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Messages - Cerce

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:59:13 am »
Hello there, c-RPG!  I am looking for a clan to go into with my next two main characters, which will be coming around shortly.  I am a heavy roleplayer, and would appreciate any type of clan that involves such roleplaying, be it forum based or in game.  I am not in it to win it, but am in it to pass the time, have fun, and create memorable experiences and stories.  I am in central Michigan, and can play any days except Sunday, and can play after about 9:00 PM EST.  My first character will be an archer, and my character that will come after that will be a one hander + shield.  Their names would be Maria Surebow and Cerce Tentones, respectively.  I am not the best fighter, but am simply here to enjoy myself, and would like to know if there are any clans that would welcome me into their ranks.  Thank you for reading, and God bless.

EDIT: You can reach me here on these forums, or on the Tale Worlds forums as Cerce Tentones, or at [email protected]

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