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Messages - tuttiritari

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
General Discussion / Re: LOTTERY 45 MIO GOLD 42 LOOMPOINTS over 60 +3 ITEMS
« on: November 27, 2015, 03:32:48 pm »
4, 17, 12, 8, 14, 49

Getting - in this thread means +  :wink: we have winner already

Downvote the so they wont get support

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Support for being cunt?


EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on Turdcrusher_niluK_the_Meek
« on: September 15, 2015, 01:10:56 pm »
Perhaps, but I won't just stand idle while you and your buttfriend Robin come on cRPG once or twice per month, to troll around and annoy everyone. You think you can just drop in, do shit and have a laugh and giggles while thinking noone cares ?
Even if admins don't care about it I do, when I enter server, I expect it to be a fun place for everyone, to fight, gank and nudge people before you go to work/school/university or anything else, what you two are doing is obnoxious and once you had your "fun" you leave us for probably another multiplayer game where you can mind-rape other human beings.

To you and Robin cRPG is like blow up doll, you blow it, use it and then toss it a side for a while. You two can be ashamed.

 :shock: 14.9.2015 the day when shooting players of enemy team became trolling and annoying. Ok it has always been annoying but not against rules..  :)
EDIT: You think you can just drop in, do shit and have a laugh and giggles while thinking noone cares ?  - That's what video games are for

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request on Turdcrusher_niluK_the_Meek
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:44:48 am »
I admit I've done everything above and I accept the proper punishment, however there was a good reason for doing it since this is the FIRST time I've ever double-spawned, Robin and Tutti started it, and in a matter of few minutes whole server was full of range who camped and abused certain parts of the map, it was annoying and I would do it again if they ever repeat their douchbag behavior.

Also just to mention, I would have try to poll ban them but unfortunately polls were closed.

Umm good reason is that server was full of ranged that were camping? You say abused? Can you tell exactly how we abused as camping in good tactical place is not called abusing? (Also remember flags = not even delaying)

And now you are even saying that if ban polls were not closed you would have tried to ban us for _not breaking rules_? (And would do it again)

I dont want to be offensive but you seriously need a break dude...  :|

EU (Official) / Ban request on Turdcrusher_niluK_the_Meek
« on: September 14, 2015, 06:12:47 pm »
2. Turdcrusher_niluK_the_Meek
3. EU1 19:00
4. Spawned second time after being headshot (nice shot prick)
5. Against rules
6. Screenshot below
7. AmoX, Prick, other players online

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General Discussion / Re: XESTA DUEL GTX NEEDS FUNDS
« on: March 08, 2015, 04:09:06 pm »

EU (Official) / Re: Ban : Darklolz
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:27:01 pm »
saw that happen, algarn did nothing wrong

Saaaame hereeee

General Discussion / Re: once again, again
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:35:31 pm »
ping has gone higher, again; now, i haven't done anything to my connection (afaik), and i'm not asking you to fix it, but please tell me if something happened to the servers (yes on HREs is normal, as it is on every other game), at least i'd know whose fault is. anybody else having connection problem?

Problems here too aaaaand fine on every other game

EDIT: reason for low populated servers yeas/noez?

General Discussion / Re: Nicest Clans
« on: December 08, 2013, 12:59:34 pm »

Closed Requests / Re: Ban polled myself and still banned
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:40:11 pm »
You should be unbanned in about 2 hours.

ok staying home then playing crpg :/

Closed Requests / Ban polled myself and still banned
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:31:01 pm »

Ban polled myself today and as far as i know its 1 hour ban?

Tried to play this evening and still can't join!

Did ironlake permaban me for polling myself or something?

If yes then pls tell me so i can get a job and maybe life !

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