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Messages - Chort

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How to uninstall
Firefox: rightclick on greasemonkey icon (monkey face) -> manage user scripts -> select script -> press "Remove"
Chrome: Menu -> Tools -> Extensions -> remove script

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fixed collision meshes
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:31:02 am »
It would be nice to reduce the number of faces as much as possible. Collision meshes is used to detect collision on CPU, which is slower then GPU. There is a lot of factor that may affect to performance. It need to find a balance between face count and perfomance. At least remove some useless faces.

P.S. just a thought...

It would be awesome if we could see our clan members' status (work, recruiting, goddamn nothing) and their locations in faction section...

In its current manner, it's too exhausting to try to monitor and manage 50 people  :cry:

Unfortunately, there is no any good way to get this information. Server side issue...

P.S. minor update of character page info : added missed images for new items -

Suggestions Corner / Re: Wakizashi 2h Secondary mode
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:19:38 pm »
I want 2h mode for Practice Dagger! 2h mode for everything!!!

minor update :
- messed background image

minor update - (crome only -

+ added gold column for persons scurrying around (faction members only)
- fixed number of items for more than 1000 items...

Announcements / Re: Bugtracker, Coders
« on: December 31, 2011, 05:14:13 pm »
Link to it: - you have to register.

What? No read-only permissions???

Announcements / Re: cRPG is looking for help! [php coder]
« on: December 28, 2011, 07:08:56 pm »
Won't work, everyone knows that EU coders are waaaaay better.
There is not NA coders, all NA coders came from EU...  :P

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Both Sarranid helmets and bear meat are highlighted.  At one point I was crafting them both, even though I had just selected the bear meat.  I had to go through the IE9 browser to stop the helmets from being crafted.  By having the helmets stay highlighted it can be confusing to tell which items you are currently producing.

Bad news - it's not a bug. It's default behavior of all popular browser - they highlight any link that you have clicked ( saved in browser history ). Some pages hide highlighting manually...

P.S. Yep, I'm working in a support team sometime...

there is a problem deselecting a crafting item.  I have 2 items selected.  I want to deselect one but it still stays highlighted, meaning I am still crafting it.

What does "I have 2 items selected" mean? List of items to craft doesn't contains checkbox/radiobox/etc. That just a list of links. Do you mean that links change color after your selection?

OK, new update for fief transfer

cRPG Strategus Character Page -

P.S. It works for me...

em... it's map script

Because of latest "fixes" of strategus, I don't see battle-rosters of my faction and I can't test or fix it. It would be grade if you upload your patch.

P.S. It popular problem with strategus HTML - broken DOM, lost end tags, W3C validation errors.

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