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Messages - scheel

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / Re: ALL loose connection
« on: March 19, 2012, 12:34:07 pm »
Yeah, got that too. After being disconnected it takes like 30 seconds for the servers to show up again.

General Discussion / Re: My first cRPG video
« on: March 03, 2012, 04:30:04 am »
Alright, uhm, i made one too. This thread's topic fits my purposes perfectly, so here you go - its basically just a video of me having fun in crpg/native.
I really enjoy this game and i want other people to try it out too!

General Discussion / Re: So I made this sound mod... It's fucking bullshit!
« on: February 21, 2012, 08:54:40 pm »  you need to implement this dezi, id pay to hear archers make this sound while shooting

Ahahahaha xD I would LOVE that

General Off Topic / Re: Great New Warband vid
« on: February 20, 2012, 09:59:15 pm »
Awesome intro, and some pretty nice duels. Sadly, after a while it gets kinda repetitive watching only 2handers fight - i would really like to see a crpg-based video combined with your impressive editing skills!

Single Threading helped me with those freeze issues, but only for a day - now its back, even though i didnt change anything... crap.

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