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Messages - Knifebow

Pages: [1]
Faction Halls / Re: [Warriors of the North] casual nordic-themed clan
« on: December 07, 2011, 06:28:34 pm »
'ello, i would like to join your clan.

Age: almost 16

Steam name: [SC-B] Mini

IG-name: Emillian

Level: 18

Specialiesed in: throwing, onehanded and shield.

Armor: everything recomendet, beside the chest. (i like that more, but if nessecary, ill change)

Rating of my own battle skills: 5/10

Reason i want to join: I love nordic tema, and the fact that you are looking at orgenization is awsome, cuase im not the best fighter :)

If anymore Info is needed, plz tell me :)

Faction Halls / How to make a clan?
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:49:44 pm »
me and my friend have been playing c-rpg for awhile now, and we have been thinking of making a clan.
the problem do i make one xD?
do i just go onto the faction hall, and post something, and then place a clan tag infront of my name.
or is there another way to do it?

please help me

Beginner's Help and Guides / How to make a Clan
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:30:10 pm »
me and my friend have been playing c-rpg for awhile now, and we have been thinking of making a clan.
the problem do i make one xD?
do i just go onto the faction hall, and post something, and then place a clan tag infront of my name.
or is there another way to do it?

please help me :)

Pages: [1]