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Messages - XiNiX

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Perfect Aim
« on: December 06, 2013, 08:02:30 pm »
On my alternative character (wich is an archer) i reached level 29. With my 18/24 build, with 6 PS, 8 WM and 195 points in archery, in combination with my +3 Tatar bow, gives me perfect aim (the 3 little dots in the middle fully connect) for at least 1 second. If i equip another bow (even ones that should be more accurate{didn't test al}) the reticule doesn't even come close in comparison to what i get with the Tatar.
I fknow this is completly overpowered and just want to let you guys know about this bug/feature.


General Discussion / Re: Free loomz
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:35:50 am »
Great action Falka,

Beaten my old record on DTV to 1807 kills on 1 map, do i get prize?!

Inactive / Re: Ban request on Ugly_Inocent_virgin.
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:31:34 am »
i havent forgotten im just having probs with the log viewer

Take your time if you are busy and have more importent things to do, if you ever get bored check the log. There is no sense in taking any actions based on what happend days ago, ban wouldn't make any kind of sense.


Inactive / Re: Ban request on Ugly_Inocent_virgin.
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:05:18 pm »
LoL do you know why i couldnt say why i wanted to ban you? because this guy i tried to kick before you kicked me had killed me again and so dead person dont speak! But thats not the point, muting you isnt the point too. I just find it totally aside that you want to ban me for polling for no reason, while you cant even justify it!

I know i know i know, like i said  before, i asked around 2 or 3 times to stop the polls, then i said the next one who ban pols the next person without any good reason will be kick polled by me, 4 sec later is said I warned you alll. still you syarted a poll, so i just polled you in the hope it would pass and make others stop ( i have nothing against you personnaly) it's just that you didn't understand my motivation on why i polled you. This is my justification, solide in my opinion.

P.S. when i said that i was gonne poll the next person who would start a "useless" poll. i said it at the very start of the round, so everybody had the chance to say something, that your kind of "fighting style" gets you TK'ed by other on purpose makes it not my fault that you couldn't respond to my text, maby wait 10 min till you can talk again, it's not that hard to wait and be patience, just don't let youre hyper active teenage (?) brain get you into "trouble" by making decision with your emotions instead of taking time to think what's "best".

I don't feel like taking this any further, my final thoughts are:  1 Me kicking you was nothing personal, you kinda got personal to me wich was not at all needed (imo).
                                                                                                  2 No ban should be done on you any more, i got the reason behind your ban polling actions wrong (i didn't want to waste time to figure out every                                 
                                                                                                     detail about every poll, i just did the things to make the server enjoyable to others as fast as i possibly could. And i don't need revenge on you
                                                                                                     by still suggesting a ban.
                                                                                                  3 I think you should ask every other player in the server if he/she is ok with you in server contributing near to nothing to the team (i would almost
                                                                                                     call it active leeching).

P.S. sorry for the many modifications, should have waited longer before is saved the message  to make sure i discribe the most clear picture i could.

Inactive / Re: Ban request on Ugly_Inocent_virgin.
« on: June 07, 2012, 11:01:34 pm »
Thanks tomato for this post. Xinix is the worst player I've ever seen befor in DtV.. She is always howling around and order others how they have to play. Just shut up one time in a fucking game. I dont know why so many players like you and by the way I have a better idea: Ban XiNiX for unnecessary,  tiring, snooty and fucking arrogant commands and posts..

I just say something to you: Learn playing mount & blade and shut the fuck up!

One tip: play once the turtorial and play native single player campagne..



Answer for your new post: You must not warn someone, we have admins, and you are just a foolish normal player how has nothing to say!

This gamemode is for every one to enjoy, i love playing it but i think the lack of coordenation is making it hard to get far on this gamemode. I love to give others advice or just say good things about the team to get morale up, and making it in my opinion nicer. Ofcourse there are players that don't want to or care to work together, for these players i'm a pain in the nuts i know, my advice would be if you don't want to read what i have to say, just mute me, it's not that hard.

Inactive / Re: Ban request on Ugly_Inocent_virgin.
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:05:42 pm »
It's good to hear your side of the story, my opinion on that would be to go just like me to the forums and don't let other players suffer from the rage that went on between you guys, i warned you all twice and you we're the 1st after my warning, so maby bad luck on your side, but it was uncalled for to ban poll me (the very thing I asked you all  to stop well before the warning).

On the part that i might act like i "own" the server or whatever you are pretty wrong in my oppinion,i just want the most amount of ppl enjoy this gamemode the much as possible.
If you don't like what i have to say, there is a mute button in he menu.

Inactive / Ban request on Ugly_Inocent_virgin.
« on: June 07, 2012, 09:43:16 pm »
We started a map on DTV EU and there was rage all over the place when i got in, every minute there was a ban poll (80% of the time, other 20% was kick polls) so i said to everybody, that the next person who pulls another ban poll for not a single good reason would be kick polled by me.

This induvidual was Inocent_ugly_virgin, the vote passed (just) but it didn't take long before she was back, and ban polled me when she was able to.

I don't care how long the ban should be, you guys decide.


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