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Messages - Litho

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: WPF reset/refund button.
« on: January 12, 2011, 08:56:52 am »
It's stupid that so many assholes expect every new player to know how to intelligently allocate their stats, or expect them to restart from scratch every time they make a mistake. What the hell is wrong with you shitlords? That isn't fun gameplay, it just drives people away from the mod. Maybe players should earn a re-spec every 10 levels? that way they can't switch skills to their hearts content, but they can still rectify errors they make.

General Discussion / Re: Why are leechers so stupid?
« on: January 12, 2011, 03:46:48 am »
Dying over and over to useless jerks just because they have superior gear or higher stats can be frustrating. It's easy to see why people might leech if they feel like their character is too weak to be able to contribute in any fashion other than being a target. More a problem with cRPG than the players, IMO.

(the only way I personally "leech" is suicide charging into guys so I can sit out a round, usually I do try to at least sneak up on people and clobber them though)

General Discussion / Re: "Accused of exploiting Awlpikes"
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:39:41 am »
Enough people believed malicious was exploiting to kick him, and people believed this seriously enough to tell other admins to keep an eye on him. At this point, it should be a rational discussion of what exactly malicious was doing that is believed to be an exploit, and determining whether or not it is in fact an exploit. If it turns out its unfounded, maybe we can talk about punishing people for unfounded kickvotes, though I'm not sure that's really a thing if they legitimately believed he was exploiting.

Or we can keep talking about how angry everyone is at goons! That's productive right? I'm sure malicious won't mind his thread being derailed about how gorath viciously hatemasturbates every night on a three pigs banner.

General Discussion / Re: "Accused of exploiting Awlpikes"
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:08:40 am »
Hey, lets wait to hear the other side of the story. I wasn't on at the time, but apparently enough people thought that this guy was exploiting to win a vote against him, and an admin agreed enough to turn on vote kicks. Goons have plenty of experience with being banned for bullshit reasons, and I really doubt that this guy would've been kicked unless tons of people (admin included) were sure he was exploiting. I know your raging hateboner for lljk might cloud your judgement, but try to look at the situation rationally here, and wait at least for lady gaga or some of the other people involved to explain their point of view.

Also, lol at everyone turning this thread in to an excuse to bitch about goons. Gorath and co are just pissed that ATS doesn't have exclusive reign over NA servers any more and people actually have other places to go now if they get banned for BS reasons.

Hmm, I'm level 20 and I just realized I made some mistakes with my character.


New players make mistakes, and if chadz wants new people to stick around, they need a little leeway to experiment and fix mistakes they might make when they don't know better. Respecs are absolutely necessary, nobody can say otherwise.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make people starting at level 20
« on: January 08, 2011, 12:12:27 am »
chadz, that idea would be really cool for testing out builds!

the main thing I don't like about peasants is that it gives people a really bad first impression of the mod. They're also really useless and can't do anything but hide, leech xp, and mildly annoy people with stones and pitch-forks. like 20% of the server ends up being completely useless chaff at any given time. Starting people off at level 5 or 10 with some starter gear (a cheap crossbow, shield, and a spear?) would let them contribute a little at least, and try out a few different play-styles before they commit to what sort of weapons they want their character to use.

cRPG as it is now is very unfriendly towards newbies. They start off as a peasant and can't do anything but get killed, and any mistake they might make developing their character can only be fixed by starting over or retiring 30 levels later. Add some sort of re-spec ability, and start newbies off with a crappy spear or a shield at least (think militia instead of peasant), and it'd really help with first impressions.

Heck, just starting peasants off with a shield would go a long way. I know that a peasant can buy cheap gear pretty much after 1 or 2 games, the problem is that most new characters like to stick around for several games so they have some actual experience and money to spend when they log out and risk losing their spot on the server.

Also, another thing: Not everyone plays cRPG for the grind, so don't think that having a huge grind is a desirable gameplay feature (obvious, but some people in this thread seem to think otherwise). Being able to build a character and see how it fares in M&B combat is cool, and cRPG offers a lot more customization than native MP. That's why people like it! Being a peasant offers no customization at all, you're the same jerk with a pitchfork as every other peasant, and even if you buy some gear you're still useless until you have enough stat points to meaningfully distribute (and even then, you're probably still useless).

Wounded players should run slower and swing slower, and this effect should be amplified by equipment weight (maybe mitigated a bit by ironflesh?), in addition to flat wpf and movement speed loss just for wearing too much armor. This would give us a handy way to tell how close another player is to death, and it'd stop tincans from being unstoppable juggernauts. All the little injuries would add up, and tincans wouldn't just be able to spin around like a top mashing attack and kill everyone because they swing twice as fast (that advantage would disappear quickly if they're reckless!)

So, players should have a choice between wearing light armor that lets them swing faster and have more endurance if they take a few hits (as long as those hits don't kill them), or heavy armor that slows them down and practically becomes a coffin if they start losing life. Heavies will still be able to put the hurt on people and take more hits, but they won't be able to rampage through a crowd taking 20 hits and keep on trucking just fine. Peasants would feel less useless too, since all those stones and pitchforks would add up!

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