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Messages - bubba1

Pages: [1]
dont join them they are mean dusheds no joke i joined them one day and said nicly hey  can i join and they kicked me and i said ok mabye there doinng somthing i try to come back 2 hours later it says i perman banded dont join thme they are hurtfull and mean dushes who suck balls for a living i am a nice person looking for a clan but no these guys just ban me for no reason mabye for just saying hi can i join you guys idk mabye there respawn if you read these any onther clan then this one is better trust me they arnt worth your time they arnt worth it join some one else trust me if you like me then dont even try

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: October 19, 2012, 03:16:11 am »
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Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of void but out of chaos.
-Mary Shelley

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hi i am bubba i want to join

Stratia - not just a clan, but a uniting factor. This is the basis upon which these warriors are united. But that wasn't enough for some...
Now resurfaces an old order of the Stratian battle-cult, one that this time will seek to renew the name and country whose service it was once under.
Chaos is a small nation, it is a tightknit fighting group, it is the elite of the enlightened, the eminent and the excellent. No one can control the unity of our diverging natures, but we still manage to stay cooperative, for we're all different, and that discordance is where chaos comes from.
Our aims are our own, and we don't own them. Our sights shift as does our reaction. We take no responsibility; we lay no fault. We are chaos, we are the battle. And we are strong.

The Aspiration to Chaos
Our goal is to dedicate our focus to strategus upon its return, and concentrate as much effort as we can into it. We want to make it fun for everyone, even our enemies. In the meantime we'll strive to enjoy ourselves by fighting people in the battle servers and perhaps the siege server, where we can, as they say, hone our skills.

Order Within Chaos
Our members will be subject to a code of conduct, as this clan is not here merely to satisfy our sense of humor. Antagonizing any specific person will not be tolerated, there is a line you can cross even while joking. Keep in mind that not everyone may take something you say as lightly as you intend. Plus you never know who is an admin, these days. Being repeatedly kicked and banned at all will reflect poorly upon us, if it happens to you, consider yourself under intensive scrutiny. Intentionally breaking server rules will cause you to become ostracized by us. Any of the veterans should never have to defend one of our members' actions to an admin.
We also require our members to actively be available for contact, whether it be through steam or in teamspeak. It is highly recommended that you stay logged into steam when you're online and at your computer, we have a chat group for a reason, and with our strategus participation in mind open communication between members will be a necessity.

- The Affiliates -
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

- Clan Associations -
(click to show/hide)

- Diplomatic Channels -
To contact us, get ahold of Canary or somebody, who knows.
Our teamspeak server is at

- Coming Soon -
(click to show/hide)

Rumor of the week!
Check back next week to see if it's true!
Who will become scared in this month of scares? Is it you?
Last week
Are you guys even around for this strat?
Look at the very first battle.

If you're interested in applying to Chaos, you must absolutely be interested in strategus. Please send a private message to Canary with how much experience with it you've had and where you are on the map, and make a post on our thread saying you're interested, this will help us keep track of you and take notice of your presence in teamspeak. Please note that using teamspeak is the linchpin of our recruitment process, you absolutely must be active in there to be considered. And please understand that hanging out with us is by no means a guarantee that we'll accept you into Chaos. Please be patient.

can i join you guys my name is Garrettbubba

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