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Messages - Tork789

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: Controls keys reset when I launch CRPG
« on: June 08, 2012, 01:48:52 am »
Aww, that's bad. I also noticed that CRPG uses the game without launching the steam.

cRPG Technical problems / Controls keys reset when I launch CRPG
« on: June 07, 2012, 02:43:41 pm »
So, as you may probably have noticed from the title, every time I laucn CRPG, my control keys reset to default, and if I change them, when I get back to native, they reset there. But if I just leave them as they are, controls in Native will remain as they were and it works backwards as well. How can it be helped? I don't want to change controls every time I launch CRPG and get back to native.

General Discussion / Kazakh set
« on: October 17, 2011, 09:38:44 pm »
Hey guys. Im from Kazakhstan and discovered this kazakh set recently and now I wonder where did they get this design from? I was so amused when I first saw it and now Im curious.

General Discussion / Re: Account problems
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:23:11 pm »
Disregard that.

General Discussion / Re: Account problems
« on: October 17, 2011, 06:02:11 pm »
Try this used it back in the day, I dont know if it works with warband but you can always try.
Dude, I LOST MY OLD GAME and serial key with it and reinstalled the Windows system. This thing is useless for me.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Account problems
« on: October 17, 2011, 05:55:43 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Account problems
« on: October 17, 2011, 05:34:43 pm »
Try using one of these steps before you delete your previous account:,2779.0.html
Im afraid that won't help cus I got my game from retailer in my country and apparently there's no way to recover my serial key, unless I find the actual CD.
I wonder if administration of this mod could give me my serial.

General Discussion / Account problems
« on: October 17, 2011, 04:44:05 pm »
Hey guys, I've got myself into a deep sh*t. And Im not sure Im posting this in the right place, I posted this message in Bug Report thread also, and no one replied, so here it goes. I'll try to explain it as detail as possible.
So I've had an account this spring, which was connected to non-steam version of game. Then summer came and I had to leave for a while, so I didn't use my account all summer.
When I got back I had to reinstall my Windows system and when I tried to install the game, I discovered that somehow I lost it(CD). So I bought a steam version after some time. Now, when I try to login to my old account, it says I have to enter the game first and recieve a digital password in order to identify my account, which is impossible since I have new version of game, beacuse when I try to login with my original account name, which is Tork789, it says someone already owns this account.
I tried to restore my password, and, as you already figured by looking at my nick, it didn't help much so I had to create new account to be able to post here.
Now Im getting to the point: can I get my account back? Or at least could you guys delete it so I could create new one with my original nicknname. Yeah, it would be a shame to lose my character and all it's progress, but hey, at least I will get my nickname back. Thank you for your attention.

cRPG Technical problems / Account problems
« on: October 16, 2011, 04:11:00 pm »
Hey guys, I've got myself into a deep sh*t. And Im not sure Im posting this in the right place, but here it goes. I'll try to explain it as detail as possible.
Okay, so I've had an account this spring, which was connected to non-steam version of game. Then summer came and I had to leave for a while, so I didn't use my account all summer.
When I got back I had to reinstall my Windows system and when I tried to install the game, I discovered that somehow I lost it(CD). So I bought a steam version after some time. Now, when I try to login to my old account, it says I have to enter the game first and recieve a digital password in order to identify my account, which is impossible since I have new version of game, beacuse when I try to login with my original account name, which is Tork789, it says someone already owns this account.
I tried to restore my password, and, as you already figured by looking at my nick, it didn't help much so I had to create new account to be able to post here.
Now Im getting to the point: can I get my account back? Or at least could you guys delete it so I could create new one with my original nicknname. Yeah, it would be a shame to lose my character and all it's progress, but hey, at least I will get my nickname back. Thank you for your attention.

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