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Messages - Raindorps

Pages: [1]
Closed Requests / [Ban request] SoW_Dreadson
« on: October 20, 2011, 03:53:44 am »
After I hit him on accident during siege he started attacking me ending up getting TKed by him, after I respawned I said "So many butthurt people that TK", and as soon as I walked beside him, he started attacking me:

He started attacking me here:
(click to show/hide)

I tried to defend myself:
(click to show/hide)

I started backpedalling to try and get away from him, I didn't turn my camera away to see if he would chase me:
(click to show/hide)

After an enemy came up from behind me, he ignored the enemy and killed me:
(click to show/hide)

Before that, he was in the attackers and I was defenders, I was spamming him and then he got a hit in and killed me, and shit talked me, I answered back in a friendly way, but I think he ignored me.


Edit: Fixed typos. (some of them)

Both me and ManO were pretty much bored to death after several minute-and-a-half duels, so we weren't exactly playing at our best for that fight.

(This is why native fastest duel is about a million times better than crpg duel. You almost never see a duel that lasts more than thirty seconds, and most end in under fifteen seconds)
Can someone post Rhade vs Leonidas?
Quality duels there. A little bit too feinty but insane with fastest.

EDIT: Forgot Leonidas was a backpeddaler lol.

They jelly cus they don hav a eu dueling vid
yu can si eet in evry of their posts

Strategus General Discussion / Re: THANKS GORETOOTH
« on: October 16, 2011, 09:30:10 pm »
Glorious victory Goretooth, I witnessed.

Closed Requests / Unban request ILESI_Mttaco
« on: October 12, 2011, 01:32:18 am »
I already sent a PM to Earthdforce explaining the situation, but since it's all in the pics, I can actually post a thread.

Yes, I did TK Bushido, twice, actually, but it was not because I just wanted to, it was because he made me and another teammate kill ourselves by destroying the ladder. He even said, I started attacking him on the ladder leading to the flag, as he was attacking it, you can actually see the ladder in the first 3 pics, in the 4th pic I got a hit in because he turned around to finish destroying it, that's why it's not in the 5th pic. He then continued backpedalling into the corner where I killed him. Before that, I kicked him off the ladder, I saw him coming up behind me, and I just standed in the ladder's end, then I saw him swinging down attacking it and I ran and kicked him.


Modify: I got a response from Earthdforce, 4 hours left on my ban, whatever, just wanted to point out that my TKing had a reason: he was destroying ladders to kill teammates. That's all.

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