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Messages - ParaGnosis

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: I'm retiring from CRPG
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:25:58 am »
Sadly agree with you. I used to live and breath crpg a year ago. I took a long lay off and came after all these changes. The repair system has completely ruined everything I loved about this game =/ Doesn't look like it'll go away anytime soon either. Oh well good games come and go. More often than not it's when devs dick with aspects they don't think will take much away from gameplay. Fuck you chadz for ruining the best game I ever played :P

Just came back after 10 months or so of not playing. Been playing for a few days and i'm kind of disappointed =/ Mainly with the repair system. The game was a big enough grind to begin with and now i'm grinding just to use gear I grinded forever to buy. I don't know how many of you played pre 'repair' patch but it's not the same. Hoping i'll get used to the new changes but i'm currently disenchanted after only a couple days.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Old account recovery?
« on: November 24, 2011, 06:25:10 pm »
Hmm, I have the original cd-key on another hard drive however the current version of M&B i'm playing is a separate install. I've have quite alot of gear and herilooms on the old account trying to figure out if it's worth saving or not. Believe it was a gen 5 or 6 with full plate, spirited courser, and a loomed heavy lance/bec de corbin. Meh.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Old account recovery?
« on: November 23, 2011, 03:53:45 am »
Who can I talk to about recovering an old account for me?

The user is Para_Gnosis

Pages: [1]