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Messages - Uthran

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: BAN: Vladimir Putin
« on: March 25, 2014, 04:30:06 pm »
not really my place and i'll prob get a warning.

But that screen shot shows a to me a bump and a hit, by no means does that prove he team killed you on purpose in my opinion.

Either way, even if he did purposely Team kill you, you basically asked for it by baiting him - let it be a lesson to you, if you don't want to be hurt - DO NOT TROLL - i recommend a 12h ban for skeletzo for baiting and a 12 hour ban from vladmir for taking the bait and team killing (IF HE DID). xD

EU (Official) / Re: ban borgore and mc_diabetes
« on: March 24, 2014, 12:04:09 pm »
I can vouche these guys have been causing trouble on server for over an hour. and your response to this thread is a video? that shows your immaturity.

Unban Essays / Re: Unban Essay:
« on: March 24, 2014, 09:51:22 am »
What i think you don't understand is, that 24/7 delaying is pretty much a unforgivable crime in the multi player gaming world. Sure we all have our times where a life situation makes us afk, but at those times we likely just get killed because we're either at spawn or middle of map.

I still think you haven't learned your mistake, the only thing you have said in that wall of text is that its bad to be afk.... but its not strictly bad to be afk because as i've said theres situations where real life takes precedence in a middle of a game.

But leeching is different, your not actually going afk by accident your going somewhere to hide and making the match take longer because they have to flag or look for you.

and you say you have been playing this game for a year and yet it takes you this long to realize that this community hates delayers the most?

Closed Requests / Ban Request
« on: May 25, 2013, 06:09:29 pm »
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Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request - Manne_El_Fuente
« on: May 24, 2013, 10:08:06 am »
So now you modified your threat-post and say I teamhit you? that's a lie now. Btw Guard_Elmuri was on server when that happened.

If I did teamhit you intensively, why don't you post screenshots of THAT comitment instead of this kid-shit of a trollpoll ?

Sigh said i wasn't going to reply but dam what a morning.

The post was modified because i put your name in wrong silly, and yes you did team hit me on purpose, on the round after i killed you.

What a troll.

and will you please stop editing posts and adding in lies? god what a day troll.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request - Manne_El_Fuente
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:55:53 am »
But on the one hand you say I did not apologize and on the other you say you don't accept it? Sorry but I'm confused now..

Well I did not really get mad about the Tk, i was just regarded it as retarded that you blamed me for dieing by your sword.. :D

I did not even report him after the Tk i just found it annoying that he was that rude.. well if you want to get a bit of the situation you can check the logs of Eu1 at about 9:30 central German time (=

Not even going to bother replying, its just going to go into circle.

Admin please pass judgement. screen shot says all.

lol you sayd you would drop it if I apologize on forums but you didnt.. very immature dude, how old are you btw? i mean really now? we can even met on ts once if you want (=

Hmm i told him if he apologizes i'd withdraw it, but he obviously did not make any effort and does not regret making ban poll.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request - Manne_El_Fuente
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:48:15 am »
hmm, i gave you chance to apologize and instead you rage more, hmm tbh i never even talked to you.

End of the day it was a 1 sided rage by you yes i killed you by accident when attacking an enemy, just as it went corpse, no need to get mad over it. and then give me grief

- Apology not accepted - I do not come on to get grief by people like you.

You kept talking to me and bickering whiles i was ignoring you and playing, if that's what you call an argument, then yes its an argument in your world.

Closed Requests / Ban Request - Manne_El_Fuente
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:37:59 am »
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Shows it all, immaturity, given me grief all morning and has also team hit me a few times ( on purpose)

Closed Requests / Request Ban Pogromca
« on: May 23, 2013, 06:37:00 pm »
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Attacking me whiles i was checking logs hit him back once and decides to kill me. thsi was defend the virgin Got him rage polling to.

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Closed Requests / Ban Request Druzhina_Slash
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:36:00 pm »
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Because i'm a horse archer only 9 of us playing in max level 20 server

Oh and it passed 66% out of 9 voters.

He gave no reason.

But whats ironic, 4 mins later, their is only 3 people left on the server, prob because another guy left and only 7 so no multi -_-

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