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Messages - Beclab

Pages: [1]
We are'nt abusing anything my friend maybe hit your friend accidently but you can't kill him and you cant report him ok ? you are teamkiller and i need to report you.I won't report you for anything but you can report us with your lies.

I'm not saying lies . I will tell you simple ok ?

I saw dani KILLED my friend , and so i hit him but i didnt kill him again . he is only guy who killing teammates .

all server were hitting virgin.But i didn't hit her cause we were making jokes about loyalty ...

He is talking about me but he is not telling truth..I don't know what happened past but he killed my friend so i went to punish him.Because there isn't any admin there.
And we didn't hit to virgin.Everyone did for changing map.They are telling lies.

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