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Messages - Abortimir

Pages: [1]
EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 13, 2015, 04:49:52 pm »
I m not krems and i support this ban request. Even I m (again) muted for this !

Krems game in the game isn't forbidden by rules. Tk is bannable. End of story.

Little K/D kids who "want moar xp follow me ! " are stupid haters of really enjoyeable krems partylovers at spawn.

Ban the TKers, praise krems and keep enjoying krem's acting !


Its not about exp,im playing long enough to have all i need so i dont give a fuck about exp!  And u should visit a mental hospital,or some other institution Pepe,just look at yourselfe,before u start posting bullshits as usual!  50 year old uselles troll,i know u are so proud of yourselfe,and i know u probably jerking every time when u posting ban requests u sick fuck!

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:44:49 pm »
As I've already explained, what we're doing isn't leeching, and isn't griefing.
Leeching is something completely different and griefing implies that we're deliberately doing it to negatively impact the team.
We are not.

We play in our own unique way, don't like it? Too bad.

Just because you don't have the thing called Self Control, does not give you a reason to break the rules.

U ARE NOT?????  If u just staying at spawn doing nothing,yeah thats efects negativly to our team,becouse we cant win one single round!  Get a life kid,stop posting baby threds and grow up! Or play single player and do what u want! Be uselles or brainless whatever!  Over and out!

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on GeeeeeeeSpot
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:36:03 pm »
Yeah,i admitt,i killed few uselles halfnaked krems leeching griefers after 5 maps doing that shit! I told them to start playing,its not just a one leeching guy,it ws 6,7 ppl just staying on spawn doing noting exept usual teamfisting and huging! Its frustrated when u giving your best to get multy,and bounch of leeching kids ruining game,map after map! They are uselles griefers so i kill them few! Why we cant have some decent admins in game who can ban those uselles pricks! Im playing this shitty mod about 4 years and never been baned for nothing,but when they doing this all fucking evening yeah,i lost my temper and kill them few...  I remember when Djavo is permabaned for griefing,and he was just a one guy! Now,here we talking about army of uselles pricks!  Just hilarious how that fucking griefer post this thred in a second lol,after few hours of leeching and griefing:D

Diplomacy / Re: Dolby the traitor?
« on: August 26, 2013, 10:16:06 am »
I humiliated myself by leaving HRE and joining Greys, but i would NEVER do such a low thing. or would i ?  8-)
     U humbled planet earth at day u were borned dude!  U were crying like a little boy,telling ppl that bandits stole all your looms,and i felt sry for you,giving u money:)  And what did u do?  (we meet him on wfas and he gave us 2 accounts for free,so he can robb us later,what a human scum lol:)  He was baned on IG native servers for some reason ( im not suprised) whit those 2 keys so he gave them to us:) Me and Perverz!  And then he joined grays just becouse they rape his poor ass in siege:)  If u cant beat them join them:)  Comparing to you,dolby is a saint....  Still low,but saint -_-

Diplomacy / Re: Silk Road Confederation - EU
« on: May 08, 2013, 03:18:53 pm »
When one part of your federation took ours fiefs,(Ghuraba in this case), it was all fine:D  But now when we attacking,we are bad guys:D   Stop making up the rules as it suits you:)   

Please stop acting like a victim,u were the first who attack us whitout any serious reason,u were so greedy about mine 5-6k goods who i stole from Druzhina!:) I returned to you at the earliest opportunity and then u start to QQ! He sent a caravan directly through Amere thinking that we are pussies and will not do anything about it;) He lost all offcourse;)

11/02/2013 16:22:04
to Barabe_Abortimir
good interception the other day, I was thinking maybe you are too busy in the west with your new fiefs :D

you fucked me good, what about we do a truce between barabe and rice eaters and stop fighting ? I got my hands full with coalition and apostates and templars.

You can keep everything you looted from me, I will not try to take it back (like when I rushed Emer out of vengeance :D) but our two factions will not attack each others with our armies (roster is free in other battles ofc).

What do you say ?

Remember this buttan?:)   I said that we can have a truce after u start QQ to me,and what have u done? U fuck us up and took our fiefs! If u realy wanted that peace between us,u could easly told Ghurabas to leave us alone(AS THEY ARE PART OF YOUR COALITION) insted encourage them to attack us,and support them whit gear and troops so u can be clear infront of ppl!:)   SRY GUYS IT WASNT ME,IT WAS GHURABAS,THEY NEEDED ACTION AND SO ON.... :) Im to old for your childlish games,i  believed you on your own word,and u backstab me!  You care only for your own interests as u allways did! Be a man once in your life and stop hiding yourselfe behind   entire federation!

Diplomacy / Re: Silk Road Confederation - EU
« on: May 07, 2013, 05:28:14 pm »
Im looking forward to grind some exp and make some nice battles!:)  Butan made fool of me once,thats more then enough;)   Long live Silky federation!

Diplomacy / Re: Silk Road Confederation - EU
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:58:19 pm »
We lost our interest there and found a new one,its called Sarimish!;)

Diplomacy / Re: Silk Road Confederation - EU
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:09:43 pm »
LoL,your federation took istiniar and Glumnar from us first,this is our answer to u:)  Ur funny guy Butan,realy:) 

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