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Messages - tormund_forkbeard

Pages: [1] 2
Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla
« on: September 23, 2014, 04:50:41 am »
We're still around... Waiting... Watching... KAW-ing...

You are a negative influence on this community, and you will be punished to the greatest extent of our ability to do so. Give us no mercy, for surely you will receive none.

General Discussion / Re: Where is all the NA servers?
« on: January 03, 2013, 03:37:03 am »
I am as well from America, and confirm that if the servers are not restored on the hour we will consider it an imminent threat to our sovereignty and launch a full scale invasion of Singapore as retribution.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 09, 2012, 04:33:31 am »
^^ That's at least an improvement on what we have now. But no spike on the tip/side?

Sell/Trade / Selling +1 Heavy Throwing Axe
« on: December 08, 2012, 09:15:29 am »
Strong Heavy Throwing Axe
Throwing weapon, requires 4 throwing
Bonus against shield, Secondary mode
WEIght 4.0
SLOts 1
SPEed 15
THRow 46c
ACCuracy 128
AMMo 3

Would just like a loom point, willing to pay an additional 100k with it

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 08, 2012, 06:18:32 am »
I guess they're similar but different? I'm no expert on medieval weaponry.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:14:54 am »
I found the historic equivalent to the long maul: the Lucerne Hammer

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Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:14:53 am »
Exactly. I'm not sure what the blunt damage on the secondary mode is, and given the very slow speed of the long maul, I don't think it would be op.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Block stun pike on every block
« on: December 07, 2012, 07:17:24 am »
Feint. Pikes not fast enough to block a feint usually.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 07, 2012, 06:07:24 am »
It's already at 70 speed dear god...

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 07, 2012, 05:17:43 am »
It's not a possible model. It's the picture of a gaudy fantasy hammer that wouldn't fit in with the other weapons AT ALL. Also, it looks more ceremonial than warlike with the gold and the ornaments.

Have you seen the warhammer? Take away the ornaments, and it's exactly like that. Just bigger. Literally.

But boulder on a stick looks pretty legit too. I just don't like the 'tin can of death' model.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 07, 2012, 01:15:38 am »
it's just an example, not exactly what it would look like. Just a possible model. Regardless, I think a more warlike model in general would be cool. And I am dead fucking serious.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:33:25 pm »
Different model, yes
reason? It looks silly as it is right now. But I also have grown accustomed to it. So either way I'm fine.

Different stats, functions... nah...
reason? It's a damn good weapons as is, in the hands of someone who is motivated.

Oh I totally agree, it's awesome, my suggestions were only if the model I provided was used, hypothetically. I like the current stats fine. But the model lacks a certain je ne sais quoi.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New model and function for long maul
« on: December 06, 2012, 10:38:57 pm »
It is based on the official design for King Robert's hammer that he used to crush through Rhaegar Targaryen's ruby breastplate at the Battle of the Trident in the Song of Ice and Fire book and TV series.

No, really, I found it on a site that makes ASOIAF legendary weapons with GRRM's blessing, I considered buying something but apparently they sold out of most of the good stuff permanently :/. And if people use it then even more reason to improve it!

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