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Messages - Mitsu1988

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: [Fief Defense] 62 Signups - 34 Show Up
« on: October 28, 2011, 05:04:59 pm »
Why limit the number of people able to play in defense of a neutral village?  It's the only chance most non-clan members will get to play in a strat battle.  It's exclusionary to do so.  It's up to the clans to make sure they have enough warm bodies show up.  Shame on them for trying to take villages with 15 people.  They need to hire mercs too if they don't have enough people.

From what I've seen, the attackers usually win, even if they are outnumbered in the live player area.

I actually agree with this. The defenders might have more people, but they also need more people. The way I see it attackers will be getting better gear in time while the defenders remain the same. Also there are always people wasting tickets on defenders side. A good clan doesnt have this problem, so I don't understand why people are saying the attackers need more or the same amount of slots as the defenders. It would be nice to have all your clannies attacking ofcourse i can understand that. Maybe a solution would be to make the amount of slots available for attackers bigger, and also for the defenders. But then small clans would have to hire mercs for real to be able to stand a chance, which isn't a bad thing, since their fiefs can be divided among fewer people too.

Hope to be of service to anyone ;)

My characters name is LadyMorgana, but my real name is Alex, im 23 years old. Im from Holland and I can mostly understand german and speak it at a certain level aswell.
I'm a 1h shielder and I play mostly Siege. Met a few people from your army and they seem like nice people that know their way around this game. I'm fairly new my char is about to retire. Will be a shielder again.
I won't even try saying i'm the best since that would be far from the truth, but I'm willing to learn and I'm far from useless in a fight. Can use all the apropriate voicechatprograms and have a mic.

Looking forward to playing with you guys again soon and hopefully then as part of your crew!

Long read i know  :oops:

Faction Halls / Close
« on: October 25, 2011, 02:21:45 pm »
Hey all,

my name is Alex, I'm 23 yo and I'm looking for a clan for either my current character LadyMorgana or for the baby in my belly who will soon be born into a great warrior! Currently lvl 29 1h shielder and i like shielding.
Im from Holland. Can speak Dutch and English fluently and average german. My french is horrible and my turkish and spanish is restricted to swearwords. >.<

I do have a Mic and I can log any TS, Vent, raidcall, prolly skype too. What i dont have is steam.

Im EU based obviously, but my ping isn't horrible in NA.

Hoping a nice bunch of people will accept me!

Kind regards,


Edit: Found a nice clan in which i'm now a recruit! Thx for everyone that showed interest in me have a good game!


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