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Messages - MrChubbikins

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General Discussion / HaPpY HoLiDaYs From SMEGMAR and company
« on: October 22, 2014, 04:13:50 am »
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Realism Discussion / Re: All one handed axes are trash
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:41:12 pm »
My justification for using it (even when I only had 6 power strike) not on horseback (which I never use it from, or very rarely) is this:

It's a jack of all trades type of weapon (really this can be said for most of the reasons why someone uses a 1h sword over other 1h weapons):

It's not going to deal the most damage against heavily armored foes, but it will still deal moderate damage (compared to something like a warhammer or steel/military pick). 
It's not going to be the fastest weapon, but it's going to be faster than most weapons being used (at least compared to 2h/poles)
Swords are one of the longest 1h weapons, so that is a big reason why I (and other 1h's) choose to use a sword.

Jack of all trades, master of none is how I look at it. I enjoy using 1h swords for all of the same reasons but its very frustrating when a better score or k/d can be achieved with picks or maces because of sheer damage or knock down. Then there is Strat...good luck finding battles with decent 1h swords and good luck getting kills. It kinda takes away from the game for me when more than half of the weapons aren't even used in Strat.

Realism Discussion / Re: All one handed axes are trash
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:16:00 pm »
Disagreed.  It depends entirely on your power strike (and active WPF, to a lesser extent) versus the armor and total HP the guy you're facing has. 

With 7 power strike and 125 WPF in 1h, my Masterwork Knightly Arming Sword is a beast versus anyone except the heaviest armored/healthed foes.  33+cut is no joke versus people in light heavy, or high-medium armor. 

In strat battles, blunt and pierce weapons are obviously the go to weapons over even the high cut weapons, due to people having such high armor values.  But even using some of the 34-36cut 1h weapons I still do pretty good damage due to my 7 power strike.

I can understand where you are coming from but whats the point of a Knightly Arming Sword when not on horse back when you have something like a Steel Pick which is faster, glances a whole lot less, deals more damage and you really don't need weapon mastery at all.

Realism Discussion / Re: All one handed axes are trash
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:08:23 pm »
I feel like at this point in the game the only viable 1h weapons are picks and maces, which is depressing when there are so many 1h weapons to choose from.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 2h thrust rage thread
« on: August 08, 2013, 09:27:25 pm »
Saul is just pushing his clout and being a dick about it. The fact that 2h can hilt slash all day but 1h can't is really messed up.  There is a reason majority of decent/great players use 2h, its somewhat broken and beats every weapon at its own game. (out reaching most polearms, swings not getting caught on walls ect. hilt slash)

Global / Re: Why is Smegmar Banned?
« on: July 18, 2013, 10:58:19 pm »
Banned from the game altogether for an image posted on the forums about a month ago, no warning(about the ban). Another shining example of how great of a community Crpg is and how hard the admins/Devs try to make this a great game.... :rolleyes:

He was warned/muted for this already...why the retro ban?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff headshots
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:58:56 am »
but this guy saying he gets head shot with one arrow with 63 head armor is adding to the discussion? Because its not true at all. Right now my build is 18/18 archer. 6 PD, loomed Horn bow and bodkin arrows. Anyone with a decent amount of IF and something like an area helm or better SERIOUSLY takes more than ONE arrow to kill.

And can anyone here honestly say that archery is balanced? It was balanced like 4 months ago but now...this shit is getting ridiculous

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff headshots
« on: April 28, 2013, 02:41:17 am »
not a troll, get on duel server and test that shit out yourself like I have. Have a buddy with a 63 armor helm and a decent amount of IF and please tell me you can one shot, head shot them. You can't.

Does WM make that much of a difference? With 24 strength, 8 PS, and 111 WPF, you do 45 average dmg with a 30 cut 1-hand. Now with 154 WPF you do a whole 3 more dmg.

I don't see why anyone other than archers would use WM.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff headshots
« on: April 28, 2013, 01:56:07 am »
Headshots are still as lethal as ever. I regularly get oneshot despite wearing a 63armor helm.

I think the headshots that leave people alive are from lower level players, or maybe players without heirlooms or a long shot/poor movement dmgbonus.

You are an idiot, it takes me 3-4 arrows to head shot anyone with more than 30 head armor. 7PD loomed Horn bow and bodkin arrows.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Stamina System !
« on: April 28, 2013, 01:46:47 am »
  If implemented properly it would be a good idea. However such system would not have much use except for strategus battles. That is because if we consider realism here, to be so tired to actually reduce your combat effectivness in some way, you'd need to fight for around 5 minutes non-stop. Sometimes a round doesn't even last that long. So most of the time nobody would be affected by this anyways.
  Besides creating a proper stamina system would probably be quite a difficult task, requiring a lot of coding.

God forbid the Devs do some work, right?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Crossbow is basically useless
« on: April 28, 2013, 01:44:37 am »
Crossbow is basically useless


nerf that shit like archery then complain. Because archery is useless.

Spam / Re: The better days of cRPG
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:19:57 pm »
I remember when head shots meant something, I remember when everyone and their mom wasn't a 2-hander, I remember what it was like to have fun and be viable as an archer. Oh well.... :cry:

Would archery skill work if wpf and wm were redone?

No, archery is broken. It takes me more than one arrow to head shot people nowadays with 6 PD and MW horn bow. not to mention arrows are so slow people can literally dodge arrows point blank. When 2handers aren't scared of walking up-hill directly into volleys of arrows, there is a problem.

Since the new update released today, my game has been working fine. No errors

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