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Messages - Shamlow

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cRPG Technical problems / Error Message on Spawn
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:12:39 pm »
Every time I spawn, I get a message stating my throwing weapon proficiency is to low. I don't even have a throwing weapon bought much less equipped on my character.

I did at one point have throwing axes with a difficulty of 2, and my throwing skill is 52 with power throw of 5. I was still getting the error then, and now that I don't even have any throwing weapon equipped I'm still getting the error.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Upkeep is broken
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:08:08 pm »
Please don't follow me to the trouble shooting forum, when clearly something is either broken or not working as intended. As stated by a Developer.

You can go troll the general forums, thanks.

cRPG Technical problems / Upkeep is broken
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:11:40 pm »
I made a thread on your General Discussion about this. I actually got a response from Jacko, who is labeled as a Developer. His exact quote was "Upkeep starts at level 25 and/or at respec.", now I don't know if you just haven't had enough level1/gen1 players to notice this, or just nobody has said anything about it.

 As it stands now my character is level 23 and I am currently paying upkeep. I have not respec'd, I have been paying upkeep since I think level 8-9, but I know for sure since level 11. Also I have 4 friends who I have convinced to play, they are all playing and are currently under the cap of level 25, and also paying upkeep.

Now, Jacko also said "There are other factors involved with upkeep, but generally level 25< gen 1 does not pay upkeep." which basically contradicts his previous statement about it starting at level 25, by implying that it can start before level 25, but gives no reason as to why.

I don't know if this is a bug, or the system isn't working right or what. I hope that maybe someone sees why this might be a bad thing for your under level 25s who are new to the game. If I am just wasting my breathe, because nobody cares or whatever please just tell me so I can just playing now. I've already had the pleasure of trying to reason with this great community.

Also, I made a new character and I am still paying upkeep, as per his suggestion.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:05:31 am »
I didn't start with a Trident. I started with a butcher's cleaver and like a kitchen knife or something. I thought newbie weapons didn't have upkeep, if they do that is even more hysterical.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:00:45 am »
it takes like 2.03 minutes to test this out.

No, it would take longer than that because I would have to buy an item for like 1k and then wait for a random upkeep tic. Not to mention, I'm not even at home at the moment.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:50:29 am »
Do you seriously want me to make a new account and low level character to test this? I will just give you my account information, I'm not making this up. I'm level 23 now, but if what you are saying is true I should not have upkeep of any kind yet.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:42:36 am »
Upkeep starts at level 25 and/or at respec.

It's a sort of buffer zone for new players to build up some capital. Everyone loses money, it's just a matter of how much. If you're having trouble with upkeep, wear cheaper gear.

Look, this is from your Dev. Upkeep starts at level 25 and/or at respec. Yet I am SUB 25, and currently paying upkeep. I have 4 friends all under 25, DOING THE SAME one of which is level 11. Clearly that is not supposed to be happening. Which is the reason for my thread, you should not be taxing low level/gen1s.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:36:54 am »
Just wear low-mid tier stuff

My gear currently costs 23k, and I am barely breaking even a lot.

He will continue running around in plate till he runs out of money, then he will quit, finally.

I have never worn/bought plate, I also don't intend too. I am currently wearing peasant gear to stockpile cash. Something a new under level 30 player should not have to do.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:35:21 am »
No, it's because a lot of you talk in really broken English. Making it hard to understand what you are even trying to say sometimes. I can't tell if someone is actually stupid or just doesn't know how to express what you are trying to say.

I'm not a huge bundle of sticks, who is going to make fun of people no using correct grammar or spelling, but it makes it hard sometimes.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:26:02 am »
Seriously, am I the only person on this board who's first language is English?

Also, I am not against upkeep. I'm just against having it affect new/low level players. Which it's not supposed to do, but it is. Hi, welcome to the thread.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:53:39 am »
You don't understand that you haven't actually given me any facts, or you don't understand what a fact actually is. Either way I'm not going to argue anymore, while I'm trying to tell Jacko what is going on.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:44:35 am »
Good, maybe it will knock some sense into you.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:42:40 am »
No, you have done nothing but act like a 12 year old. It's cool, your name is poophammer I didn't expect anything out of you, but the trolling. Now you are trying to act like you have been trying to help or contribute something for some reason.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:37:58 am »
Seriously, I will give you my skype #, if it will help get this fixed.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:34:45 am »
hmmmm, who to believe??? well respected developer Jacko or random guy who joint 2 weeks ago???

Why would I lie? Why would I be trying to get this fixed?

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