in XP simply decreases the possibilities of fun, and widens the gap between the rich and Poor Richard.

I did not get raped because the guy had looms, I got raped because he's better.

I did not get raped because he can retire faster, I got raped because he's better.

In an RPG, you have to have something to build towards, to strive after. With these changes, I have a better shot at this in a Korean MMO. I'm pretty sure that's not the direction this game wants to be taking.

EDIT: Fixed my Engrish.

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