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Messages - Jones

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shiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeet random..u gettin lazy wit dem polls are ye?

yay  :D

hey there! welcome to the Antarian forums xD

sounds good tomas, you're surely missed :)

nice with a clan get-together last night! good to play with ya'll again!

who me? lead? no no no! bad things happen when i lead! we get lost, people die..and suddenly i'm stranded somewhere without any pants...

he guys!

i'm back from the Caribbean and everythin' a bless! havn't seen anyone on steam yet, so i've been playing Diablo 3 all day..text me on steam if ya wanna play crpg!..or D3 xD

well guys! This is it! it's been nice playing with you all but i'm leaving for 3 months, travelling to the US Virgin Islands to live there.

Hopefully i'll see you all again once i'm back, but somehow i doubt you'll all still be playing crpg at that time ;)

been nice knowing ya'll

Cya :)

i'm running the game all maxed out :) pm me on steam :)

haha i'm just wondering, how the frick the gravy ended up in your coffee jar in the first place!?!?

bwahahaha owned! :D

Welcome Hardy ;)

yeah but only the first few times.. after that they realise they can't escape my basement..enough about me, let's talk some more about you :D haha

bwahaha their mouth may yell NO but their eyes say yes! that's how it is huh random? :D

wow sorry to hear about u and the gf dave..shame i don't live in the UK! We could have chased some tail together then!

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