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Messages - Surol

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:17:06 pm »
well after playing a full night on 2.01 i have to say it works and appoligize for having no faith in your system.

in 2.00 i couldnt even keep a wep repaired but now in 2.01 i can save up and play a few rounds in plate before going back to low end armor even.

i would even be ok with another +% tacked onto upkeep.

cant belive i said that...

im going to give it a week and see if i can make it work. if i cant i think im done. the only reason im sticking around at all though is all the fun i used to have.

and no comment no how i was a tin can with a 28:0 this and that or whatever

i had plate for a week or two tops and only put it on for a few days max due to retirement.

best i ever had in plate was i think 10:6

here is the rub this is all a plot to keep players poor. so the guys at top can stay there then?

should i be using darts then for the next 2 months till i prove myself to a higher up and can use jav?

a max skilled player who throws alot can somtimes get that off in melee range its true.

to tell the truth i get killed more trying to get that last shot and leaving myself open then i kill.

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 07:27:18 am »
well its your passion and i can only support your view. making a game run is not easy.

i only played for a month or so sofar and loved my time.
now im back to being a pesant with no gear but im living with it.

still best of luck with making the game fun once more for you.

i dont think he is talking about breaking a shield.

he is talking about affording a wep that can do more then sting at near melee range which is where a thrower stands.

i was a heavy thrower now im a pesant i could take a few hits from the chargers and still get them off the horse now i get rsn over sand cant upkeep my throwing items. this is my new game.

i would like to not have 0 kills every fight due to a cav running my unarmored char down.

i would like to look at a skilled player if i can even tell that anymore since they are all in drab pesant gear and think i could give them a good fight before i die.

i would like this mod to be fun like last week

i would like this mod to not be native where everyone is the same.

sorry just upset that the game is not as fun for me as it used to be. now i just run and die like when i first played.

General Discussion / Re: Repair on throwing weapons
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:58:08 am »
oh yea you can buy it just cant put it on since it will break.

i had just made enough coin to buy plate and it set me to even numbers k/d in fights. spent all that time playing up to gear i cant use.
now i see old names that run around in that same armor still but they just seem to shrug off the cost to it. not me i have not played long enough to hord the coin like they have.

so now im stuck in pesant gear after paying off the 4 damage to thrown and 2 damage to my plate and the 1k from the sword i used in a shirt.

all and all it ran to well over 40k im sure since thats what i know of after my gold was wiped out.

yes great changes you will never be in plate.

right on.

nothing but things that upset me in every forum...

yep use darts even though they are laughed at even in native for being a waste of slot since it takes longer to kill somone with them then for a guy to run up and cut your head off.

General Discussion / Re: Repair on throwing weapons
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:45:25 am »
yes its out of wack for sure.

its just not worth it anymore to throw. odd seeing as even small tribes seem to throw and we cant afford it in game.

just started playing the 2.01 but before the patch i was down to pesant gear shield and axe.

this game is not for the casual player anymore.

you have to grind a bit in no repair gear till you can have enough to use your good.

im a bit new to this game so the haves who put in all the time pre patch hording for this moment rap now and leave the rest in nothing.

there is almost no hope to get out of pesant gear now for some.

General Discussion / Re: The new patch is a breath of fresh air
« on: January 07, 2011, 04:37:11 am »
ill say nothing since criticism is bad and we only want good comments on this patch

no going to happen.

and id help if my sword was not -2k waiting for repairs.

i could use throwing wep oh wait -6k in the hole on that

oh wait ill use a shield..... ah sorry dropped 10 lvl's cant use it yet.

at least i can run around at 24th lvl in pesant gear picking up wep's people drop.

this patch has been all kinds of dick sofar.

get ready for gold farmers all over the place or even guys making truce to run the clock for gold late at night when nobody is watching.

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