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Messages - Sickbartender

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Morpher's charity fest
« on: April 09, 2012, 11:33:00 pm »
I feel like an ass while am asking this but, can i please get 20k  please :D  I owe my firend 10k, and the rest is for shopping :P I understand if u dont wanna give me more money because u alreaddy have given me 50k

I would be very greatfull if you have given me these money :D

ingame name:Draconian_sickbartender7

I have posted 2 offers on stones. one on 20k and one on 100k (incase u are so bored that u would give me 100k :D)

General Discussion / Re: Morpher's charity fest
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:19:58 pm »
Thank You so much!

General Discussion / Re: Morpher's charity fest
« on: April 09, 2012, 04:05:35 pm »
Hello! I Do need 50k for upkeep and for the new uniform. I do only have 4k atm so it would take alot of time to save up.  Can u please help me whit that :D? I have added an offer on marketplace. Stones for 50000. I really need this :D

My char name is :Draconian_Sickbartender7


Pages: [1]