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Messages - aaen

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / Re: Please Ban "Afina"
« on: July 24, 2013, 08:06:16 pm »
I apologise Anuran, i thought you were somebody else (alec). Fact of the matter is however im not asking for ban request for AFK. I've been afk when typing this. It is the abuse and ragepolling.

Alec you were party to this abuse.

I guess since i didn't know how to make a screenshots this is going to go nowhere. But I'm 100% sure that this is going to re-occur in the future as its happened numerous times before. I estimate this will serve as a forewarning.

Closed Requests / Re: Please Ban "Afina"
« on: July 24, 2013, 07:56:32 pm »
Then what do you need to provide proof?

Well... I have seen Afina often on DTV servers, but I never saw her writing something concerning sexism or racism...

I witnessed this round in the screenshot and Afina was afk for short time, you already often said "Afina afk" and such. Everyone is afk for some time in their playtime, be it announced or not. Afina came back after  acceptable idling time... Afina is no bad player and I'm sure I know Afina better than you...

Yes, and we all know why you take this position. Because you were one that ganged up.

Closed Requests / Re: Please Ban "Afina"
« on: July 24, 2013, 07:48:01 pm »
Sorry i hadn't notice prior to making this thread however, i have the joy of being on another server with the same person

Closed Requests / Please Ban "Afina"
« on: July 24, 2013, 07:35:41 pm »
This player constantly harasses others. Team-wounding, racism, sexism and general all round vile things. The most annoying though is their constant ban/kick polling. Currently on rpg7 server (DTV) and currently trolling it. It is really putting a downer on the game for me. I've just been banned for no reason (literally none - I'm not even exaggerating) off a server Ive been playing on happily for a few weeks now. This kind of behavior makes the game unplayable for "normal" people.

Its ridiculous. I'm sure other people have found that this player "Afina" has been doing the same to them and I would like them to lend credence to this report. I'm sure of this because its not the first time this has happened while Ive been on this server .... its not even the 5th time.


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